I have had this idea for a while now, namely to have a mock government on AG. On this thread, players will propose, debate, and ultimately vote on resolutions put forth by other members of the "Congress." I need 12 members to start, and the number will be allowed to increase by a 2/3 majority of the current government. I will be the Chair for this government. All actions done in this game shall follow Robert's Rules of Order.
If you wish to play, just call "resent." I will close the roll after 12 users sign up, and then proposition of resolutions may commence.
Users of Armor Games, the current vote is 6 "aye," 2 "nay." As there are 11 current members of this Assembly, the motion passes, and we may commence orders of business.
Resolutions presented may be about literally everything, whether or not to adopt strawberry as our official ice cream flavor, or who we want to endorse for President of the United States.
Something has recently come to my attention. While trying to re-integrate back into society, long story, Cenere has "enlightened" me on an issue. As you know, we are in a game based on running a government and voting on issues. Yet what government do we even have? I'm sure everyone can understand where I am going with this.
(Dunno how strict/literal we need to be on the rules, so I'll just be extra careful...)
If needed:
Mr. President, permission to approach the well?
If not needed:
History has shown that the strongest governments have all been Oligarchian Consulates. After all, look at the successes by the Roman Empire. Such success clearly has its roots in the foundations of the ruling body. After all, while the President of this assembly does control the pomp and circumstance of our relations, I submit that he does not have true authority to approve or dissapprove of legislation that we have passed. Before we begin, we must decide now upon a true leader of this body, so that we might carry our business in the most useful and practical manner possible, so as to better benefit all those affected by our communal descicions.
Mr. Maverick4, I am not a voting member per say of this group. The only occasion during which I would vote would be if there were an even tie, and I would provide the tiebreak. I am simply here to maintain the order and proper processes of the Assembly. I am what is the equivalent of the Vice President to the Senate, it is an obligation that I fulfill. I am allowed to submit legislation, I am allowed to recognize or not recognize speakers (although it is an obligation to recognize the first to ask), and I am allowed to deem motions and speakers out of order. Should you wish to limit my powers, I suggest you draft a constitution for this body.
Mr. Maverick, I realize that this is your first "speech" to the Assembly. However in the future, please hold your words until I may recognize you. Santi_ still has the floor.
It is fine, I respect all opinions. Maverick4 was just emphasizing my point about a type of government. We need to establish a governmental body, in which we know who and or what to base our topics on. Or at least the general idea. I personally believe that we should make a government where most of the power resides with us.