I have had this idea for a while now, namely to have a mock government on AG. On this thread, players will propose, debate, and ultimately vote on resolutions put forth by other members of the "Congress." I need 12 members to start, and the number will be allowed to increase by a 2/3 majority of the current government. I will be the Chair for this government. All actions done in this game shall follow Robert's Rules of Order.
If you wish to play, just call "resent." I will close the roll after 12 users sign up, and then proposition of resolutions may commence.
I called it because I wanted to prevent the game from going into a standstill whenever some noew player wanted to join. I figured that if they wanted to join, then we might as well set up channels to allow them to join without interrupting the game. that is why I called for the last two motions.
Sorry if this isn't right; I do mock congress for debate, and you can just call out motions on legislation if theres a decent lull in the conversation.
If not, I ask for the floor, and make the same motion.
Maverick, your motion is accepted. If there is a second then all voting on the previous motion shall be stopped, and a vote will be taken on this motion.
As Mort_Kawasaki has dropped out of the Assembly, I am making the decision that masterofexitpath may join us. Should anyone wish to make an objection, they have until 4:00 Wednesday afternoon, or my decision shall become final.