I have had this idea for a while now, namely to have a mock government on AG. On this thread, players will propose, debate, and ultimately vote on resolutions put forth by other members of the "Congress." I need 12 members to start, and the number will be allowed to increase by a 2/3 majority of the current government. I will be the Chair for this government. All actions done in this game shall follow Robert's Rules of Order.
If you wish to play, just call "resent." I will close the roll after 12 users sign up, and then proposition of resolutions may commence.
Unfortunately, the voting on both motions has become obsolete, and if there are no objections, than both masterofexitpath and killersup10 shall become members of this Assembly.
Maverick, you motion is accepted. I am going to require a 7 member majority of the 10 people we have in this Assembly currently. This means that killersup10 and masterofexitpath are barred from voting on this motion.
In order to save time, I will propose a few rule changes until we may have a drafted constitution:
1) Recognition is no longer needed, and motions/resolutions shall be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
2) All motions shall be put to a vote immediately, unless ruled on as improper by the chair. No more seconding shall be required, unless notified by the Chair.
3) If a second is required, it shall be assumed that the one who seconds the motion, and the one who puts forth the motion shall vote in favor of said motion.
These need a 7 member vote as well to take effect.