ForumsForum GamesRealm of Orynx, The Mad God: Freedom

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1,023 posts

I've been in the forum games for quite some time but I never hosted so any comments or suggestions are welcome. This is kind of long so please be patient and read it all. I'm also accepting only 2 testers then when it goes smoothly I'll open it to 5 members (including the testers).

The Tale of Nexus
The Realm of The Mad God has always been in chaos. His most chaotic creatures were The Ent Ancients, Liches, Cube Gods, Oasis Giants, Cyclops Lords, The Stone Guardian and the most chaotic of them all was The Grand Sphinx. The lesser creatures fought among themselves to gain land and protection from Orynx but these so called sanctuaries were destroyed. The chaos continued on for centuries until the humans found a crystal with enough power to be well hidden and protected from Orynx, they called this place Nexus. Nexus grew and prospered filled with joyous human lives, they were safe inside but some people still wanted to be free, not just encased inside the Sanctuary.Many soldiers tried to defeat The Mad God and his minions but they never came back. Can you be the one who can finally bring peace to this realm?

Plot: You were born in the Nexus, you lived happily then trained to be a soldier, you plan to be one of those who will bring Orynx down. You know that many dangers, perils and problems are ahead of you. Though many rewards will be given when you finally defeat The Mad God and his servants. I challenge you to free the humans and other creatures from the grasp of Orynx.

Character Sheet:
/Basic Info/
Name: (Be imaginative)
Age: (How old your character is. 18-50 only)
Gender: (Male or Female)
Appearance: (How your character looks like)
Personality: (How your character behaves like)
Bio.: (A short summary of your character's life in the Nexus)
Trait: (Advantage for your character, I will get it from Bio)
/Class and Guild/
Class: (See below)
Class Perk: (See below)
Guild: (Group of people you're allies with)
Guild Rank: (You're power in the guild)
Guild Members: (Real players in your guild)
Guild Enemies: (Enemies of your guild)

/Inventory, Armor and Weapons/
Inventory: Water Ration (5), Food Ration (3)
-Helmet: None
-Chest: None
-Gloves: None
-Greaves: None

/Health and Magic Status/
Total Health:
Total Magic:

Active Skills: Basic Attack,
Passive Skills:

/Pets and Mounts/
Pet Ranch:
Mount Ranch:

Difficulty: (Easy, Medium, Hard)
Multiplayer: (On or Off)



/Melee Classes/

Warrior: The warrior wears strong armor and uses his battle cry to inspire his allies in battle.

Upgraded Warrior Classes:

Knight: The knight fights at close range, wears heavy armor, and uses his shield to stun enemies.

Paladin: The Paladin can deal damage at close range, wear armor and heal himself and his allies.
Rogue: The rogue relies on his speed and stealth ability to deal damage at close range while avoiding attacks.

Upgraded Rogue Classes:

Assassin: The assassin fights from a close range and uses poison to damage his enemies over time.

Trickster: The trickster fights with a dagger while using his magical prism to distract enemies.

/Ranged Classes/

Archer: The archer has a long-range attack with a special that is a single concentrated powerful arrow. The archer is a nimble class and shoots in quick succession.

Upgraded Archer Classes

Hunter: The hunter uses arrows and traps to defeat his enemies.

Gunslinger: The gunslinger uses guns and a special bullet against his enemies.

/Magic Classes/

Wizard: The wizard deals damage from a long distance and blasts enemies with powerful spells.

Upgraded Wizard Classes

Sorcerer: The sorcerer can attack from the longest range with a wand, and he uses his scepter to fire blasts of chain lightning at his enemies.

Warlock: The warlock holds his staff in one hand and his elemental crystal in the other.
Priest: Priest attacks have the longest range and can use their special power to heal themselves and their allies, allowing them to have one of the highest survivability of any class.

Upgraded Priest Classes

Necromancer: The necromancer drains life from his enemies to heal himself and his allies.

Mystic: The mystic fights with a staff and uses his crystal ball to blind enemies.

Battle System

Ambushes is like a daily occasion when you're not in the Nexus or in human settlements. So you will have a lot of practice even before you battle the quest monster. In this RPG, you tell your attacks specifically. Not just "I stab the monster" more like "I ready my dagger and dash towards the Hobbit Archer trying to dodge his arrows, when I finally reach him I slice his thigh and then stab him in the gut." The more specific your attacks are the more chance it will succeed.

Quest System

Quests are usually found in taverns or barracks, some quests are short, taking about a day to travel there, a day to kill the monster and a day to travel back. If you have a mount you could complete it in a day. Some story or class upgrade quests usually take two or more weeks, with or without a mount. You get rewards after every quest.

Class Upgrade System

Class officials are found in the barracks. Every month they recruit warriors if knight or paladin, archers if hunter and gunslinger and etc. You are supposed to send a resume of basic information about you then they will search for your name in quest lists. If all or most of your quests succeeded then they will tell you to come back to the barracks after a week for a test. If you finish the Class Upgrade Quest you get to upgrade your class.

Guild System

If you find a guild by accident (finding a lost guild member in the forest) or you could find them by asking people for clues to the location of their hideouts. If you help them enough and raise your relationship with them they might ask you to join them. You should do guild quests or help guild members out to raise your rank, you can only be the leader if you have the second highest position then the guild master dies.

Death System

When you die you get to create a new character and to get your dead character's weapons and armor you need to steal from their grave or give the grave keepers a signed permit to confirm that you are your dead character's child or friend to pass the items on by will.


  • 29 Replies
5,340 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Age: 18
Gender: male
Appearance: short, thin, long black hair, black eyes
Personality: nice, quiet, friendly, shy, naive.
Bio.: even though he was always nice to people around him he somehow was always different and never bonded with them. he befriended many animals though and spent most of his time just wandering and practicing magic. he hopes to find some friends.
/Class and Guild/
Class: wizard
Class Perk: idk what to put here
Guild Rank:
Guild Members:
Guild Enemies:
/Inventory, Armor and Weapons/
Inventory: Water Ration (5), Food Ration (3)
-Helmet: None
-Chest: None
-Gloves: None
-Greaves: None
/Health and Magic Status/
Total Health:
Total Magic:
Active Skills: Basic Attack,
Passive Skills:
/Pets and Mounts/
Pet Ranch:
Mount Ranch:
Difficulty: medium
Multiplayer: on

ok. i think this is a great idea but bef careful espacially since your new. you made a complicated game and older people with simpler games stopped their games (i only played one game that actually had an ending).

now for my tips:

the story is great but i think you gave too much information. the fact the character was trained already controlls an action and a part of his personality which might drive some people away (it almost drew me away but then i noticed this is an experiment). same goes with the goal. some might want to be bad, some might want to just freely play.

the sheet:

maybe im slow or stupid but i couldnt understand what im supposed to put in the class perk part. i also think that maybe you forgot to add the things you wanted in the weapons section? you should also work on the stats. im not sure what each does. unless a persons attack power comes from his weapon only then its ok to have no strength stat but it might be more difficult for you because you will have to keep track of almost every single weapon in the game. also, is this a turn based game? if it is then you have to add a speed stat. if its not id recommend add a reaction stat (or something like that) because if you dont you really have no basis for ambushes, surprise attacks, and an outcome of colliding actions.

i also think you should take off the difficulty and multiplayer parts and decide on your own for how the game works for everybody. i think it will be more comfortable for you and the players. and if you do decide to make it multiplayer make sure you explain how it works. one of the things ive noticed is that while i consider reading other peoples stories and sheets cheating some do it because its just fun and not to cheat. are we allowed to read other stories? is it necessairy for us to read other stories to understand the main story or can we just follow our own story as if we are actually the characters themselves?

i personally dont like the class upgrade system but this is just my opinion and there is nothing wrong with that. i also suggest you give more information about each clas and upgrade (for example: right now nobody will know what a warlock does because we havnt played yet).

sorry for this long comment. hope i can be of help.

oh and one more thing (lol sorry). i think you should let 5 people to join (for every class so you can see the difference of play style) or at least 3 if you dont want to get more specific.

1,023 posts

You're right Blurabbit. Thanks for the tips and next time I'll try to make it simpler. I'm also sorry for anyone who wants to play but I will just do this next time. Anyway the Class Upgrade wasn't mandatory. Sorry all, I thought I could do a complex game at first.

1,211 posts

/Basic Info/
Name: Mort Kawasaki
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Appearance: [this'll come later]
Personality: [same here]
Bio.: You were born in the Nexus, you lived happily then trained to be an archer, you plan to be one of those who will bring Orynx down. You know that many dangers, perils and problems are ahead of you. Though many rewards will be given when you finally defeat The Mad God and his servants.
Trait: [Shouldn't this be italics?]
/Class and Guild/
Class: Archer
Class Perk: [?]
Guild Rank:
Guild Members:
Guild Enemies:
/Inventory, Armor and Weapons/
Inventory: Water Ration (5), Food Ration (3)
-Helmet: None
-Chest: None
-Gloves: None
-Greaves: None
/Health and Magic Status/
Total Health:
Total Magic:
Active Skills: Basic Attack,
Passive Skills:
/Pets and Mounts/
Pet Ranch:
Mount Ranch:
Difficulty: Easy
Multiplayer: On

5,340 posts

no thats not what i meant!!! dont drop this game. just think about it more, write it down on paper and try to make sure all the holes are filled. or you can also make it simpler. dont stop its a great idea

1,023 posts

New Story, Character Sheet and Plot

Character Sheet
The Tale of Nexus
The Realm of The Mad God has always been in chaos. His most chaotic creatures were The Ent Ancients, Liches, Cube Gods, Oasis Giants, Cyclops Lords, The Stone Guardian and the most chaotic of them all was The Grand Sphinx. The lesser creatures fought among themselves to gain land and protection from Orynx but these so called sanctuaries were destroyed. The chaos continued on for centuries until the humans found a crystal with enough power to be well hidden and protected from Orynx, they called this place Nexus. Nexus grew and prospered filled with joyous human lives, they were safe inside but some people still wanted to be free, not just encased inside the Sanctuary. Many soldiers tried to defeat The Mad God and his minions but they never came back. Then, betrayals started humans turned on each other killing each other. These humans were casted out of this realm, then they found Orynx and his minions serving them. These humans that betrayed Nexus became evil and powerful filled with power, destroying anyone who dares to trespass in Orynx's territory. Can you be the one who can finally bring peace to this realm? Or will you help Orynx take control of Nexus and destroy the final hope of the humans?

Plot: You were born in the Nexus, you lived happily then trained to be a soldier, you plan to be one of those who will bring Orynx down or help him take more power. You know that many dangers, perils and problems are ahead of you. Though many rewards will be given when you do various tasks and quests for your leader. I challenge you to do what you think is right!

Trait: (I will get from your Bio)
Attribute Points: 40 (You get more attribute points after every quest)
Strength: (Decides if you;re strong enough to lift something, this is also for stronger melee attacks.)
Reaction: (Decides if you could parry or block an attack in battle, this is also for stronger ranged attacks.)
Wisdom: (How fast you can survey the battle and learn things, this is also for magic attacks)
Defense: (More of these the less damage you take)
Speed: (How fast you can travel to a place and another, this also helps the reaction stat)
Vitality: (How fast your injuries and wounds heal with out potions or medecine and how immune you are to sickness.)
Class: (See in main post)
Class Perk: (I add)
Guild: None
Guild Rank: None
Guild Members: None
Guild Enemies: None
Inventory: Health Potion (5), Magic Potion (3)
Total Health: (Depends on class)
Injuries: None
Diseases: None
Total Magic: (Depends on class)
Enhancements: None

The Tale of Nexus
The Realm of The Mad God has always been in chaos. His most chaotic creatures were The Ent Ancients, Liches, Cube Gods, Oasis Giants, Cyclops Lords, The Stone Guardian and the most chaotic of them all was The Grand Sphinx. The lesser creatures fought among themselves to gain land and protection from Orynx but these so called sanctuaries were destroyed. The chaos continued on for centuries until the humans found a crystal with enough power to be well hidden and protected from Orynx, they called this place Nexus. Nexus grew and prospered filled with joyous human lives, they were safe inside but some people still wanted to be free, not just encased inside the Sanctuary. Many soldiers tried to defeat The Mad God and his minions but they never came back. Then, betrayals started humans turned on each other killing each other. These humans were casted out of this realm, then they found Orynx and his minions serving them. These humans that betrayed Nexus became evil and powerful filled with power, destroying anyone who dares to trespass in Orynx's territory. Can you be the one who can finally bring peace to this realm? Or will you help Orynx take control of Nexus and destroy the final hope of the humans?

Plot: You were born in the Nexus, you lived happily then trained to be a soldier, you plan to be one of those who will bring Orynx down or help him take more power. You know that many dangers, perils and problems are ahead of you. Though many rewards will be given when you do various tasks and quests for your leader. I challenge you to do what you think is right!

Name: Blue Wings
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, Thin, Long black hair, Black eyes
Personality: Nice, Quiet, Friendly, Shy, Naive
Bio.: Even though he was always nice to people around him he somehow was always different and never bonded with them. He befriended many animals though and spent most of his time just wandering and practicing magic. He hopes to find some friends.
Traveler: You know your way around and shortcuts to make your travels and quests faster. (Minus half a day in traveling)
Animal Bond: You have been playing and helping animals for your life. (Less chance of wild animals attacking you)
Attribute Points: 40 (You get more attribute points after every quest)
Strength: (Decides if you;re strong enough to lift something, this is also for stronger melee attacks.)
Reaction: (Decides if you could parry or block an attack in battle, this is also for stronger ranged attacks.)
Wisdom: (How fast you can survey the battle and learn things, this is also for magic attacks)
Defense: (More of these the less damage you take)
Speed: (How fast you can travel to a place and another, this also helps the reaction stat)
Vitality: (How fast your injuries and wounds heal with out potions or medecine and how immune you are to sickness.)
Class: Wizard
Class Perk:
Wise: Your kind quickly learns new skills, quickly solves problems and survey battles. (50% less time to learn a new skill, immediate description of your surroundings in battle.)
Guild Rank:
Guild Members:
Guild Enemies:
Inventory: Health Potion (5), Magic Potion (3)
Armor: Simple Apprentice Robes, Wizard Hat
Weapons: Staff
Total Health: 150/150
Injuries: None
Diseases: None
Total Magic: 200/200
Enhancements: None
Skills: Flame Burst Spell

You could read other's stories (Because that's what I do too)
Battles are real time action and have to be quick on what you decide, your reaction stat helps you to get your actions or attacks to succeed.
You can always free play and go out of the story anytime.
If you ever get in a relationship with an NPC I will add a romance section just for you.
Fists are also your most basic weapon though I won't add it in because it's obvious.
I hope this is simpler for you guys and I will continue this.

5,340 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, Thin, Long black hair, Black eyes
Personality: Nice, Quiet, Friendly, Shy, Naive
Bio.: Even though he was always nice to people around him he somehow was always different and never bonded with them. He befriended many animals though and spent most of his time just wandering and practicing magic. He hopes to find some friends.
Traveler: You know your way around and shortcuts to make your travels and quests faster. (Minus half a day in traveling)
Animal Bond: You have been playing and helping animals for your life. (Less chance of wild animals attacking you)
Attribute Points: 40 (You get more attribute points after every quest)
Strength: (Decides if you;re strong enough to lift something, this is also for stronger melee attacks.)
Reaction: (Decides if you could parry or block an attack in battle, this is also for stronger ranged attacks.)
Wisdom: (How fast you can survey the battle and learn things, this is also for magic attacks)
Defense: (More of these the less damage you take)
Speed: (How fast you can travel to a place and another, this also helps the reaction stat)
Vitality: (How fast your injuries and wounds heal with out potions or medecine and how immune you are to sickness.)
Class: Wizard
Class Perk:
Wise: Your kind quickly learns new skills, quickly solves problems and survey battles. (50% less time to learn a new skill, immediate description of your surroundings in battle.)
Guild Rank:
Guild Members:
Guild Enemies:
Inventory: Health Potion (5), Magic Potion (3)
Armor: Simple Apprentice Robes, Wizard Hat
Weapons: Staff
Total Health: 150/150
Injuries: None
Diseases: None
Total Magic: 200/200
Enhancements: None
Skills: Flame Burst Spell

this one is much better. again, unless everyone in the city HAS to be trained to be warriors you shouldnt decide on what we did.

also, do i have magics already? is it my skills? i dont see mana there so im guessing not.

and a tip. the game is nice but it pretty much has no story, only a background. i (my personall opinion, someone will disagree) hope that it wont be like the game.

1,023 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, Thin, Long black hair, Black eyes
Personality: Nice, Quiet, Friendly, Shy, Naive
Bio.: Even though he was always nice to people around him he somehow was always different and never bonded with them. He befriended many animals though and spent most of his time just wandering and practicing magic. He hopes to find some friends.
Traveler: You know your way around and shortcuts to make your travels and quests faster. (Minus half a day in traveling)
Animal Bond: You have been playing and helping animals for your life. (Less chance of wild animals attacking you)
Attribute Points: 40 (You get more attribute points after every quest)
Strength: (Decides if you;re strong enough to lift something, this is also for stronger melee attacks.)
Reaction: (Decides if you could parry or block an attack in battle, this is also for stronger ranged attacks.)
Wisdom: (How fast you can survey the battle and learn things, this is also for magic attacks)
Defense: (More of these the less damage you take)
Speed: (How fast you can travel to a place and another, this also helps the reaction stat)
Vitality: (How fast your injuries and wounds heal with out potions or medecine and how immune you are to sickness.)
Class: Wizard
Class Perk:
Wise: Your kind quickly learns new skills, quickly solves problems and survey battles. (50% less time to learn a new skill, immediate description of your surroundings in battle.)
Guild Rank:
Guild Members:
Guild Enemies:
Inventory: Health Potion (5), Magic Potion (3)
Armor: Simple Apprentice Robes, Wizard Hat
Weapons: Staff
Total Health: 150/150
Injuries: None
Diseases: None
Total Magic: 200/200
Enhancements: None
Skills: Flame Burst Spell

Skills are your spells and stuff, magic is your mana, I also don't get your first sentence. I didn't understand the "you shoudln't decide on what we did" part what did you do?

5,340 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, Thin, Long black hair, Black eyes
Personality: Nice, Quiet, Friendly, Shy, Naive
Bio.: Even though he was always nice to people around him he somehow was always different and never bonded with them. He befriended many animals though and spent most of his time just wandering and practicing magic. He hopes to find some friends.
Traveler: You know your way around and shortcuts to make your travels and quests faster. (Minus half a day in traveling)
Animal Bond: You have been playing and helping animals for your life. (Less chance of wild animals attacking you)
Attribute Points: 40 (You get more attribute points after every quest)
Strength: (Decides if you;re strong enough to lift something, this is also for stronger melee attacks.)
Reaction: (Decides if you could parry or block an attack in battle, this is also for stronger ranged attacks.)
Wisdom: (How fast you can survey the battle and learn things, this is also for magic attacks)
Defense: (More of these the less damage you take)
Speed: (How fast you can travel to a place and another, this also helps the reaction stat)
Vitality: (How fast your injuries and wounds heal with out potions or medecine and how immune you are to sickness.)
Class: Wizard
Class Perk:
Wise: Your kind quickly learns new skills, quickly solves problems and survey battles. (50% less time to learn a new skill, immediate description of your surroundings in battle.)
Guild Rank:
Guild Members:
Guild Enemies:
Inventory: Health Potion (5), Magic Potion (3)
Armor: Simple Apprentice Robes, Wizard Hat
Weapons: Staff
Total Health: 150/150
Injuries: None
Diseases: None
Total Magic: 200/200
Enhancements: None
Skills: Flame Burst Spell

well take me for example. i personally dont like war, violence etc. so i wouldnt want to train to be a soldier/warrior. still, your story says that the character trained to be a warrior.

and even though you put the MY mana you didnt say how much mana magic costs (in this case flame burst spell).

1,023 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, Thin, Long black hair, Black eyes
Personality: Nice, Quiet, Friendly, Shy, Naive
Bio.: Even though he was always nice to people around him he somehow was always different and never bonded with them. He befriended many animals though and spent most of his time just wandering and practicing magic. He hopes to find some friends.
Traveler: You know your way around and shortcuts to make your travels and quests faster. (Minus half a day in traveling)
Animal Bond: You have been playing and helping animals for your life. (Less chance of wild animals attacking you)
Attribute Points: 40 (You get more attribute points after every quest)
Strength: (Decides if you;re strong enough to lift something, this is also for stronger melee attacks.)
Reaction: (Decides if you could parry or block an attack in battle, this is also for stronger ranged attacks.)
Wisdom: (How fast you can survey the battle and learn things, this is also for magic attacks)
Defense: (More of these the less damage you take)
Speed: (How fast you can travel to a place and another, this also helps the reaction stat)
Vitality: (How fast your injuries and wounds heal with out potions or medecine and how immune you are to sickness.)
Class: Wizard
Class Perk:
Wise: Your kind quickly learns new skills, quickly solves problems and survey battles. (50% less time to learn a new skill, immediate description of your surroundings in battle.)
Guild Rank:
Guild Members:
Guild Enemies:
Inventory: Health Potion (5), Magic Potion (3)
Armor: Simple Apprentice Robes, Wizard Hat
Weapons: Staff
Total Health: 150/150
Injuries: None
Diseases: None
Total Magic: 200/200
Enhancements: None
Skills: Flame Burst Spell (50 Magic)

You were just trained to be a warrior. Doesn't necessarily mean you need to go to war. It just teaches you basic combat skills to help you in life.

5,340 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, Thin, Long black hair, Black eyes
Personality: Nice, Quiet, Friendly, Shy, Naive
Bio.: Even though he was always nice to people around him he somehow was always different and never bonded with them. He befriended many animals though and spent most of his time just wandering and practicing magic. He hopes to find some friends.
Traveler: You know your way around and shortcuts to make your travels and quests faster. (Minus half a day in traveling)
Animal Bond: You have been playing and helping animals for your life. (Less chance of wild animals attacking you)
Attribute Points: 40 (You get more attribute points after every quest)
Strength: (Decides if you;re strong enough to lift something, this is also for stronger melee attacks.)
Reaction: (Decides if you could parry or block an attack in battle, this is also for stronger ranged attacks.)
Wisdom: (How fast you can survey the battle and learn things, this is also for magic attacks)
Defense: (More of these the less damage you take)
Speed: (How fast you can travel to a place and another, this also helps the reaction stat)
Vitality: (How fast your injuries and wounds heal with out potions or medecine and how immune you are to sickness.)
Class: Wizard
Class Perk:
Wise: Your kind quickly learns new skills, quickly solves problems and survey battles. (50% less time to learn a new skill, immediate description of your surroundings in battle.)
Guild Rank:
Guild Members:
Guild Enemies:
Inventory: Health Potion (5), Magic Potion (3)
Armor: Simple Apprentice Robes, Wizard Hat
Weapons: Staff
Total Health: 150/150
Injuries: None
Diseases: None
Total Magic: 200/200
Enhancements: None
Skills: Flame Burst Spell (50 Magic)

well ok

5,340 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, Thin, Long black hair, Black eyes
Personality: Nice, Quiet, Friendly, Shy, Naive
Bio.: Even though he was always nice to people around him he somehow was always different and never bonded with them. He befriended many animals though and spent most of his time just wandering and practicing magic. He hopes to find some friends.
Traveler: You know your way around and shortcuts to make your travels and quests faster. (Minus half a day in traveling)
Animal Bond: You have been playing and helping animals for your life. (Less chance of wild animals attacking you)
Attribute Points: 0
Strength: 2
Wisdom: 11
Defense: 4
Speed: 9
Vitality: 6
Class: Wizard
Class Perk:
Wise: Your kind quickly learns new skills, quickly solves problems and survey battles. (50% less time to learn a new skill, immediate description of your surroundings in battle.)
Guild Rank:
Guild Members:
Guild Enemies:
Inventory: Health Potion (5), Magic Potion (3)
Armor: Simple Apprentice Robes, Wizard Hat
Weapons: Staff
Total Health: 150/150
Injuries: None
Diseases: None
Total Magic: 200/200
Enhancements: None
Skills: Flame Burst Spell (50 Magic)

lol i just noticed i forgot to use my points. also do we recieve any bonuses from our armours and weapons? you have to write what and how much

1,023 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, Thin, Long black hair, Black eyes
Personality: Nice, Quiet, Friendly, Shy, Naive
Bio.: Even though he was always nice to people around him he somehow was always different and never bonded with them. He befriended many animals though and spent most of his time just wandering and practicing magic. He hopes to find some friends.
Traveler: You know your way around and shortcuts to make your travels and quests faster. (Minus half a day in traveling)
Animal Bond: You have been playing and helping animals for your life. (Less chance of wild animals attacking you)
Attribute Points: 0
Strength: 2
Wisdom: 11
Defense: 4
Speed: 9
Vitality: 6
Class: Wizard
Class Perk:
Wise: Your kind quickly learns new skills, quickly solves problems and survey battles. (50% less time to learn a new skill, immediate description of your surroundings in battle.)
Guild Rank:
Guild Members:
Guild Enemies:
Inventory: Health Potion (5), Magic Potion (3)
Armor: Simple Apprentice Robes, Wizard Hat
Weapons: Staff
Total Health: 150/150
Injuries: None
Diseases: None
Total Magic: 200/200
Enhancements: None
Skills: Flame Burst Spell (50 Magic)

Yes, you get some bonuses only from some armors and weapons. Anyway, do you want something more? Another suggestion on something? If no I will start at the next post.

5,340 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, Thin, Long black hair, Black eyes
Personality: Nice, Quiet, Friendly, Shy, Naive
Bio.: Even though he was always nice to people around him he somehow was always different and never bonded with them. He befriended many animals though and spent most of his time just wandering and practicing magic. He hopes to find some friends.
Traveler: You know your way around and shortcuts to make your travels and quests faster. (Minus half a day in traveling)
Animal Bond: You have been playing and helping animals for your life. (Less chance of wild animals attacking you)
Attribute Points: 0
Strength: 2
Wisdom: 11
Defense: 4
Speed: 9
Vitality: 6
Class: Wizard
Class Perk:
Wise: Your kind quickly learns new skills, quickly solves problems and survey battles. (50% less time to learn a new skill, immediate description of your surroundings in battle.)
Guild Rank:
Guild Members:
Guild Enemies:
Inventory: Health Potion (5), Magic Potion (3)
Armor: Simple Apprentice Robes, Wizard Hat
Weapons: Staff
Total Health: 150/150
Injuries: None
Diseases: None
Total Magic: 200/200
Enhancements: None
Skills: Flame Burst Spell (50 Magic)

i think its fine now. but ill just check last time. i can get rid of my simple apprentice robes, wizard hat and staff and nothing will change right? you didnt put any bonus on them at all

2,539 posts

Whoa! I would join, but this is way too complicated even for me... I've never seen a forum game based off that game before, so I probably would have joined if it was simpler. In fact, I think I'll go play it now. Thanks for reminding me! Good luck!

1,023 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, Thin, Long black hair, Black eyes
Personality: Nice, Quiet, Friendly, Shy, Naive
Bio.: Even though he was always nice to people around him he somehow was always different and never bonded with them. He befriended many animals though and spent most of his time just wandering and practicing magic. He hopes to find some friends.
Traveler: You know your way around and shortcuts to make your travels and quests faster. (Minus half a day in traveling)
Animal Bond: You have been playing and helping animals for your life. (Less chance of wild animals attacking you)
Attribute Points: 0
Strength: 2
Reaction: 8
Wisdom: 11
Defense: 4
Speed: 9
Vitality: 6
Class: Wizard
Class Perk:
Wise: Your kind quickly learns new skills, quickly solves problems and survey battles. (50% less time to learn a new skill, immediate description of your surroundings in battle.)
Guild Rank:
Guild Members:
Guild Enemies:
Inventory: Health Potion (5), Magic Potion (3)
Gold: 100
Armor: Simple Apprentice Robes, Wizard Hat
Weapons: Staff
Total Health: 150/150
Injuries: None
Diseases: None
Total Magic: 200/200
Enhancements: None
Skills: Flame Burst Spell (50 Magic)

(Yeah it's just your starting gear so if you want to be naked rather than having some clothes with no bonus... Also according to your stats, your strength is low can you fight better with fists? Because if you have the staff it's the only thing that could channel your energy and perform magic and spells.)

You slowly walk towards the portal gate that would bring you to the realm of danger and adventure. It would be your first time to actually go out of the Nexus, not just stare from the glass window at your home. Your parents are holding each other behind you, crying with tears of happiness and longing. It would be a long time before you get back, let's hope that you are still walking, not in a coffin with flowers on top. The portal sorcerer tells you to hurry up, he can't hold it much longer. You jump in the portal and feel the magic as you were transported to the safest human settlement. In there you see various buildings and shops, there's a tavern just ahead of you, a barracks to your west, blacksmiths at your east and the magic shops at your back. Soldiers patrol around the city and you see them often even though this settlement is well protected, nowhere is safer than Nexus. What do you do now?

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