ForumsForum GamesIssues RPG Part 1: HTML

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HTML has recently been added to Armor Games. There is now a debate about whether HTML should stay or not. This debate has inspired the RPG I am about to create. Now for the background:

You come across a sign that says "Entering the HTML Battlefield" As you pass the sign, an intercom sounds

Welcome to the HTML Battlefield! In here, you must choose either the Black Team or the Red Team. Select your team by taking a gun of the color you want. Once you have selected your team and taken a gun, go to either the red sign or the black sign depending on your color. Once you get there, you will be led to a house by the leader of the team you choose.

You see a black gun and a red gun. You are to take one of these guns depending on which team you want to be on.

Your team selection will be part of your character sheet, but first a description of each team:

Black Team: The goal of the black team is to get rid of HTML. If you do not like HTML, select the black team.

<font color="red">Red Team: The goal of the red team is to ensure that HTML will remain. If you like HTML, select the red team. In fact, this description includes HTML.</font>

Now for the format of your character sheet with directions for each entry in parentheses:

Name: (put what you want your character to be called in the game)
Team: (put either Black or Red to indicate which team you want to be on)
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
HP: (this depends on your stats, so see below)
Damage: (this depends on your stats, so see below)
Attack: (this depends on your stats, so see below)
Armor: (this depends on your stats, so see below)
Stats: (place numbers in each entry in this section adding up to 8)
Strength: (this affects how much damage you deal; see below)
Constitution: (this affects your HP; see below)
Offense: (this affects your Attack; see below)
Defense: (this affects your Armor; see below)

Some stats need to be explained, and I will do so below:


HP is based on the following formula:



There are two damage formulas. One is for minimum damage and one is for maximum damage. When dealing damage, a random number will be generated from your minimum damage to your maximum damage. This is how to enter the Damage entry:

Damage: MinDmg - MaxDmg


Strength added to minimum damage is rounded up.


Attack affects how likely you are to hit. This will be explained under Combat. This is the formula for attack:



Armor affects how likely you are to get hit. This will be explained under Combat. This is the formula for armor:



EXP is what is needed to gain levels. EXP is gained by winning fights and sometimes as story rewards.

Leveling Up:

When you gain a level, the following happens:

1) You gain 2 HP and heal to your max.
2) You add 1 to your minimum and maximum damage.
3) You add 1 to your Attack and Armor.
4) You gain 2 stat points. Do the following for each stat increase:

Strength: Add 1 to maximum damage. Add 1 to minumum damage if your Strength went from an even number to an odd number.
Constitution: Add 1 HP.
Offense: Add 1 Attack.
Defense: Add 1 Armor.


Fights will be resolved automatically, but this is what you should know about Attack and Armor:

Each point in Attack makes you 10% more likely to hit an enemy. Each point in Armor makes you 10% less likely to get hit by an enemy.


There are a maximum of 8 players, but each team can only accept 4. As soon as a player joins, the game can begin.


1) Do not cheat. If something is wrong with your character sheet, I will either correct it or point out what you need to change.
2) Do not decide the outcome. When asked for an action, post just the action, not the outcome.
3) Do not abuse HTML. By this, I mean that the only HTML you should use if you choose to is to emphasize a part of your post by making it red.
4) Do not spam or break any AG rules. If this thread gets filled with spam, I will request this thread to be locked, cleaned, then unlocked after cleanup.

Let's see how far this RPG goes. I plan on making a sequel eventually.
  • 25 Replies
12,319 posts

Apparently, this thread needs a bump.

1,391 posts

Name: Tom Mason
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
HP: 10
Damage: Min: 1 Max: 6
Attack: 3
Armor: 4
Strength: 1
Constitution: 2
Offense: 2
Defense: 3

Never fear Tom is here to prevent any future bumps :P I think your Strengh and Armor working out confused people alittle

12,319 posts

Name: Tom Mason
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
HP: 10/10
Damage: 2 - 6
Attack: 3
Armor: 4
Strength: 1
Constitution: 2
Offense: 2
Defense: 3

You are now on the black team. Before any story stuff, I will respond to your post:

Never fear Tom is here to prevent any future bumps :P I think your Strengh and Armor working out confused people alittle

What's confusing about the Strength and Armor entries?


You are led to the black house. As you enter, the team leader gives the following speech:

Welcome members of the Black Team. We are here to make sure that HTML does not gain control of the world. HTML is a type of code that can be abused and cannot remain in the world. HTML was first added to the Internet, but then a team formed to take it to the world. If you've seen abuse of HTML, you should know that it can mess up the world in ways we cannot even imagine. We must not let HTML conquer the world! We must stop it at the battlefield!

You are then led upstairs, but 2 different HTML creatures are in one of the rooms.

Normally, combat is automatic because it is based on stats, but when there are mutliple enemies, you choose which enemy you want to fight first. These are the enemies with HP, Damage, EXP Value, Attack, and Armor:

Basic Marquee:
HP: 3/3
Damage: 1 - 4
EXP Value: 2
Attack: 2 (30% chance to hit you)
Armor: 2 (you have a 60% chance to hit)

Radio Button:
HP: 2/2
Damage: 1 - 3
EXP Value: 1
Attack: 1 (20% chance to hit you)
Armor: 3 (you have a 50% chance to hit)

In your next post, choose whether to fight the Basic Marquee or Radio Button first.
1,391 posts

Name: Tom Mason
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
HP: 10/10
Damage: 2 - 6
Attack: 3
Armor: 4
Strength: 1
Constitution: 2
Offense: 2
Defense: 3

With the mathmatics involved some may find it confusing

I'll attack the Basic Marquee first

1,211 posts

Name: Mort
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
HP: 8/8
Damage: 1-5
Attack: 1
Armor: 9
Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Offense: 0
Defense: 8

12,319 posts

<font color="red">Out-of-game responses first:</font>

With the mathmatics involved some may find it confusing

So you think this game is too complicated to be popular?


<font color="red">In-game responses:</font>

Name: Tom Mason
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 3/10
HP: 10/10
Damage: 2 - 6
Attack: 3
Armor: 4
Strength: 1
Constitution: 2
Offense: 2
Defense: 3

You defeat both enemies. Once you do so, an intercom sounds:

Mort has joined the Black Team. Two spots remain.

The team leader tells you that this is your room. You are then led to the balcony. On the railing of the balcony is a black machine gun. The team leader says the following:

The machine gun is a defensive placement. If a powerful HTML or Red Team force approaches the house, an alert will be issued. When an alert is issued, someone needs to go to the machine gun and shoot the force.

The machine gun is not needed now, so you go back to your room while the team leader welcomes a new member of the Black Team. In your room, you find a table with 3 buttons. There is a black button, a red button, and a blue button. You can choose to either press one of the buttons or to leave the table alone.


Name: Mort
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
HP: 8/8
Damage: 1 - 5
Attack: 1
Armor: 9
Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Offense: 0
Defense: 8

You are led to the black house. As you enter, the team leader gives the following speech:

Welcome members of the Black Team. We are here to make sure that HTML does not gain control of the world. HTML is a type of code that can be abused and cannot remain in the world. HTML was first added to the Internet, but then a team formed to take it to the world. If you've seen abuse of HTML, you should know that it can mess up the world in ways we cannot even imagine. We must not let HTML conquer the world! We must stop it at the battlefield!

You are then led upstairs, but 2 different HTML creatures are in one of the rooms.

Normally, combat is automatic because it is based on stats, but when there are mutliple enemies, you choose which enemy you want to fight first. These are the enemies with HP, Damage, EXP Value, Attack, and Armor:

Radio Button:
HP: 2/2
Damage: 1 - 3
EXP Value: 1
Attack: 1 (5% chance to hit you because that's the minimum)
Armor: 3 (you have a 30% chance to hit)

Red Midget:
HP: 4/4
Damage: 1 - 4
EXP Value: 2
Attack: 3 (5% chance to hit you because that's the minimum)
Armor: 2 (you have a 40% chance to hit)

In your next post, choose whether to attack the Radio Button or the Red Midget first.
1,391 posts

Name: Tom Mason
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 3/10
HP: 10/10
Damage: 2 - 6
Attack: 3
Armor: 4
Strength: 1
Constitution: 2
Offense: 2
Defense: 3

I'll push the Black button since I'm on black team

No some people may not understand * and / Meaning Times and Divide so they may get confused I was at first till I had a second look at it

1,211 posts

Name: Mort
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
HP: 8/8
Damage: 1 - 5
Attack: 1
Armor: 9
Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Offense: 0
Defense: 8

I'll attack the button first.

12,319 posts

Name: Tom Mason
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 3/10
HP: 10/10
Damage: 2 - 6
Attack: 3
Armor: 4
Strength: 1
Constitution: 2
Offense: 2
Defense: 3

You press the black button. Once you do so, an intercom sounds:

Congratulations on pressing the black button. You did not summon any prisoners. Wait for the team leader to give a speech about prisoners.

You see the team leader lead someone to the balcony. The team leader says:

Wait downstairs for the speech.

The speech at the bottom of this post below the red line.


Name: Mort
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
HP: 8/8
Damage: 1 - 5
Attack: 1
Armor: 9
Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Offense: 0
Defense: 8

You defeat both enemies. Once you do so, an intercom sounds:

Congratulations on pressing the black button. You did not summon any prisoners. Wait for the team leader to give a speech about prisoners.

The team leader tells you that this is your room. You are then led to the balcony. On the railing of the balcony is a black machine gun. The team leader says the following:

The machine gun is a defensive placement. If a powerful HTML or Red Team force approaches the house, an alert will be issued. When an alert is issued, someone needs to go to the machine gun and shoot the force. Also, I have a speech to give about prisoners, so come downstairs with me.

The machine gun is not needed now, so you and the team leader go downstairs.

<font color="red">------------------------------------------------------------------"</font>

Here's the team leader's speech on prisoners:

Every once in a while, we come across a powerful creature of HTML. Less powerful creatures are simply killed, but ones that are too powerful are instead taken prisoner and placed in the basement. If you see a table with buttons, you should press the black button. Pressing the red or blue button will result in the summoning of a prisoner. When we get more powerful, we will begin killing the prisoners. Until then, prisoners should not be summoned. Also, it is night-time, so go to your rooms for the night. Tomorrow, we will welcome people who attempt to join overnight and go to the HTML battlefield.

That's my last update for today.
1,391 posts

Name: Tom Mason
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 3/10
HP: 10/10
Damage: 2 - 6
Attack: 3
Armor: 4
Strength: 1
Constitution: 2
Offense: 2
Defense: 3

I'll head to my room and go asleep

12,319 posts

Name: Tom Mason
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 3/10
HP: 10/10
Damage: 2 - 6
Attack: 3
Armor: 4
Strength: 1
Constitution: 2
Offense: 2
Defense: 3

Name: Mort
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
HP: 8/8
Damage: 1 - 5
Attack: 1
Armor: 9
Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Offense: 0
Defense: 8

The two of you wake up and go to the HTML battlefield. However, some HTML creatures ambush you. There are 4 of them, 2 on each side of the path. Each of you must fight on one side of the path. These are the stats of the HTML creatures:

Left Side:

Basic Marquee:
HP: 3/3
Damage: 1 - 4
EXP Value: 2
Attack: 2
Armor: 2

Red Midget:
HP: 4/4
Damage: 1 - 4
EXP Value: 2
Attack: 3
Armor: 2

Right Side:

Basic Marquee:
HP: 3/3
Damage: 1 - 4
EXP Value: 2
Attack: 2
Armor: 2

Red Background:
HP: 6/6
Damage: 1 - 4
EXP Value: 3
Attack: 1
Armor: 4

The next post by either of you needs to include which side you want to fight and which enemy you want to attack first.

1,391 posts

Name: Tom Mason
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 3/10
HP: 10/10
Damage: 2 - 6
Attack: 3
Armor: 4
Strength: 1
Constitution: 2
Offense: 2
Defense: 3

I'll take the right side and attack the Red Background first

12,319 posts

Name: Tom Mason
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 8/10
HP: 10/10
Damage: 2 - 6
Attack: 3
Armor: 4
Strength: 1
Constitution: 2
Offense: 2
Defense: 3

You have defeated the right side. Now wait for the left side to be defeated before continuing on the path.


Name: Mort
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 0/10
HP: 8/8
Damage: 1 - 5
Attack: 1
Armor: 9
Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Offense: 0
Defense: 8

The right side has been attacked and defeated, so you must attack the left side. However, there are multiple enemies, so you must still decide which one to attack first. These are the enemies:

Basic Marquee:
HP: 3/3
Damage: 1 - 4
EXP Value: 2
Attack: 2 (5% chance to hit you)
Armor: 2 (you have a 40% chance to hit)

Red Midget:
HP: 4/4
Damage: 1 - 4
EXP Value: 2
Attack: 3 (5% chance to hit you)
Armor: 2 (you have a 40% chance to hit)

1,391 posts

Name: Tom Mason
Team: Black
Level: 1
EXP: 8/10
HP: 10/10
Damage: 2 - 6
Attack: 3
Armor: 4
Strength: 1
Constitution: 2
Offense: 2
Defense: 3

I don't think he is on AG right now could I just attack the left too?

12,319 posts

I don't think he is on AG right now could I just attack the left too?

I don't know his AG activity pattern, so let's wait. If he doesn't post in the next hour, I'll let you attack the left, but I will need you to decide which enemy to attack first.
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