Yes, I know Communism can never be implemented into real life.
Well the idea of communism, as stated above, is impossible.
With this idea, communism or rather, true communism, is impossible.
True communism is impossible, but the communism we have today is an extended version of socialism. It's very achievable through use of propaganda, oppression, and severe consequences for wrongdoing.
If the people truly governed the country, then it would be anarchy, because you need people in higher power to position the country on a pathway.
It does seem, in a sense, that communism is like anarchy. There is no government or laws.
You need some kind of law and order in order to govern the people.
Communism is not of the people governing themselves. It is the exact opposite. In a communist country, the people have a government that regulates them. You don't generally vote for your leaders; if you do, propaganda usually determines the winner. The government takes money from the rich and gives it to the poor through taxes, or "robin hooding." People live about the same lives. Most everything is run by the government. If not, then most things are at least overseen by the government.
Capitalism is completely gone from a communist country; there are no individual companies, no choice in what you want to buy, and you certainty have no choice in where you want to work.
So, done with my argument.
Communism was influenced by the ideals of Karl Marx, with the predecessor being philosopher Thomas Hobbes. Thomas Hobbes believed that people were born naturally evil, and needed one hell of a government to hold them back. He believed in a monarchical government, as was customary of his time. The ideas of communism were reflected by monarchies in many cases, whether it be the king/queen/whatever using propaganda to make people loyal, forcing people to become weak to protect from revolution, or sometimes forcing the people to follow the ways of royalty.
Hitler's Germany used propaganda to show that Germany was coming back strong and to influence the Germanic people that they were the superior race. Germany was defeated in WWI, so Hitler used this as a perfect opportunity to rebuild the country in his wanting. Germany wasn't necessarily a communistic country, but it was close to one. The people had to believe in what Hitler believed in, and any opposition were to be dealt away with immediately. It was fascist and all that jazz, but that doesn't matter with the topic at hand.
The Soviet Union was also close to a communistic government. Stalin was a lot like Hitler and killed any opposition, forced propaganda upon his people, and forced them to live the way he wanted them to.
Italy was like these two at one time as well, but I have to find my history notes to go into depth with that.