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What are your opinions on it? Chat away.

  • 86 Replies
4,170 posts

Wrong. Stalin killed his own political party members, millions more Russians that the Nazis ever did, and to date no one still knows how many Russians and Eastern Europeans died while under his regime. Hitler, while also killing millions, mainly Jews, boosted Germany to a higher standard of living and made it the best economy in the 30's and 40's. Stalin never really got Russia to the dream he claimed to have. Stalin seemed more like a lunatic at the right place and right time. Hitler, while also insane, used it to achieve his ends and was really for the German people. Stalin just liked power, no matter who it is over and no matter who he had to crush.

Read the rest of the sentence next time. I was saying he killed any opposition; which they both did. >.>
Stalin killed opposition and people he though were his enemies. Again, I was comparing that part of the two.

Everyone does that. Everyone! It just depends on what you think is propaganda and what is a.......TV ad.

Propaganda to the extent of completely brainwashing people. With a combination of killing opposition, the leaders both made their people think that they were the greatest.

Never, ever. Mussolini was more like a sidekick who did whatever Hitler told him to do. Transport out the Jews, defend this front, attack here. His regime, if you can call it that, never came close to what Hitler or Stalin had, or Lenin for that matter.

Mussolini used propaganda and killed anyone he (or Hitler) thought were opposing people. You aren't in the right mindset of what I'm talking about.

Karl Marx influenced Marxism. Communism is not exactly taken from his ideals. Basically it was shifted to fit what leaders wanted. Like China was running on a Maoism government for a time. Similar but not the same.

Influenced. Influenced. In other words, he made people's ideas change. He didn't completely make them something else.

Nazism and Communism are not close. Hitler and Stalin loathed each other and what they stood for. Again, similarities, but it's not accurate to call them close.

I'm not looking at relationships between anyone. You obviously don't see that (no offense). I am looking at how they influenced their people.
421 posts

I think that communism is a more realistic concept than it seems the way i look at it its a bit like democracy but with a diffrent form of commerce how ever its still an abused concept like almost everything else

1,810 posts

I'm not looking at relationships between anyone. You obviously don't see that (no offense). I am looking at how they influenced their people.

But why take the jump from Communism to what Hitler had? I see some link with the propaganda subject, but communism doesn't use propaganda as it's main weapon. Communism fuels off of the "commoners" anger at the system. Propaganda is just to keep people happy and ignorant to what is going on around them. Ignorance is bliss, and people will accept it more often than not.

With a combination of killing opposition, the leaders both made their people think that they were the greatest.

As long as things were going well. As soon as things started looking down, people became restless. Which brings up the question of whether it's the propaganda or the prosperity/intimidation that made people not question the governments motives. And propaganda really didn't work all that well in Russia. Evidence is the amount of civilians that had to "disappear" during the USSR's lifetime.

Influenced. In other words, he made people's ideas change. He didn't completely make them something else.

Influencing someone does not make them change their ideas or mind. The Vietnamese government were influenced by the US Constitution. Ho Chi Minh himself said so. But did their main motives and ideals change? No. The only way to make people think what you want them to think is complete brainwashing. Propaganda can plant ideas, but it is up to the person to decide whether or not to act on and accept those ideas. And isn't making someone's ideas change really making them something else? For example, if a Catholic changes his ideas about religion, he is of a different mentality, therefore he will act different, speak different, and live a different lifestyle.
1,094 posts


Why's that? The Russian communism, or Korean communism is nothing like the communism (or more precisely socialism) in many countries. In the Balkans, Yugoslavia was socialist. The times were good, life was better than ever. Now, we're not even Yugoslavia, we're 6 different countries which are pathetic by themselves. Socialism, or basic communism, was a savior for many people, including my parents and grandparents.

Better than being brainwashed in Capitalist America!

I quadruple this 4 times.

With this idea, communism or rather, true communism, is impossible...

Marx's original idea of Communism was never fulfilled. It never could have been fulfilled. People cannot govern for themselves, it's just **** straight impossible.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Socialism, or basic communism, was a savior for many people, including my parents and grandparents.

You can say that again, my government was Socialist leaning at the beginning. Bless them.

Marx's original idea of Communism was never fulfilled. It never could have been fulfilled. People cannot govern for themselves, it's just **** straight impossible.

On a micro-level, The Yugoslavan work councils were a good start, pity they erm...tended to overpay each other. But it was a start.
2,763 posts

Communism is not of the people governing themselves. It is the exact opposite. In a communist country, the people have a government that regulates them. You don't generally vote for your leaders; if you do, propaganda usually determines the winner. Most everything is run by the government. If not, then most things are at least overseen by the government.

Take away taking money away from the rich and giving it to the poor and it sounds like America.

abused concept like almost everything else

It can only be abused if you build it that way. Like take America for instance the banks are hoarding 32 trillion dollars. Enough money to pretty much do anything and affect everyone in the entire world.

Marx's original idea of Communism was never fulfilled. It never could have been fulfilled. People cannot govern for themselves, it's just **** straight impossible.

It is actually quite possible people do adapt easily. If you would take people who have not be fed the opposite ideas their whole lives you would be surprised how well it would work. Any system will work as long as it maintains balance between the masses. It doesn't even have to be full balance like having rich and poor people. But on the core level they are equal in the system except for their individual health. People will try to be part of larger groups and even if they don't agree but are part of the system ontop of the system being overbearing will result in cognitive dissonance in which people rationalize their worries and objections themselves. It is just hard to go from the system we have now to the polar extremely in such a quick fashion.
4,170 posts

Take away taking money away from the rich and giving it to the poor and it sounds like America.

To me everything sounds like America if you give and take some stuff.
4 posts

communism isn't a bad idea it's just there is no real way to enforce it without a ruler (i.e. Stalin) and then there is no way to make that ruler not corrupt.

2,763 posts

ruler not corrupt.

There is always someone on the top or a group of people and among them there are those who would take advantage of you either using the law itself or circumventing it entirely. The best solution that I could come up with is that government is completely transparent and there are better laws in place to prevent people with wealth or power from buying the people on the top or buying their way up there themselves.
4 posts

In theory, Communism is good. There are two steps to becoming Communist:

1. The government takes all property

2. The government distributes all property evenly to the citizens.

Communism is supposed to be fair and utopian, but no government has ever given the property back to the people. They have taken it, but never gone to the next step.

1,824 posts

Communism looks great on paper, but as mere humans, we can't put the full idea into motion, so it fails.

2,420 posts

I have no moral or ethical obligation to help you.

1,773 posts

just like any other ideaoligy. does democracy work perfectly? no. its the least bad one for now.

lets make it easier -

communisem - 'everyone is equal'. someone have to lead and make Decisions. people who get to the position of being elected to be the Decisions maker have strong will and Great ambitions. so they claim the power of the job.

and, remmember, all the communist countries look like that because USA is blockading them and banning them. people fled to russia teritories in the beginning of hte cold war you know. and cuba is waht its now today because the revolutenist didnt liked teh USAiands buiesness mans who, litealry, bought slaves in there. so after they kicked out all the Corrupt and strong people, who just took cuba to themselve, they wanted to make cuba be for all of its citizens, what usa dont like either. they like when a buisness man do whatever we want. want to mine gold with the cyanide process {google it}? thats ok! who care about what happen to the nature?! its your property.

for say, why you think you hate so much the french? because its easier to the Conservatives to hate them, because they have free medical Insurance and etc., so hating them will make them look silly, rather than let the mass ask "why dont we get free medicens when we sick?" "why my son cant get the Surgery that can save his life because of lacking in money, while my rich neigbore can?". isntead, you say "hah... french. they surrendered. lol".

and thats why, my dear, you hate the communist. cuz patriotism is hating every other nation but yourself.

3,087 posts

and thats why, my dear, you hate the communist. cuz patriotism is hating every other nation but yourself.
just because you are a patriot, doesn't mean you have to hate every other nation. the reason the rich neighbor can get surgery but the poor person can't is because this America's government, like any other government, is run by politicians. And people don't hate communism, they hate the nations that call them selves communist.
1,094 posts

...and thats why, my dear, you hate the communist. cuz patriotism is hating every other nation but yourself.

If you believe patriotism is about hating every country short of your motherland, or fatherland, then I have bad news for you, son. I'm very patriotic, and I still love most the countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. Australia and the America's get no love, though. And people hate communism because it is the opposite of the regime in most countries, not because it's another country. Capitalism says "Low Class, Worker class, High class" and communism says "No classes, everyone is treated in the exact same way". Higher class citizens from the capitalist regimes don't like communism because it means they don't get to bathe in money, and have to feel as if they're not greater than the rest simply because they has money. The worker class, I guess, feels neutral, or that's how my family felt during Tito. The lower class citizens may, or may not like being equal to everyone.
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