i also read animal farm 4 school recently the idea of communism was that there were two classes, the high made wealth off the labor of the poor. the idea was to overthrow the high and form a society where spoils were shared and whatnot. it was noble and just at first, it's just that power corrupted those who were newly put in power and they became the people they sought to replace. it just went badly. make no mistake, i dont support communism. im just laying out the facts
09philj has a point. But some communist countries have been successful. China is a prime example, although there are several major problems there. Vietnam has done relatively well for itself. Communism also gets a bad rap from places like North Korea that really only claim to be communist, and are leaning much farther towards dictatorship. Really though communism has nothing to do with censorship or the government controlling your lives or all that garbage. Karl Marx just though it would be nice if everyone put the fruits of their labors into one pool, and it was then distributed out equally among everybody.
Unified society...everyone does their part...shared work...equal class system
It's a society where you either conform, or you're forced to move/arrested.
If you don't want to "help" people the way society demands, you're screwed. If you believe a system is flawed and you want nothing to do with it, you're forced to partake and support it.
Communists often talk about communism being true democracy. Democracy is mob rule. But, when the majority wants what is best, is that not a good thing? Even majorities can be wrong, and democracy becomes quite an issue when you're talking about 60 or 70 percent popular opinion forcing the rest to live a particular way.
I always wondered what would happen in a truly democratic, anarchist, and communist, nation where people preferred free trade.
wont work. decisions are going to take way to long to make. and people wont be able to keep up whit the politics beside their job. also everyone have to go vote every day probably on multiple topics. all whit all: it's to slow, it's to much work and unpractical.
the human condition prevents communism working. we always want more than others.
Thats right, but if it would work, it would be the best image of a perfect and fair world. Todays communistic regimes are only a dictator or party which restrain the masses with the idea of beeing fair. Nevertheless communism was a good idea from Karl Marx, although its missinterpreted and abused a lot and not realizable in reality.