Ever wanted to host an RP or RPG,but wondering if it's good enough?Ever wanted someone ELSE to host a certain RP or RPG?Well this is the place where that can happen!This has been done before,but has died and is now lost in..."THE BACK"... Anyway,you can ask others on their opinion of RP's or RPG's you're planning to do in the future.Or,you can even request others to do certain RP's or RPG's.Fill out the sheet below. -------------------------------------------
Username:EX.Mechinja Games hosted:EX Heart of Shadows Usual Game genres:EX Fantasy,Sci-fi,Sims,etc. -------------------------------------------
Hope this helps people in the forum games out there!:P
Username: Gooeyglop1 Games hosted: lego fantasy, sub terranian, year 2100, animal economics. Genres: Mostly sci-fi.
Has anyone read the Artemis Fowl Books? What would you think of an RPG based on that.
Yah, I love them, I could help you out with that... It could stand to use more detail, maybe a backstory that was subtly alluded to in the books. Another thing you might want to add is a discription of species, and the pros and cons of each. Ooh, and I don't think that you could set it in one of the books because then there is already an outcome to the story. (not that you did, but I'm just saying..) Tell me if this was helpful, and if it came accross as blunt, I am sorry...
Username: Cardibard Games Hosted: Roanoke: The Underground, Civilization from Nothing Genres:Sci-Fi, Fantasy
Yes this was definitely helpful. Sorry if it seemed like I had only set it in one of the books. That is all I have read so far so I can see why it looked like that.
Username:Trooper555able Games hosted: I hate N.Y.C, Ace Combat RPG Usual game genres: Historical, military
Well Loco, I like the Madness Combat idea. However, I'm not really into the Historical combat RPG. Don't get me wrong, it's a good idea and I would join it. It's just I'd prefer the MC RPG.
I had a random idea.... A game I'm which you earn letters and also buy them, and to craft items you must spell words. So like if you spell sword you get a sword, but it would be more in depth.
i was thinking about a good old fashioned fantasy RPG, details worked out later, but it probably wouldn't be medieval, i was thinking closer to early BCE, or early CE
oi so here is goes *digs for sheet* Username:Loco5 Games hosted:quite a few Usual Game genres:Fantasy, contemporary, history, sci-fi
Tis somewhere between 200 BCE, and 100 CE ( BC, and AD respectively) and you are a something or other in this fantasy world, filled with time appropriate creatures ( i need to research these, but think medusa, gorgon, nymphs and such) just doing whatever you wish to do. Being ancient times metals are limited to the epically expensive steel weaponry, but expect some other fantasy metals. it will be combat (and related) and story focused so try not to play out as docile class ( classes although, will not exist, it will be as you build it. but i will ask for a job)
it'll be set in the time period historically, but what it would be like if all the folklore, magics and such existed.