Ever wanted to host an RP or RPG,but wondering if it's good enough?Ever wanted someone ELSE to host a certain RP or RPG?Well this is the place where that can happen!This has been done before,but has died and is now lost in..."THE BACK"... Anyway,you can ask others on their opinion of RP's or RPG's you're planning to do in the future.Or,you can even request others to do certain RP's or RPG's.Fill out the sheet below. -------------------------------------------
Username:EX.Mechinja Games hosted:EX Heart of Shadows Usual Game genres:EX Fantasy,Sci-fi,Sims,etc. -------------------------------------------
Hope this helps people in the forum games out there!:P
(race faction is what area you are from, elfs have mirkwood and lorien, dwarfs: moria and erebor, humans: Rohan and Gondor, Orc, goblins and morder, and uruk hai.)
Thats all I can think of right now, I am open to sugeestions.
Story: On earth, Wizards and and Magisters discovered a way to travle bewteen worlds and planets, jumping thier Tecnology one thousand years, but keeping the Magic. Players can Start a Campagin and Story, and take other players with them, but if a player is not on a campagin the they just do small missions to level up. Skills: im going to have skills and traits instead of Classes Traits are booster for you skills. Traits: Strength: Improves your ability with Phtycial Weapons, Throwing weapons,Phycial Weapons, and hand to hand. Intelect: Improves your Science, Armoring, Magics, Over all problem Solving Skills: Phycial WeaponsSwords,Axes,Hammers,ect.) ) FirearmsPistols, rifels, Machine Guns, Laser Weapons, Plasma Guns, .ect) MagicElemental control, Telekensis, Psyco-confusion.ect) Hand To HandBrass knuckles, Stun Fists, Plasma Punch, ect) ArmorerLeather, Steel, Titianium,Laser.) ScienceImporves tecnology, and uses varied) Technologycommunicatons, Transportation,weapons,gadgets)
Races Humans: The second Youngest of all the species, they have a Balance of skills but an incresse in the Skills involving Money and Tecnology.9taking Suggestion
Space Angels: One of the most mysterious beings in the known universe. Its origins are not well known and its goals are even less known. They have a boost in Intellect and Technology.
The Drakenfell: The most Barbaric of all races. It is very strong though. It gets a super boost in strength, but it gets a deduction in intelligence.