Ever wanted to host an RP or RPG,but wondering if it's good enough?Ever wanted someone ELSE to host a certain RP or RPG?Well this is the place where that can happen!This has been done before,but has died and is now lost in..."THE BACK"... Anyway,you can ask others on their opinion of RP's or RPG's you're planning to do in the future.Or,you can even request others to do certain RP's or RPG's.Fill out the sheet below. -------------------------------------------
Username:EX.Mechinja Games hosted:EX Heart of Shadows Usual Game genres:EX Fantasy,Sci-fi,Sims,etc. -------------------------------------------
Hope this helps people in the forum games out there!:P
Username: Cardibard Games Hosted: Roanoke: The Underground, Civilization from Nothing Genres:Sci-Fi, Fantasy
That is actually a good idea. There is that very long gap of about 50 years between aang and korra. Maybe we could have it in that time. Have them as part of the building of republic city and the triads and so on and so forth
About 100 years after WW3 and the M.A.D. theroy became valid, the human reace started building small towns and villages.Every Village had there own set of workers and each worker has there own skill set. Well yours, is'nt the best. Your a hired Gun sent by town government so illiminate Cultist, other mayors, and generals. You can choose to protecct your town or become an opertunist and go for the most money, but either way, the fate of the New worlds government relise on you...
Name: Gender: Age18+)(srry a 13 yearold wouldnt be strong enough or cool enough) Descriptiongimme details, like hieght weight hair color, skin tone.ect) Bio:9where are you from, what have you done, what happened to you in the past. ---- Skill set (you need 10 points in a bracket to advance example: Skill 1:10 Skill1a:5 Skill1b:10 Sub skill 1 Subskill 2 :10 Special Ability:
Skill Points:15
Strengththis governs you phycial ability to do things, like punches, kicks, how hard you can swing a weapon ext. Speed Intelegance:
ill expand on this moew, im tired and im going to bed
200 BCE: In the small city of Paiana, Greece, The residents were hit by a plague, and the city was seperated into West Paiana, and the infected East Paiana. Though no one has entered and left afterwards, reports from the agents hired to investigate, "Mourners", that dozens are dying by the hour. Though it doesn't seem to have effected life for anyone but the ones who had loved ones in East Paiana, but among the city there are rumors that the neighboring tribe of Goblins have brought them the plague through trading. Tensions are fierce and if something doesn't calm the people it may lead to war.