You wake up. You know nothing at all you don't remember anything. You are in a vehicle of sorts that has crashed. You have people surrounding you. They know nothing as well. You walk around the vehicle when you find the controls. You put your hands on a panel when a video appears.
???:Hello comrads. We are about to crash and I fear we will not live. We are unable to activate an SOS signal. Do not expect anyone to come for you. I have a mission for you. Survive. You remaining people start a civilization. It will not be easy but I think you can do it. I will grant you a gift. You already know the english language but you need to use it. You can research things. all things you research will branch from the english language. You have three things you can choose. Writing: With this you can keep records of all you have done. Military: Through the english language you are able to give orders to people and have them fight. Building: You can build things with materials around you. Choose wisely.
Character Sheet. Name: Age: Name of Civilization: Pop:5 Tech:english language Research: When you move along in the game more slots will be made available.
Name: Ronan Grine Age: 39 Name of Civilization:Granite Dock Government:Monarchy Pop:5385486336 civilians:5310124516 ------------------------ culture:20 military:20 economy:20 science:20 -------------------- military types: melee322450(Defenders+swordsmen)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} longrange372910(Archers)[Backup:1000]{aw:20000} Firearms373420(Musketeers)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} Artillery220040{Armed war:10000} Jeep = 300000 Tanks = 1000000 Dogfighters = 40000000 Missile jetcraft = 200000 High altitude bomber = 10000000 Low altitude bomber = 20000000 Heavy transport = 800000 Gun Heli = 200000 Missile Heli = 500000 Transport Heli = 1000000 ------------------ Parties at the moment: -50(usual) -50 -50 ------------------------------------ Villages: Towns: Cities: Metro:4 Capital:1 ------------------------------------- Tech:english language,building, Farming, writing, education, military, forging, laws of science,Hospital,woodwork,invention,firearms,artillery, wall making, exploration,road,monarchy, water trans, oil drill building choices:home, Barn, library, barracks, forge, labs, hospital, carpenter house,workshop,munitions factory,steel mill, wall,road,port,oil station, car factory Research:
The aliens catch your spy and declare war against you claiming you broke the trade agreement. the other 5 civs don't really care but they watch to see the outcome.
Name: Ronan Grine Age: 39 Name of Civilization:Granite Dock Government:Monarchy Pop:5385486336 civilians:5310124516 ------------------------ culture:20 military:20 economy:20 science:20 -------------------- military types: melee322450(Defenders+swordsmen)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} longrange372910(Archers)[Backup:1000]{aw:20000} Firearms373420(Musketeers)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} Artillery220040{Armed war:10000} Jeep = 300000 Tanks = 1000000 Dogfighters = 40000000 Missile jetcraft = 200000 High altitude bomber = 10000000 Low altitude bomber = 20000000 Heavy transport = 800000 Gun Heli = 200000 Missile Heli = 500000 Transport Heli = 1000000 ------------------ Parties at the moment: -50(usual) -50 -50 ------------------------------------ Villages: Towns: Cities: Metro:4 Capital:1 ------------------------------------- Tech:english language,building, Farming, writing, education, military, forging, laws of science,Hospital,woodwork,invention,firearms,artillery, wall making, exploration,road,monarchy, water trans, oil drill building choices:home, Barn, library, barracks, forge, labs, hospital, carpenter house,workshop,munitions factory,steel mill, wall,road,port,oil station, car factory Research:
The war council is active, we are at war!!! (should that give me a bonus to war? or is the bonus already activated and passive?)
I send in all the high altitude bombers to do a blanket bombing they are escorted with 30000000 dogfighters.
The missile jet craft is sent in, 10000000 dogfighters accompany them. Low altitude bombers accompany the jet craft and do a bombing run on high value structures.
Mobile artillery is sent near the borders escorted with ground-side troops and heavy machinery (soldiers, tanks, and jeeps). The mobile artillery is firing into enemy territory and moving forward slowly with the troops.
Remaining aircraft(heavy transport) and helis (missile, gun, and transport) is on standby for the front line.
AA turrents are set up near our towns and a recruiting of 1000000 of each type of unit is underway, once they are recruited they are split across the various towns.
Name: Ronan Grine Age: 39 Name of Civilization:Granite Dock Government:Monarchy Pop:5385486336 civilians:5310124516 ------------------------ culture:20 military:20 economy:20 science:20 -------------------- military types: melee322450(Defenders+swordsmen)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} longrange372910(Archers)[Backup:1000]{aw:20000} Firearms373420(Musketeers)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} Artillery220040{Armed war:10000} Jeep = 300000 Tanks = 1000000 Dogfighters = 40000000 Missile jetcraft = 200000 High altitude bomber = 10000000 Low altitude bomber = 20000000 Heavy transport = 800000 Gun Heli = 200000 Missile Heli = 500000 Transport Heli = 1000000 ------------------ Parties at the moment: -50(usual) -50 -50 ------------------------------------ Villages: Towns: Cities: Metro:4 Capital:1 ------------------------------------- Tech:english language,building, Farming, writing, education, military, forging, laws of science,Hospital,woodwork,invention,firearms,artillery, wall making, exploration,road,monarchy, water trans, oil drill building choices:home, Barn, library, barracks, forge, labs, hospital, carpenter house,workshop,munitions factory,steel mill, wall,road,port,oil station, car factory Research:
The aliens surrender. all that is left of their civilization is their capital. Do you destroy it and wipe out their kingdom or do you let them rebuild.
Name: Ronan Grine Age: 39 Name of Civilization:Granite Dock Government:Monarchy Pop:5385486336 civilians:5310124516 ------------------------ culture:20 military:20 economy:20 science:20 -------------------- military types: melee322450(Defenders+swordsmen)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} longrange372910(Archers)[Backup:1000]{aw:20000} Firearms373420(Musketeers)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} Artillery220040{Armed war:10000} Jeep = 300000 Tanks = 1000000 Dogfighters = 40000000 Missile jetcraft = 200000 High altitude bomber = 10000000 Low altitude bomber = 20000000 Heavy transport = 800000 Gun Heli = 200000 Missile Heli = 500000 Transport Heli = 1000000 ------------------ Parties at the moment: -50(usual) -50 -50 ------------------------------------ Villages: Towns: Cities: Metro:4 Capital:1 ------------------------------------- Tech:english language,building, Farming, writing, education, military, forging, laws of science,Hospital,woodwork,invention,firearms,artillery, wall making, exploration,road,monarchy, water trans, oil drill building choices:home, Barn, library, barracks, forge, labs, hospital, carpenter house,workshop,munitions factory,steel mill, wall,road,port,oil station, car factory Research:
I integrate their civilization with ours and basically make us both one civilization, I intergrate their land and cities and make both of our countries one hybrid civilization, they have the same rights and follow the same laws we do and are held accountable to the same as we are. Their resources and ours merge as well as technologies.
Name: Ronan Grine Age: 39 Name of Civilization:Granite Dock Government:Monarchy Pop:5385486336 civilians:5310124516 ------------------------ culture:20 military:20 economy:20 science:20 -------------------- military types: melee322450(Defenders+swordsmen)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} longrange372910(Archers)[Backup:1000]{aw:20000} Firearms373420(Musketeers)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} Artillery220040{Armed war:10000} Jeep = 300000 Tanks = 1000000 Dogfighters = 40000000 Missile jetcraft = 200000 High altitude bomber = 10000000 Low altitude bomber = 20000000 Heavy transport = 800000 Gun Heli = 200000 Missile Heli = 500000 Transport Heli = 1000000 ------------------ Parties at the moment: -50(usual) -50 -50 ------------------------------------ Villages: Towns: Cities: Metro:5 Capital:1 ------------------------------------- Tech:english language,building, Farming, writing, education, military, forging, laws of science,Hospital,woodwork,invention,firearms,artillery, wall making, exploration,road,monarchy, water trans, oil drill building choices:home, Barn, library, barracks, forge, labs, hospital, carpenter house,workshop,munitions factory,steel
None of the aliens are willing to give up their propellant. The best your scientist can do is make a solar wind propellant powered vehicle but it is not powerful enough to break the atmosphere.