You wake up. You know nothing at all you don't remember anything. You are in a vehicle of sorts that has crashed. You have people surrounding you. They know nothing as well. You walk around the vehicle when you find the controls. You put your hands on a panel when a video appears.
???:Hello comrads. We are about to crash and I fear we will not live. We are unable to activate an SOS signal. Do not expect anyone to come for you. I have a mission for you. Survive. You remaining people start a civilization. It will not be easy but I think you can do it. I will grant you a gift. You already know the english language but you need to use it. You can research things. all things you research will branch from the english language. You have three things you can choose. Writing: With this you can keep records of all you have done. Military: Through the english language you are able to give orders to people and have them fight. Building: You can build things with materials around you. Choose wisely.
Character Sheet. Name: Age: Name of Civilization: Pop:5 Tech:english language Research: When you move along in the game more slots will be made available.
Name: Ronan Grine Age: 39 Name of Civilization:Granite Dock Government:Monarchy Pop:21037056 civilians:19675236 ------------------------ culture:11 military:10 economy:15 science:10 -------------------- military types: melee322450(Defenders+swordsmen)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} longrange372910(Archers)[Backup:1000]{aw:20000} Firearms373420(Musketeers)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} Artillery220040{Armed war:10000} ------------------ Parties at the moment: -50(usual) -50 -50 ------------------------------------ Villages: Towns: Cities: Metro:4 Capital:1 ------------------------------------- Tech:english language,building, Farming, writing, education, military, forging, laws of science,Hospital,woodwork,invention,firearms,artillery, wall making, exploration,road,monarchy, water trans, oil drill building choices:home, Barn, library, barracks, forge, labs, hospital, carpenter house,workshop,munitions factory,steel mill, wall,road,port,oil station, car factory Research:
This race opens up the doors to the entire world. You have now discovered 6 different alien civilizations. Do you want to put an embassy in all of them?
Name: Ronan Grine Age: 39 Name of Civilization:Granite Dock Government:Monarchy Pop:21037056 civilians:19675236 ------------------------ culture:11 military:10 economy:20 science:10 -------------------- military types: melee322450(Defenders+swordsmen)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} longrange372910(Archers)[Backup:1000]{aw:20000} Firearms373420(Musketeers)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} Artillery220040{Armed war:10000} ------------------ Parties at the moment: -50(usual) -50 -50 ------------------------------------ Villages: Towns: Cities: Metro:4 Capital:1 ------------------------------------- Tech:english language,building, Farming, writing, education, military, forging, laws of science,Hospital,woodwork,invention,firearms,artillery, wall making, exploration,road,monarchy, water trans, oil drill building choices:home, Barn, library, barracks, forge, labs, hospital, carpenter house,workshop,munitions factory,steel mill, wall,road,port,oil station, car factory Research:
Economy super boost. It is a time of peace. Nothing will in your domain without your approval. You have succeeded in building a civilization out of nothing. Do you research space travel or will you never go to space? How long will you wait till something happens?
Name: Ronan Grine Age: 39 Name of Civilization:Granite Dock Government:Monarchy Pop:21037056 civilians:19675236 ------------------------ culture:11 military:10 economy:20 science:10 -------------------- military types: melee322450(Defenders+swordsmen)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} longrange372910(Archers)[Backup:1000]{aw:20000} Firearms373420(Musketeers)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} Artillery220040{Armed war:10000} ------------------ Parties at the moment: -50(usual) -50 -50 ------------------------------------ Villages: Towns: Cities: Metro:4 Capital:1 ------------------------------------- Tech:english language,building, Farming, writing, education, military, forging, laws of science,Hospital,woodwork,invention,firearms,artillery, wall making, exploration,road,monarchy, water trans, oil drill building choices:home, Barn, library, barracks, forge, labs, hospital, carpenter house,workshop,munitions factory,steel mill, wall,road,port,oil station, car factory Research:
I research space travel (aircraft should be created as a result of thrust and gravitational study) Scientists are encouraged to find alternate means of energy for mobile transport and for the like. A grounded space center is near the capital attempting to create rockets, the moon is the first priority, a orbiting space center is the second.
Name: Ronan Grine Age: 39 Name of Civilization:Granite Dock Government:Monarchy Pop:21037056 civilians:19675236 ------------------------ culture:11 military:10 economy:20 science:10 -------------------- military types: melee322450(Defenders+swordsmen)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} longrange372910(Archers)[Backup:1000]{aw:20000} Firearms373420(Musketeers)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} Artillery220040{Armed war:10000} ------------------ Parties at the moment: -50(usual) -50 -50 ------------------------------------ Villages: Towns: Cities: Metro:4 Capital:1 ------------------------------------- Tech:english language,building, Farming, writing, education, military, forging, laws of science,Hospital,woodwork,invention,firearms,artillery, wall making, exploration,road,monarchy, water trans, oil drill building choices:home, Barn, library, barracks, forge, labs, hospital, carpenter house,workshop,munitions factory,steel mill, wall,road,port,oil station, car factory Research:
Your space center accidentally makes airplanes and helicopters. Your center needs some special propellant to work a space ship. Do you send explorers to find it?
Name: Ronan Grine Age: 39 Name of Civilization:Granite Dock Government:Monarchy Pop:5385486336 civilians:5384124316 ------------------------ culture:11 military:10 economy:20 science:10 -------------------- military types: melee322450(Defenders+swordsmen)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} longrange372910(Archers)[Backup:1000]{aw:20000} Firearms373420(Musketeers)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} Artillery220040{Armed war:10000} ------------------ Parties at the moment: -50(usual) -50 -50 ------------------------------------ Villages: Towns: Cities: Metro:4 Capital:1 ------------------------------------- Tech:english language,building, Farming, writing, education, military, forging, laws of science,Hospital,woodwork,invention,firearms,artillery, wall making, exploration,road,monarchy, water trans, oil drill building choices:home, Barn, library, barracks, forge, labs, hospital, carpenter house,workshop,munitions factory,steel mill, wall,road,port,oil station, car factory Research:
two years pass and your explorers find nothing besides 20 different areas you could settle. They discover that the aliens have the propellant in their lands.
Name: Ronan Grine Age: 39 Name of Civilization:Granite Dock Government:Monarchy Pop:5385486336 civilians:5384124316 ------------------------ culture:11 military:10 economy:20 science:10 -------------------- military types: melee322450(Defenders+swordsmen)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} longrange372910(Archers)[Backup:1000]{aw:20000} Firearms373420(Musketeers)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} Artillery220040{Armed war:10000} ------------------ Parties at the moment: -50(usual) -50 -50 ------------------------------------ Villages: Towns: Cities: Metro:4 Capital:1 ------------------------------------- Tech:english language,building, Farming, writing, education, military, forging, laws of science,Hospital,woodwork,invention,firearms,artillery, wall making, exploration,road,monarchy, water trans, oil drill building choices:home, Barn, library, barracks, forge, labs, hospital, carpenter house,workshop,munitions factory,steel mill, wall,road,port,oil station, car factory Research:
I attempt to trade for the propellant. if they don't agree to simple trades, we ask for the propellant in return we will share with them some of our space craft tech.
I encourage the scientists to bring up a more renewable method of gathering energy and fuel for the ship. (solar power?)
Name: Ronan Grine Age: 39 Name of Civilization:Granite Dock Government:Monarchy Pop:5385486336 civilians:5384124316 ------------------------ culture:11 military:10 economy:20 science:10 -------------------- military types: melee322450(Defenders+swordsmen)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} longrange372910(Archers)[Backup:1000]{aw:20000} Firearms373420(Musketeers)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} Artillery220040{Armed war:10000} ------------------ Parties at the moment: -50(usual) -50 -50 ------------------------------------ Villages: Towns: Cities: Metro:4 Capital:1 ------------------------------------- Tech:english language,building, Farming, writing, education, military, forging, laws of science,Hospital,woodwork,invention,firearms,artillery, wall making, exploration,road,monarchy, water trans, oil drill building choices:home, Barn, library, barracks, forge, labs, hospital, carpenter house,workshop,munitions factory,steel mill, wall,road,port,oil station, car factory Research:
The aliens refuse on both counts. They already have space craft technology. The scientist discover that if you concentrate solar heat that you can create power. Not enough to fuel a ship but enough to power individual homes.
Name: Ronan Grine Age: 39 Name of Civilization:Granite Dock Government:Monarchy Pop:5385486336 civilians:5384124316 ------------------------ culture:11 military:10 economy:20 science:10 -------------------- military types: melee322450(Defenders+swordsmen)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} longrange372910(Archers)[Backup:1000]{aw:20000} Firearms373420(Musketeers)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} Artillery220040{Armed war:10000} ------------------ Parties at the moment: -50(usual) -50 -50 ------------------------------------ Villages: Towns: Cities: Metro:4 Capital:1 ------------------------------------- Tech:english language,building, Farming, writing, education, military, forging, laws of science,Hospital,woodwork,invention,firearms,artillery, wall making, exploration,road,monarchy, water trans, oil drill building choices:home, Barn, library, barracks, forge, labs, hospital, carpenter house,workshop,munitions factory,steel mill, wall,road,port,oil station, car factory Research:
alright I do some recon, what does this alien need from trade and of the such that they cannot create within their own country?
I start an underwater research division
I create an expansion council, the council is in charge of all expansions going on and is meant to keep 3 expedition parties running at all times other than war, they are capable of setting up and expanding villages/towns/cities, the council is elected from trusted officials. The Monarch is still capable of overruling their decisions.
New Units:
Dogfighter: Meant against aircraft's in close quarters
Missile Jet craft: Meant for precision strikes both on ground and air units
High altitude Bomber: Self explanatory
Low altitude bomber: Armed with 2 mini-guns and a large cargo hold to store bombs they are key in destroying enemy structures.
Heavy Transport: A unarmed massive aircraft responsible for delivery of heavy military equipment.
Missile Heli: Meant for precision strikes both on ground and air units.
Transport Heli: Capable of transporting infantry and 1 heavy unit (tank, jeep)
Gun Heli: Meant for covering fire and large battles they're spread makes them deadly to lightly armored units.
Tank: Heavily armored and with a cannon they are front line fighters meant for destroying armored vehicles. They are also armed with a mini-gun for anti-light armor units.
Soldiers: A) Assault: Mid range light armored units meant for shock type attacks, effective in close quarters and mid range. Most effective in battlefield where enemy's are spread out and not high in numbers. B) Sniper: Long range lightly armored units meant for precision kills, effective in killing important units or killing from afar. C) Machine-gunner: Team of 2 meant for suppressive fire they are most effective in a cramped battlefield where enemies are in massive numbers. D) Recon: lightly armored units meant for stealth and intelligence gathering. Occasionally accompany snipers to spot their targets.
Jeep: Lightly armored fast vehicle that is used for hit and run tactics as well as extremely fast attacks. Equipped with a side machine gun it is used as mobile suppressing fire.
Mobile Artillery: A heavily armored vehicle equipped with a mortar like weapon it is found in the far reaches of the battlefield sieging enemy units under a constant barrage of artillery fire.
Name: Ronan Grine Age: 39 Name of Civilization:Granite Dock Government:Monarchy Pop:5385486336 civilians:5384124316 ------------------------ culture:20 military:20 economy:20 science:20 -------------------- military types: melee322450(Defenders+swordsmen)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} longrange372910(Archers)[Backup:1000]{aw:20000} Firearms373420(Musketeers)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} Artillery220040{Armed war:10000} ------------------ Parties at the moment: -50(usual) -50 -50 ------------------------------------ Villages: Towns: Cities: Metro:4 Capital:1 ------------------------------------- Tech:english language,building, Farming, writing, education, military, forging, laws of science,Hospital,woodwork,invention,firearms,artillery, wall making, exploration,road,monarchy, water trans, oil drill building choices:home, Barn, library, barracks, forge, labs, hospital, carpenter house,workshop,munitions factory,steel mill, wall,road,port,oil station, car factory Research:
You find that what you have been trading with them they have kept and studied and they now are making their own of everything. You also find that their militaries are relatively small and spread thin. What do you do now?
P.S. thanks to your councils and unit advancements all four criteria reach 20. Woo-Hoo.
Name: Ronan Grine Age: 39 Name of Civilization:Granite Dock Government:Monarchy Pop:5385486336 civilians:5384124316 ------------------------ culture:20 military:20 economy:20 science:20 -------------------- military types: melee322450(Defenders+swordsmen)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} longrange372910(Archers)[Backup:1000]{aw:20000} Firearms373420(Musketeers)[backup:1000]{aw:20000} Artillery220040{Armed war:10000} ------------------ Parties at the moment: -50(usual) -50 -50 ------------------------------------ Villages: Towns: Cities: Metro:4 Capital:1 ------------------------------------- Tech:english language,building, Farming, writing, education, military, forging, laws of science,Hospital,woodwork,invention,firearms,artillery, wall making, exploration,road,monarchy, water trans, oil drill building choices:home, Barn, library, barracks, forge, labs, hospital, carpenter house,workshop,munitions factory,steel mill, wall,road,port,oil station, car factory Research:
Are they particularly annoying? also will the other aliens support me if I go to war with him. I send in a recon team to find their key structures and central government, the war council is on partial duty they have power to do anything but declare war as of now.
Defenders = Soldiers (assault) Archers = Soldiers(Snipers) Musketmen = Soldiers (Machine gunners) Artillery = Mobile Artillery Jeep = 300000 Tanks = 1000000 Dogfighters = 40000000 Missile jetcraft = 200000 High altitude bomber = 10000000 Low altitude bomber = 20000000 Heavy transport = 800000 Gun Heli = 200000 Missile Heli = 500000 Transport Heli = 1000000 P.S.: