You are the commander of a new found colony on the planet X-34. You will Receive a shipment of 5 things from Earth. You will get there with 20 things at random and you will have to compete against other survivors and research new technology. You will have to face challenges as the game progresses.
Colony Name: Granite Dock Leader: Lonelighters Population: Dead: Land: Money: Weapons: Ammo: Vechicals: Technology: Tools: Aid: Medicine: Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) --------(spend 1000 points total bonuses) Military: Science: Tactics: Problem dealing (Is this meant to be problem solving? If not please explain this as well): Panic: Comfort:
You'll have to explain to me the bonuses in a bit more depth, what does panic and comfort do, how is science used in this game (is there a set tech tree?). What does military and tactics do? (increase strength of units? Effectiveness of units?). Should you add an econ trait as well for economy based players? What is problem dealing meant to do?
Colony Name: Granite Dock Leader: Lonelighters Population:50 (population of your city for soldiers) Deadthe amount of dead people you have this will determine the effects of some attacks) Land:10(the amount of land your city controls you can use this to build things) BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia(the amount of buildings you have and what they do) Moneythe amount of money you have you can go negative) Weapons:5 Bows(What weapons you have extra's of) Ammo: 250 arrows(what ammo you have extra's) VechicalsThe amount of Vechicals you have civilian, and military) Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens(the amount of animals you have) Soldiers: Guards(The type of soldiers you have) Technologywhat technology you can create) Tools: Hammer 50 nails(the amount of tools you have) Aid: 100 gallons of water, 20 pounds of bannans(The amount of food and water you have) Medicinewhat medicine you have to treat sickness) Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) -------(spend 1000 points total bonuses)(these will get more points) MilitaryThe Training and strengths of soldiers) ScienceThe Ability of Scientist goal to make things faster) TacticsThe better your Generals are the more wars you will win) Problem solvingDealing with shortages of food and medicine and anything bad that happens) Panicthe more into hear the more people will follow directions instead of running around screaming) ComfortHow happy citizens will become)
so sorry i meant to do that but i forgot about it when i posted
Colony Name: Granite Dock Leader: Lonelighters Population:50 (population of your city for soldiers) Deadthe amount of dead people you have this will determine the effects of some attacks) Land:10(the amount of land your city controls you can use this to build things) BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia(the amount of buildings you have and what they do) Moneythe amount of money you have you can go negative) Weapons:5 Bows(What weapons you have extra's of) Ammo: 250 arrows(what ammo you have extra's) VechicalsThe amount of Vechicals you have civilian, and military) Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens(the amount of animals you have) Soldiers: Guards(The type of soldiers you have) Technologywhat technology you can create) Tools: Hammer 50 nails(the amount of tools you have) Aid: 100 gallons of water, 20 pounds of bannans(The amount of food and water you have) Medicinewhat medicine you have to treat sickness) Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) -------(spend 1000 points total bonuses)(these will get more points) Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:100
Thanks for the explanations
1. I create 20 soldiers 2. I send these soldiers to scout surrounding areas and give info on possible expansion possibilities 3. The civilians are to start researching on how to train archers.
Colony Name: Granite Dock Leader: Lonelighters Population:30 (26 soldiers) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers Money:0 Weapons:5 Bows Ammo: 250 arrows Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens Soldiers: Guards (6) Militia (20) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer 50 nails Aid: 100 gallons of water, 20 pounds of bananas Medicine: Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:100
You Train 20 militia arm with just fist (get more weapons) and send them out to scout out the area. Your Civilians have unlocked how to use the basics of a bow for combat, and fighting. New Unit unlocked in Camp.
Colony Name: Granite Dock Leader: Lonelighters Population:30 (26 soldiers) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers Money:0 Weapons:5 Bows Ammo: 250 arrows Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens Soldiers: Guards (6) Militia (20) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer 50 nails Aid: 100 gallons of water, 20 pounds of bananas Medicine: Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:100
How does pop growth work?
I wait for the scouts to report in and I tell the civilians to research the planet soil to see if farming is possible and to see how effective it is as a wall if packed with mud etc. basically I research and experiment on all the uses of the soil of this planet.
Colony Name: Granite Dock Leader: Lonelighters Population:30 (26 soldiers) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers Money:0 Weapons:5 Bows Ammo: 250 arrows Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens Soldiers: Guards (6) Militia (20) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer 50 nails Aid: 100 gallons of water, 20 pounds of bananas Medicine: Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:100
pop growth is automatic if you want i can start listing amount of kids because i only show adults since there the only useful for now.
The scouts come in saying expansion is very possible and that theres a lake nearby and a forest. from the trees there's a valley with wild life, and a mountain range a few miles over. the civilians report farming is possible but it will be hard, and that walls can be made
Colony Name: Granite Dock Leader: Lonelighters Population:30 (26 soldiers) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers Money:0 Weapons:5 Bows Ammo: 250 arrows Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens Soldiers: Guards (6) Militia (20) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer 50 nails Aid: 100 gallons of water, 20 pounds of bananas Medicine: Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:100
I'll leave listing the amount of kids to your discretion (when you believe it is necessary).
1. I ask the militia if they believe they can hunt the wild life in the valley. 2. I set an expansion near the lake and start building a house there. 3. I send some civilians (10) with the some militia (5) to chop up some woods for supplies. 4. 3 civilians are sent to gather water from the mountain river (there must be at least one) accompanied by 2 militia.
Colony Name: Granite Dock Leader: Lonelighters Population:32 (26 soldiers) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers Money:0 Weapons:5 Bows Ammo: 250 arrows Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens Soldiers: Guards (6) Militia (20) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer 50 nails Aid: 100 gallons of water, 20 pounds of bananas Medicine: Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:100
1. Militia can't hunt but if you train them or civilian to be hunters they can.
2.You start to expand by the river but a herd of strange bull like creatures start swarming to it to drink
3. you send men into the forest and they chopped down 11 trees is this good?
Leader: Lonelighters Population:32 (26 soldiers) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers Money:0 Weapons:5 Bows Ammo: 250 arrows Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens Soldiers: Guards (6) Militia (20) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer 50 nails Aid: 100 gallons of water, 20 pounds of bananas Medicine: Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:100
I call back all units to the main camp due to lack of knowledge of natural predators, the civilians start making a wall escorted by the militia to make sure no dangers are posed to them.
Leader: Lonelighters Population:32 (26 soldiers) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers.Wall (GM) Money:0 Weapons:5 Bows Ammo: 250 arrows Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens Soldiers: Guards (6) Militia (20) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer 50 nails Aid: 89 gallons of water, 16 pounds of bananas Medicine: Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:100
you call back every soldier and have your civilians make a dirt mount with supervision from militia. Then (A-7)flying "birds" swoop in to attack with razor sharp taloons
Colony Name: Baron rouge Leader: Oeil-de-Nuit Population: Dead: Land: Money: Weapons: Ammo: Vechicals: Technology: Tools: Aid: Medicine: Bio: Oeil-de-Nuit isn't really talkative. No one know what he has done before being appointed to that mission. He naturally took the head of the operations and promised to spend the citizens life only when nothing else is possible. He doesn't hide that he may ask sacrifice for the general good. --------(spend 1000 points total bonuses) Military:200 Science:250 Tactics:150 Problem dealing:100 Panic:100 Comfort:200
Colony Name: Baron rouge Leader: Oeil-de-Nuit Population: 50 Dead: 0 Soldiers: 10 Marines Land: 10 Buildings:camp- holds 50 population , trains militia also trains builders Money: 0 Animals: Weapons: 4 M-14 Ammo: 7.62 cal 200,50 cal 100 Vechicals: 1 ARV-57 (1,50 cal.) Technology: Tools: Saw Aid: 60 gallons of water 20 Ibls of peanuts Medicine: Bio: Oeil-de-Nuit isn't really talkative. No one know what he has done before being appointed to that mission. He naturally took the head of the operations and promised to spend the citizens life only when nothing else is possible. He doesn't hide that he may ask sacrifice for the general good. --------(spend 1000 points total bonuses) Military:200 Science:250 Tactics:150 Problem dealing:100 Panic:100 Comfort:200
Leader: Lonelighters Population:32 (26 soldiers) Dead: Land:10 BuildingsHolds 100 Population, and lets you train militia, and archers.Wall (GM) Money:0 Weapons:5 Bows Ammo: 250 arrows Vechicals: Animals:5 Pigs and 7 cows 10 chickens Soldiers: Guards (6) Militia (20) Technology: Bowmen. Tools: Hammer 50 nails Aid: 89 gallons of water, 16 pounds of bananas Medicine: Bio: A nimble fighter the commander is known to be a jack of all trades though most that know him would agree that he dabbles in explosives and electronics more than other forms of warfare. For unknown reasons during combat the commander has a dulled sense of morality. Slightly hot-headed, brash, and blunt he makes a weak diplomat but an effective leader. (I'll update this as we go along if possible.) ----------------------- Military:100 Science: 300 Tactics:100 Problem solving:200 Panic:200 Comfort:100
The guards are to fire on the bird, the militia fall back and protect the civilians. The guards are to stick close to the wall to limit the attack range of the birds and makes it easier for the guards to create a kill zone.