It is the begining of the 17th century and the world had united into two massive kingodms. Tyria, the westlands, enjoy peaceful living and stable conditions. The second kingdom, Armadon, faces a drought. It's also a time of innovation last seen in the the Renaissance. Most people have a small amount of Arcane ability. The world currently faces a global war as the eldest prince is assasinated.
My two so far: Name: Dalar Almari Kingdom: Tyria Class: Mage Bio: Family has been the royalty since the formation of the lands. He is very wise but getting older.
Name: Moland Rodash Kindom: Armadon Class: Warrior Bio: He has risen to power by elimanting the previous royals believing them weak. He will anything to save and protect his kingdom he spent years in service for.
Porteor, the strange 27 kingdom: Armadon Class: mechomancer Bio: Working in a busy trade shop in town, Porteor has honed his skills at creating the clever and strange. able to build and use devices that use complex parts and gears. ------------------------------------------------------------ (don't really know what the application is but here ya go(its all i really need in my opinion))
Moland is hosting a large annual festival in the capital. All across the city people come and enjoys themselves in the large town square with various activities and food as with the drought it might be the last time it happens
Dalar is holding a public meeting in the throne room of his castle where his general and advisors are all meeting to discuss the retaliation for the murder of their prince
Name:Henry Jurgen Kingdom:Armadon Class:Knight Bio: He was born to nobles of the kingdom. He got a proper education and learned basic fighting styles. He mastered each style and moved to the next. He was a master of the craft of war. He now moves from town to town to protect the honest people of Armadon.
Moland spots Henry in the crowd and walks over to him. Two guards follow behind "Henry! It's nice to see you!" he says joyfully "How are you enjoying the festival.?" he asks in a light-hearted tone
Porteor, the strange kingdom: Armadon Class: mechomancer Bio: Working in a busy trade shop in town, Porteor has honed his skills at creating the clever and strange. able to build and use devices that use complex parts and gears. ------------------------------------------------------------ I see the fesival as an oprotunity to sale my inventions. I have my self moving "wonder cart" using it to display all types of trinkets and wares.
Name: Nestor Fellhorn Kingdom: Armadon Class: Assasin Bio: Born on the streets, he will do anything for money. Killing is his way of life, shadows are his home, and rats are his friends.
A crowd of people begin to flood to Porteor's mechanical stand. Fascinated with it's display. A few upper classmen even come over to see what the rush is about. People are shoving each other to get their chance
Porteor, the strange kingdom: Armadon Class: mechomancer Bio: Working in a busy trade shop in town, Porteor has honed his skills at creating the clever and strange. able to build and use devices that use complex parts and gears. ------------------------------------------------------------
I see that I've attraced attention and I put on a show to demonstrate my inventions. I drop metal orbs that roll into grooves in the cobelstone. After a few seconds they open to reveal legs. The creatures skitter about and create a circle in the crowd. I then reach onto my stand and find a box. I place the box in the middle of the circle and engage a small button. It emits strange clockwork sound, drawing the crowd in. the box walls then fold out forming a stand for a tube. the crowed wonders what it could do. Then a huge boom send a projectile skyward and makes the crowd jump back. The shell explodes and confeti rains down on the festival.
The crowd ooohs and ahhs and line start to line up one by one to buy the many gadgets. A upper-classmen in a very fine suit appoarches your stand "Hello, my name is Sir Pendelton and I am interest in these wonderous contraptions you have here." he says in a very refined voice looking at Porteo
Name: Aria Debontres Ruathane Kingdom: Mixed (Tyrian Mother, Armadonian Father) Class: Tarot Caster Bio: Born in a tiny village on the border, Aria had an eclectic upbringing. Her mother, Sonata Debontres, made a living through divination, though her cards could do more than simply reveal likely futures. Her father, an Armadonian scholar, taught her the more practical fields of archery and history, though the occasional fencing lesson was thrown in. Her life was a happy one, and she often found herself mingling with the children of the nobility while her father tutored their children or her mother read their fortunes. Aria became accustomed to the intrigues of court and the pompousness of high society,learning to keep her disdain in check.
When she was old enough, she began to work beside her mother, reading fortunes, while secretly mastering the art of wielding arcane energies through her cards, summoning creatures and weapons, unleashing the elements, and binding spirits. Her training was nearly complete when the bandits sacked village, burning down her home with her parents inside. When she confronted one of them, intent on stealing her maidenhood, she let her passion for revenge cloud her judgement, unleashing her fury on the brigand, slaughtering him. Too late she realized that he was not some highwayman, but a soldier, sent by gods know who for unknown reasons, but targeting her home. With no talent fr tracking, the others escaped her, leaving her with only questions and sorrow.
Name: Nestor Fellhorn Kingdom: Armadon Class: Assasin Bio: Born on the streets, he will do anything for money. Killing is his way of life, shadows are his home, and rats are his friends.
The Kingdom of Armadon is hosting a big fair. Lots of peoples walking around with money to spend.
This is the best opportunity to get some gold fast, that's why I'm in the crowd.One mechomancer is making a show with couple of metal orbs. They find a box. Everyone go near it, hiding the view. Suddenly a projectile is send skyward and makes the crowd jump back. The shell explodes and confeti rains down on the festival. While everyone are distracted and watching in the sky, i sneak around them and cut few purses, stealing their valuables.