Discuss. General Tavern rules apply. (No mudslinging, be respectful, etc.) I'll open with the statement that people should not have guns. No one at all, except the armed forces, and even then, keep the guns on the bases. Cops should carry riot shields and armor instead of guns. If they need crowd control, use Water Cannons. Supporting evidence: the following skit: What's your reason? Setting: A gun shop, modern day. A Customer walks into the gun shop and asks the Shopkeeper, "Hi, i'd like to buy a gun please." The Shopkeeper pulls out an application form and asks the customer "Alright, what's your reason for wanting to buy a gun?" The Customer says "I need one for personal protection." The Shopkeeper nods. "I have just the thing for you, I guarantee you cannot get any more personal protection than this baby right here. What i'm about to show you offers so much protection, it can stop a shotgun shell." The customer, very interested, stares at a full-size Riot Shield, the kind the police use. He scoffs. "That's not what I want, I want a gun!" The Shopkeeper shrugs. "Are you sure? This fine piece of equipment will protect you more than a gun ever will! It's very strong, reinforced titanium and kevlar..." by now, the angry Customer has left. Later, another Customer enters. "Hi, I need a gun." Again, the Shopkeeper clicks his pen and pulls out an application form. "For what reason?" he asks. The Customer hesitates, than says "Hunting." The shopkeeper smiles. "Of course! I love to hunt. Hunting is a wonderful sport. I guarantee that this item will give you the maximum amount of satisfaction you can ever get from hunting! Here, this is the sport at its peak." And he pulls out a Crossbow, complete with crosshairs for better accuracy. The customer shakes his head. "No, I want a gun." he states. The shopkeeper reluctantly puts away the Crossbow. "Are you sure? With a gun, it's so...boring, just pulling a trigger. And it's unfair to the animal, with this you give the deer a chance and have to chase it for up to an hour, just like the Native Americans did back in the day! Unless of course..." He fails to finish his sentence, as the pissed off customer has left in a huff. Later, a third customer walks in. "Hi, I'd like to buy a gun." he says. The shopkeeper holds his pen at the ready. "For what reason, sir?" he asks. The customer glares. "I dont need a reason, read the god **** second amendment "THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS." It's in the constitution you idiot! The shopkeeper merely smiles. "Of course, I have the perfect thing for you. This gun is covered under Second Amendment laws, guaranteed!" And he holds up a 200-year-old, civil-war-era musket, complete with rusty bayonet. The customer shrieks. "No, man! I want a Glock, a shotgun, something better than that civil war crap!" The shopkeeper merely smiles. "I'm sorry sir, please come back when they update the second amendment to include those types of guns. Here, i'll even give you a discount..." the shopkeeper holds out a discount to the enraged customer, who tears it in half and leaves. Fourthly, another Customer walks in. "I really need a gun, now." He says. The Shopkeeper holds his pen and application form ready. "For what reason, sir?" he asks. Instead of stating his reason this time, the Customer snatches the application form and looks at it. There, in the spot titled "Reasons" is a circle for "other". "Other! That's my reason!" the Customer declares triumphantly. The shopkeeper shrugs. "Very good answer sir." he says, while pressing a button under the counter. Two cops arrive at the shop in less than a minute and cuff the Customer. "Hey! What the *PROFANITY* ARE YOU *PROFANITY* GUYS DOING? I'VE DONE NOTHING WRONG!" He yells, almost breaking the glass of the windows. "Actually, you have." The Shopkeeper begins. "the "other" reason, by exclusion of the other reason, can only include wanting to kill or rob someone. Therefore, you were thinking about commiting a crime when you selected "Other" as your reason. Caught you red-handed, trying to buy the tools necessary to commiting a crime. You confessed to it when you selected "Other"! Take him downtown, please." The cops nod and take the Customer away. The last thing he hears from the Shopkeeper is "Oh, and I knew it was you all those times!"
Moral of the story: You do NOT need a gun for a particular activity. In any given activity (And I challenge you to give me a valid, legal activity for which you would need to personally own a gun), there are many other options. Why buy a gun for personal protection when a Riot Shield blocks shotgun shells? Why buy a gun for hunting when the point of hunting (and every other sport) is satisfaction, and since you get more satisfaction with more challenge, and since a crossbow offers more challenge than a gun, you'll get more satisfaction with the crossbow. Why buy a gun based on the Second Amendment when the Colonial-age guns were either giant cannons or black-powder, muzzle-loading Muskets? Did the Founding Fathers have AR-15's, and SPAZ-12 shotguns,And AK 47s, not to mention all the accessories like laser scopes and hollow-point bullets? I dont think so!
The only way you can disprove my argument is to give me a valid, LEGAL activity which requires you to personally own a gun. This excludes Skeet-shooting, because the facility can and should/will provide the gun. Until anyone can do that, YOU DONT NEED A GUN, NO ONE NEEDS GUNS! They're WAY too dangerous and make it too easy to kill someone! Why have something you dont need?
is there a word whit the very same meaning but whit the word "erson" changed to "object" ?
How about the mechanism? Oh, right, you mean in a sentient sense. Hate to break it to you, but a gun isn't alive.
and who would make him cry like a baby after being hit?
Some countries have pepper spray restrictions that are pretty tight, those same countries being ones that have a lack of public armament, i.e. New Zealand. Of course, those countries are also considerably smaller and more peaceful then the US.
notice the " " around motivated. it's was never mend literally in the 1st place.
Perhaps you meant manipulated: managed or influenced skillfully; handled, managed, or used, especially with skill, in some process of treatment or performance.
[quote][quote]and you dont want to try to make usa peaceful? i would like to see that.
It was a country forged entirely in war. Granted, a war for freedom, but still war.[/quote] what country? [/quote] D'uh.
What is the legislation about carrying like knives around in public? Any way I don't think it's a good idea either, people walking around with hidden knives. It could help in some cases of self defence I'd wager, but despite the dissuasive effect of weapons, the more there are around, the more people will actually use them for self-defence/vigilantism/aggressions (because people of both sides, aggressed and aggressors, will think they have to act in order to prevent any act of the other party). And I don't really trust any kind of self-administered justice other than direct assistance of someone in need.
oke. could also have been the netherlands. we had a 80 years war against the spanish for our freedom. about 2 entire generations have only lived in war for what we have now. or 1 of the many others that fought for their land and/or independence. did i say already that europe has a big history of wars. and only since the end of ww2 and the formation of the EU that we have peace. i dont find the history of wars or how a country came to existence, a reason in this debate. it's more on the off-topic side really.
Perhaps you meant manipulated: managed or influenced skillfully; handled, managed, or used, especially with skill, in some process of treatment or performance.
handled, thats it. thx. ^^
"they make it extremely easy tho. other weapons need allot more handling to kill someone."
What is the legislation about carrying like knives around in public?
I'm pretty sure there's no federal law against it, other than maybe in high-traffic, regulated places (airports, gov't buildings, schools, etc) or certain types/lengths of knives. States and cities may have specific laws for those, but I'll look into it.
other weapons need allot more handling to kill someone."
Some don't. Poison for example. Heck, pushing a button to set off a bomb doesn't take much manipulation. There's little resistance for either of those.
Some don't. Poison for example. Heck, pushing a button to set off a bomb doesn't take much manipulation. There's little resistance for either of those.
Poison, while widely accessible requires someone to have intimate knowledge of how much it takes to kill someone. Highly leathal poisons on the other hand tend to be restricted.
Bombs require a know how to make, and the ability to make one without blowing yourself up first.
is not going to be used in a robbery. guns aint gonna protect you from poison either. and befor poison hits it's mark, there is is allot of preparing i guess.
pushing a button to set off a bomb doesn't take much manipulation.
so you suggest everyone should walk around whit a bomb? there is alot of preparing befor this bomb can be set off by a remote button.
and guns aint gonna protect you from them either. therefor they have no place in this debate i think.
Look criminals will always legally or illegally bear arms usually heavily modified. The Second Ammendment is states that you can bear arms so that if your government becomes suppresive and tyrranical you have a means of protection. You obviously are shocked by the recent wave of school shootings, everyone is, but you have decided to take things too far. It is quite obvious that if a teacher or two were caring firearms for self-defense things would go differently; many kids could still be alive. I'm sure these points have been made in this thread I just haven't seen them.
Poison, while widely accessible requires someone to have intimate knowledge of how much it takes to kill someone. Highly leathal poisons on the other hand tend to be restricted.
so you suggest everyone should walk around whit a bomb?
Hello, Mr. Strawman. The point is, not all ways to kill people involve the physical effort of knifing. If someone really wants to kill someone, they'll find a way.