ForumsWEPRWhy Would Anyone (in the right mind) Worship Satan?

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276 posts

Pretty much self-explanitory.
Why? I am a Catholic, and here are a couple things. Why would you worship Satan, and end up burning in hell, when you could worship the Lord, Jesus Christ and end up in the Paradise garden?
Why? I don't understand any philosophy in it.
A couple more things: Sigil of Baphomet, they worship demons and heinous figures. Huh, to discover the "true self" or something?
Also, I am not a nut, entertainers actually do sell themselves to make it big, like here, in an interview with lead *****cat Dolls Singer, Nicole Sherzinger, courtesy of the Vigilant Citizen.
Don't be stuck in blind world!
Learn, and don't let them trick you too!

  • 362 Replies
6,800 posts

I'll refer you to Chillz. He's a Satanist and he seems pretty sane to me.

5,552 posts

First off, let's start with understand what Satanism is (because more often than not, it's not worshiping the 'devil.'


Second, they obviously do not believe Lucifer (if they worship the actual figure and not a set of ideologies) to be such a bad guy.

I personally would, if we assume the Bible is the literal truth (which I do not believe, being an atheist) prefer Satan over God.

The reasons for this are simple: In the Bible, God is supposed to be portrayed as benevolent, all powerful, and all knowing. Yet he clearly set humanity up to fail from the start by including the tree and allowing Satan into the garden to tempt innocent people who had no concept of right and wrong. God's actions in the bible far surpass all of the worst human dictators in history combined. Mass genocide, condemning people to eternal torture for superficial reasons, an egocentric maniac who demands that everything worship him forever, innocent people killed or punished for little or no reason, and much more.

Whereas in contrast, Lucifer was thrown out of heaven for arguing with God that he was wrong to treat humanity as his playthings. He also tempted Adam and Eve so that they might learn God's cruelty and actually think for themselves instead of be his pets in a cage. All other accounts of Satan's misdeeds in the Bible are from the obviously biased viewpoint of God, who had already shown himself to be the penultimate malicious dictator of the universe.

9,439 posts

All other accounts of Satan's misdeeds in the Bible are from the obviously biased viewpoint of God, who had already shown himself to be the penultimate malicious dictator of the universe.

Judaism likely stemmed from Caananite polytheism/monolatrism, in which Yahweh was considered a war god. That explains a lot.
13,344 posts

Look at it from a Biblical perspective, Mickey. In the Bible, God wants everyone to play by his rules or he'll punish you forever. Satan doesn't necessarily care whose rules you play by, and he encourages the idea of not worrying about rules or consequences.

Now, who seems like the more logical choice to worship?

He's a Satanist and he seems pretty sane to me.

You might want to look for a better example.
9,504 posts

If we're looking into every religion as "understandable if you're in it and a condemnable abomination if you're against it", as well as equal separate faiths, then I don't see the problem here. If each religion is equally eccentric, the only people who reject Satanism are Christians, Jews, and those psychologically affected by pop culture.

9,808 posts

Satan doesn't necessarily care whose rules you play by, and he encourages the idea of not worrying about rules or consequences.

I've read a bit of the Satanic Bible..and it also pushes for people to reach their potential and strive for success
37 posts

Yeah. Why would anyone in their right mind want to worship a being that's slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people, endorsed slavery, has people stoned to death for petty crimes, and is so evil that it wants anyone who shows even the slightest descent from him tortured for eternity? Oh wait, that wasn't Satan. Who was it who did all those things? It's on the tip of my tounge. I'm thinking of a three letter word that rhimes with "ogg".

Oh well, it will come to me later. I'm not a satanist and find it rather silly to worship dieties you don't believe in. However, if there was some odd glitch in the Matrix and Yahweh and Lucifer turned out to be real, I'd choose Lucifer. The fact is, he managed to raise an army of God's most perfect creations (the angels) to rebel against God. The Bible obviously claims this as a simple power for hunger, but wouldn't the winners of a rebellion do anything they could to discredit the losers' cause? If we are to take the Bible as a (biased) fact, then what was so screwed up in heaven that a third of the angels were willing to attempt the first revolution ever, including the one closest to Yahweh?

197 posts

[/quote]when you could worship the Lord, Jesus Christ and end up in the Paradise garden?[quote]

Why would you want to end up in a paradise garden or the Christian "hell", when you can end up in Valhalla or the Celtc Otherworld?
Well at least to a Pagan like me that makes sense.

And just in case you are one of those Christians.. Paganism and Satanism have really nothing in common, why would we worship a Deity belonging to Christianity, Judaism, Islam?
And also, I have nothing wrong with Satanists, and although my opinion of Christians can be low, I often meet individuals who I find that I like. They're usually the ones who are more Christ like than most their fellow believers

197 posts

Ok, that post of mine got screwed up, the "quoted" things were what I said. Hmmm.. dumb computer

70 posts

From a child's perpective.
Satan=fire+demons+anarchy (child terms "do whatever you want&quot=awesome

9,808 posts

From a child's perpective.
Satan=fire+demons+anarchy (child terms "do whatever you want&quot=awesome

How children are actually taught..

Satan=fire+torment+pain+exclusion from family=misery
God=Love+peace+family+childhood pet=happiness
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Because for many Satanists, Satan is not the devil, but a personification of their sins to be repented on.

2,487 posts

God= Life + Happiness + Peace + Immortality + You
Satan = Eternal Pain + Flames + Death + Immortality gone wrong + Suffering + You

Thank you for proving pangs point.

Honestly, satan sounds like a way more reasonable guy in my opinion. Maybe I'll sin some more so I can surf the lake of fire and hi-5 satan every time I pass him. That sounds awesome.

95 posts

3,152 posts

The reasons for this are simple: In the Bible, God is supposed to be portrayed as benevolent, all powerful, and all knowing. Yet he clearly set humanity up to fail from the start by including the tree and allowing Satan into the garden to tempt innocent people who had no concept of right and wrong.

Whoah man, hold up there a second.

The bible states rather clearly that God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. God created man not to know the what being good or evil meant, that was reserved for God only (pretty obvious to see why, seeing how things turned out.)

I personally would, if we assume the Bible is the literal truth (which I do not believe, being an atheist) prefer Satan over God.

Satan is AKA the Devil... You would prefer worshiping the guy who has been trying to destroy humanity? You would prefer the guy who is trying kill you rather then the guy that's trying to save you? That I just don't understand. Apparently you know less about the bible then I do.

God wants everyone to play by his rules or he'll punish you forever. Satan doesn't necessarily care whose rules you play by, and he encourages the idea of not worrying about rules or consequences.

Let's take a closer look at that theory real quick. In the bible, God created heaven and Earth, created man, and he created the Devil (Satan.) Satan wants all of us to die, so naturally he is going to fool you into thinking you don't have a problem if you blow off Gods rules (or Laws) so you can burn up and croak in hell.

I'm not a satanist and find it rather silly to worship dieties you don't believe in

You don't worship deities you don't believe in? That's a real deep thought man.

Honestly, satan sounds like a way more reasonable guy in my opinion.

He sure does. The bible says he can appear as an angle of light, thus fooling you into believe you're safe when you're not. Satan is not reasonable. He has one purpose, and that is to kill and to steal and destroy.

I'm not a bible beating christian, and I don't claim to be a huge expert on the bible, but I do feel I can use what little knowledge I have to straighten out a few common misconceptions. =D
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