ForumsWEPRWhy do we do what we do?

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i often think about the human psychology, how we behave in different situations, with different people around us.
what we do & don't to get attention and acceptance. what we do & don't to avoid certain people and situations.

what makes our brains to go highwire when we meet that special one, this soulmate?
why didn't we get this feeling when we met someone almost identical to this one, but at the same time so different person?

what makes us do so much for someone else, when we're not even doing anything even close to that for ourselves? or are all those things we do for others just another way for us to something for ourselves?
are we forever bound to be selfish, but with manipulative excuses (such as favors) to hide our true intentions?

  • 88 Replies
5,129 posts

i dont have time right now to reply. but there is just 1 thing i want to reply on anyway atm. i'll come back for the rest later =)

Chemicals again! The feeling of love is the effect of a chemical your liver release. This imaginary friend made his liver release these chemicals.
We are robots!

you say it's chemicals but i want to know what causes that what we do. so what causes these chemicals of yours to be released? they dont get released when you meet a almost identical person at a other time and a other place...
also is the very much just biological and the topic was mend to be psychological...
5,129 posts

(it was mend psychological. but if the chemicals part keeps the debate alive. feel free to keep going on it =) )

1,315 posts

You know these cute TV shows where you get shown these horrific parasites that make the host behave in abnormal, even life-threatening ways, for their own propagation?

There's one that settles in I think a bunny's brain, causing them unspeakable agony whilst going hopping about in the open if I recall, for the poor victim to be eaten by the next carrier required for its life cycle. Another likewise nests in I think a sea slug's brain, causing a huge throbbing swelling like a protruded tentacle on its forehead, and again causing it to expose itself where it really shouldn't, that swelling now of course serving as bait for the next host.

Now, a while ago I was watching this documentary called The Trap. In it, and I think more as an aside and by way of another illustration of the running argument, there is mention of a theory in some quarters that all we are is the product of DNA seeking to survive and reproduce.

I think it's either the movie that never really follows up on the idea, or us the viewers didn't as we were discussing the movie; but it's a fun thought experiment maybe just to think of it: So what if all we experience as our coherent selves, past and futures and all, is just a mind trick, played on us by some mindless molecules, that have no means or end, other than their self-propagation, at all costs? (Think also of the Hindu and, I think to some extent and by extension, Buddhist concept of maya -- that all is illusion, indeed. Of course the particular implication here remains that there is something above and beyond that; something I'm not very convinced of.)

It's not something I necessarily believe in, mind; but I guess it can't be ruled out, either. LOL

8,256 posts

There's one that settles in I think a bunny's brain, causing them unspeakable agony whilst going hopping about in the open if I recall, for the poor victim to be eaten by the next carrier required for its life cycle. Another likewise nests in I think a sea slug's brain, causing a huge throbbing swelling like a protruded tentacle on its forehead, and again causing it to expose itself where it really shouldn't, that swelling now of course serving as bait for the next host.

In case you're interested in more:

There's one that settles in the brain of ants, make them climb grass blades every night where they'll eventually get eaten by sheep, get out in the excrements, get eaten by snails and in turn get eaten by ants again. Most interesting part is that apparently out of all parasites infesting one organism, one sacrifices itself by going into the ant ganglion (brain) where it won't be transmitted further.
Dicrocoelium dendriticum

The parasite causing toxoplasmosis is a parasite that usually targets mice or rats and whose final host is the cat; but about a third of the human population is guessed to be affected, and it is sometimes even linked with neural disorders: Toxoplasmosis

Now, a while ago I was watching this documentary called The Trap. In it, and I think more as an aside and by way of another illustration of the running argument, there is mention of a theory in some quarters that all we are is the product of DNA seeking to survive and reproduce.

Our consciousness (brain) is not our DNA, but it is based on it. Technically, yes, our organism is a machine to transmit our genes to the next generation. There is an unbroken line of cells that goes from us back to the very first cells.
9,439 posts

There's one that settles in I think a bunny's brain, causing them unspeakable agony whilst going hopping about in the open if I recall, for the poor victim to be eaten by the next carrier required for its life cycle. Another likewise nests in I think a sea slug's brain, causing a huge throbbing swelling like a protruded tentacle on its forehead, and again causing it to expose itself where it really shouldn't, that swelling now of course serving as bait for the next host.

Here's a weird one. Other behavior-altering parasites.
1,773 posts

You realy should go to the link Bluerabbit. Its not reading. Please do.

I belive that our budy os a huge teuring machin. We are programed to be attracet to some smells, to fear from secnarios, to hate some tastes. Its like

IF ("taste" =- "very beater"
Mouth = spitt;
IF else;
Mouth = swallos;

If the women have huge pair of personality, be attracted to it.
And then its a game of math. If she is also stuiped, some mans will feel less attracted (sadly, just very very very very some).
And you feel attracted by this chemical thingy that the body confuse with adrenalin.

As i said befor, with enough money and will, a Doc' will be able to make you be attracted to Doors. If he will put a device which release Seratonin whenever you see a door, you will fall in love with doors (or when you are around doors).

Im just ciurios of how does traumatic events change this release of chemicals. Does living in fear make your liver be changed? Does a happy cow taste diffrunte then a sad cow?

5,340 posts

As i said befor, with enough money and will, a Doc' will be able to make you be attracted to Doors. If he will put a device which release Seratonin whenever you see a door, you will fall in love with doors (or when you are around doors).

could you actually explain that? are you sure its not just what you think? in order for a doctor to do that he would have to find something that all doors have in common. doors dont have scent do they? not all doors look the same either. how could he make sure seratonin is released when a person sees a door?

its not just chemicals. as palpatine said, psychology, memories and experience have alot to do about that. traumas dont change your liver. its not just simply math or science.

going even deeper i will also say that a traumatic event wouldnt be so traumatic for a different person. and theres no reason for you to spit out something that doesnt taste good and the opposite. except for rotting food theres not much important to sense of taste. actually without it we would all pretty much eat healthier.

it cant be just chemicals. how about fetishes? or imagination? you have to use imagination when you have a session by yourself. and some fetishes are simply psychological and just the idea of those can turn you on.

its much more complicated then chemicals. if it really was just chimicals we wouldnt be having this argument because scientists would probably figure everything out about love and sexual attraction (and would probably use it as some kind of weapon too. in fact... thats probably the most scary weapon i can imagine).
8,256 posts

its not just simply math or science.

Psychology, memories and experience are, in the end, no less math and science than chemicals; they're all just more or less complicated parts of the whole. It's to a big part neuronal connections, as already mentioned before. Too complicated to be understood fully by us just yet, but that has never stopped us, has it?

Now it would be relatively easy to make you feel attracted to doors. No need to program every single door into your brain; you already have a concept of what a door is. Just exploit that.

But I don't think attraction can be changed just like that, without a big invasive futuristic operation. Some people are attracted to objects but they've always been. What danielo says, while being theoretically possible, is still far away from us.
1,773 posts

I will ask you a question bluerabbit. Why do you enjoy Banji? What is the source of this feeling?

(Ill answer in your name)

Adrenalin. If ill make your liver (or whatever other source) adrenalin when cutting onions, you will get all excited. Its like when you hear this battle theme from CoD, Oblivion or somerhing, when you hear Wardrums. These things can make driving home from the base at 22:00 exciting. Its release Adrenalin.
Your brain confuse Adrenalin with other chemicals, so if you take your date to a scary movie, she will (and you will) feel more attracted to the other person. This is why we enjoy scary things. Why we picture war as fun (when we dont realy in it afcours). Why ancient times hunters will get so excited befor hunting, while doing a hunt dance (to make yourself buffed up from adrenalin).

Thats how drugs work. Take marijuana and even Sahar Hason (Israeli "comedian&quot will be funny. Its dosnt matter your taste or intellect. The drug make chemicals who make you feel happy out, you will be happy.

There is a tiny seed of soul deep there, but im sure modern and future research will be able to destroy this idea.

Except of gingers. They dont have soul even if there is no such thing.

9,439 posts

could you actually explain that? are you sure its not just what you think? in order for a doctor to do that he would have to find something that all doors have in common. doors dont have scent do they? not all doors look the same either.

It's worked with other things. Perhaps it would simply be an attraction to vertical rectangles instead of doors directly.

how could he make sure seratonin is released when a person sees a door?

By associating it with pleasure. I don't really agree with the "device that gives the drugs" idea. That would lower the body's natural responses (kind of like when you take an insulin pill, your body makes less, making you need more pills). Instead, show them things that already turn them on simultaneously/integrated with vertical rectangles. Perhaps show a variety of images of vertical rectangles during a refractory period so they're associated with that natural relaxation.

or imagination? you have to use imagination when you have a session by yourself

Imagination comes from past experiences and sensory inputs, often an expansion, extrapolation, or exaggeration of them.

if it really was just chimicals we wouldnt be having this argument because scientists would probably figure everything out about love and sexual attraction (and would probably use it as some kind of weapon too. in fact... thats probably the most scary weapon i can imagine).

Pheromone bombs!

There is a tiny seed of soul deep there, but im sure modern and future research will be able to destroy this idea.

"Soul of the gaps"?
1,315 posts

If the women have huge pair of personality, be attracted to it.

Sure, I'll have me a lady w/ a huge pair of personalities, any day ;-P

Except of gingers. They dont have soul even if there is no such thing.

? We're bashing redheads now??? Kidding, Danielo, though I honestly don't know what you mean.

Thanks for those additional parasite examples above, folks. Amazing, isn't it.
9,462 posts

it cant be just chemicals. how about fetishes? or imagination? you have to use imagination when you have a session by yourself. and some fetishes are simply psychological and just the idea of those can turn you on.

its much more complicated then chemicals. if it really was just chimicals we wouldnt be having this argument because scientists would probably figure everything out about love and sexual attraction (and would probably use it as some kind of weapon too. in fact... thats probably the most scary weapon i can imagine).

A memory is a physical change to the neuron. This would include what we imagine. We have given false memories to mice by making biochemical changes to these neurons.
So what would be going on in the case of a fetish and getting turned on by just thought? Biochemical changes in the neurons of the brain created by electrical impulses are triggering further reactions to produce certain chemicals that our bodies react to resulting in what we feel.

And yes we can be having the conversation since this understanding of how the brain works is pretty cutting edge.

MIT discovers the location of memories: Individual neurons
5,129 posts

hmmm ill try a different way then...

i c, thx. i understood it right =)

easy to say. but lets say this happens to you and you finally see the woman and she is one of those obesse women who can barely get inside cars (im talking about the extremely obese ones who are famous for it).

well ive done long befor a found someone who i really love. i was 25 when i felt love for the 1st time. i dont think it is important at all about what someone looks like. what i was seeking in a person were certain personalities. like caring, loving, strong will, active and a sharing of certain interests. such as. no kids, no shared property and some more.
i think if i would really love this famous obese person then i would still wanna be with her. i might not be sexually attracted to her. but i would still love her like i did befor...
and sure it's easy to say, reality isn't predictable.. the person i found is not a famous obese person, so it's just guessings now anyway..

even though scent comes from your body the actual smell can be felt from far too. its in the air so maybe its not much less but almost the same.

interesting. can this mean that 1 can be attracted to the wrong person then? that someone becomes attracted to person A because of the scent of person B who stands right next to person A? and maybe also because the looks of person A are more the taste of person 1.


i the part that i skipped. do you mean there that sexual attraction is only caused by the looks of people? =S

This imaginary friend made his liver release these chemicals.

but why? why did this imaginary friend make this happen and not that other almost identical imaginary friend?


sorry MacII, i can't follow where you wanna go.. parasites are not us doing what we do. it are those parasites that do what we do... a whole different topic i think.

We are programed to be attracet to some smells, to fear from secnarios, to hate some tastes.
how come someone can love to drive a car. but after a accident he fears to drive again? wasn't he programed to love driving instead of fearing?
how come i used to love the taste of ketchup. but nowadays i find it discusting? =S

except for rotting food

should we tell the french that their cheese stinks?

thats probably the most scary weapon i can imagine

hey, at least it wont kill ^^

Take marijuana and even Sahar Hason (Israeli "comedian&quot will be funny.

lol, maybe you should try marijuana and see for yourself that it is not a alternative laughing gas. (marijuna often does not make you feel better, it depends on the mood your in already befor you smoke it.)

also is adrenalin the result of something that we do. adrenalin is not the cause of that what we do.

Sure, I'll have me a lady w/ a huge pair of personalities, any day ;-P

" it's so obvious who hasn't been in love befor =P "
you have that lady maybe for a day. is this topic now about one night stands? the size of her personalities shouldn't matter for the true one.
8,256 posts

is this topic now about one night stands?

No, but I thought it was attraction. Also, even women with big personalities can be keepers.
1,315 posts

[quote=partydevil]sorry MacII, i can't follow where you wanna go.. parasites are not us doing what we do. it are those parasites that do what we do... a whole different topic i think.[/quote]

The thought experiment there for a moment had been so what if all you perceive as your coherent, rational self is indeed just a trick played on you by some parasitical molecules. I wasn't saying it is so; but it's a fun idea perhaps to toy with.

" it's so obvious who hasn't been in love befor =P "
you have that lady maybe for a day. is this topic now about one night stands? the size of her personalities shouldn't matter for the true one.

Yeh I know, humor doesn't travel well on the web. Never mind, and forget about it.

I'm not sure what this thread was about, anyway; it seems to have morphed from being about what makes us tick in general, to more precisely what makes us tick in love/sexual relationships (there appears to be some confusion as usual as to which is which, or how they are interrelated), to even more precisely what moves us in a cyber-affair. Could the latter apply to your good self, by any chance? Nothing wrong with it, but for the sake of clarity.

I don't know, on what makes us tick in cyberspace I found this never bad, & funny at the same time: The Psychology of Cyberspace.


[quoteMacII]I realized now there's plenty of youngsters reading along here.[/quote]

[quote=partydevil]it's nothing sexual... i'm sure all these youngsters have seen much worse on the i-net alrdy. they learn what you said in school or there parents sometime if they didn't yet. i knew it when i was 13... =)[/quote]

Yes, but if you had read on there, you'd have realized I was trying to amend my suggestion if it had been read that way that sex during menstruation would be safe, in terms of pregnancy. It isn't (no few, men and women, will also find it messy or generally a turn-off), and I wouldn't want to suggest anything like it.
Showing 31-45 of 88