ForumsWEPRWhy do we do what we do?

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i often think about the human psychology, how we behave in different situations, with different people around us.
what we do & don't to get attention and acceptance. what we do & don't to avoid certain people and situations.

what makes our brains to go highwire when we meet that special one, this soulmate?
why didn't we get this feeling when we met someone almost identical to this one, but at the same time so different person?

what makes us do so much for someone else, when we're not even doing anything even close to that for ourselves? or are all those things we do for others just another way for us to something for ourselves?
are we forever bound to be selfish, but with manipulative excuses (such as favors) to hide our true intentions?

  • 88 Replies
9,439 posts

If we have strong wills, we can control them, and they are good. If we can't control them, they turn into sin.

Whence came 'weak wills'?
9,808 posts

We have "morals" so we know not to sin, and we know to do good. God put different tendencies into us. If we have strong wills, we can control them, and they are good.

This actually hits towards something we talked about in Psychology the other day.

What makes something "good", per se? Is it good because God likes it, or does God like it because it is good? Also, what about the idea that what may be "good" for one group of people is not so for another?

God gave us a tendency to desire food and water, so that we will live.

What about tendencies like human contact and entertainment?

The sex tendency was put into us to help us reproduce, and make souls for heaven,

Now correct me if I'm mistaken, but I thought the idea was that souls were already around, but being placed into bodies?

This was always a concept that alluded me..

The tendency to sleep and rest, which was put into us to recharge ourselves,

Why not have us created so that we didn't need sleep? Why have us waste 1/3 of our life?

If we misuse them, which basically all non-believers do

Generalization. Not believing in a deity doesn't mean you act against these things you have listed. At the same time, plenty of active believers still go against these listings.

and some religious people mistakenly mentioned believers that go against them.

Now, I have to question, why is it "mistakenly" for if it is some kind of accident? That alludes that those that don't believe in your deity, or a deity, go against what you have listed actively.
9,462 posts

What i mean is, does we realy have morality in us? Or we are just tought rules and the diffrunces of "good" and "evil".

The basic things we tend to call morals are what developed over time as part of our survival mechanism as a social animal. Those who evolved the ingrained sense to not harm others in their group are going to survive better as a social pack animal than those who have to constantly wonder if the guy next to him is going to do him harm in some way.
5,129 posts

because right now you just seem like an... a genius with no specific views.

all morals learned by religions can also be learned from other things in society. most of a persons morals come from the people that raised them (doesn't have to be the parents) and the surroundings in wich the person has grown up in / is living in. aswel by specific experiences as trail and error.
in other words. our lifes makes us who we are.

It's a public forum, and i'm here giving my view.

i'm just sad that it turned now into a morality debate that we already had more then once befor...

hmm. maybe we can discus the reasons for why we have these morals.
what are our actions to bring over these morals when we raise up a child? and what could we do ourself now or in in the past as child perhaps, that could possible change our morals on something?
instead of just how we obtained them and adding this whole god stuff to it.

god gave me free will. and i made this topic to see what other people think about the human psyche and behavior. i just dont like it that youve turned it into a debate we already had many times. and in wich you at some point will say, "i dont care what you all think, i am the only right person. i got enough of all this. i'm going to run away whit my fingers in my ears saying lalalala now. bye bye" *takes a hike*...
9,439 posts

Now correct me if I'm mistaken, but I thought the idea was that souls were already around, but being placed into bodies?

I think that's a Mormon thing. For most others, it's that immortal souls are created simultaneously with a physical form, or that soul simply means individual/living.
5,129 posts

For most others, it's that immortal souls are created simultaneously with a physical form, or that soul simply means individual/living.

then where comes reincarnation come from? xD
478 posts

This actually hits towards something we talked about in Psychology the other day.

What makes something "good", per se? Is it good because God likes it, or does God like it because it is good? Also, what about the idea that what may be "good" for one group of people is not so for another?

Morality is measured by whether or not it's end or goal is naturally good or bad. The natural law (Killing is wrong, stealing is wrong, etc.) in addition to the Church Law (Eating meat on friday is wrong, worshipping false Gods is wrong, Taking our Lords name in vain is wrong) both tell whether something is morally good or bad.

What about tendencies like human contact and entertainment

Those are both branches of the basic tendencies

Now correct me if I'm mistaken, but I thought the idea was that souls were already around, but being placed into bodies?

You're wrong. The soul is made at the same time as the body, when conceived.

Why not have us created so that we didn't need sleep? Why have us waste 1/3 of our life?

Our bodies were made to be dependant on God and His work, but we also must be independent in ways where we have to recharge ourselves and and regain our energy.

Now, I have to question, why is it "mistakenly" for if it is some kind of accident? That alludes that those that don't believe in your deity, or a deity, go against what you have listed actively.

Now, when i say "Mistakenly" I don't mean 'accidently.' We commit sin, knowingly, but notice our 'mistake' and correct ourselves.

The basic things we tend to call morals are what developed over time as part of our survival mechanism as a social animal. Those who evolved the ingrained sense to not harm others in their group are going to survive better as a social pack animal than those who have to constantly wonder if the guy next to him is going to do him harm in some way.

Man is the same way he was 6000 years ago. The only thing which has 'evolved' is his idea's, which made new things available to build upon. But human nature is an untouched things. It cannot simply change. It was put into us by God, and has only been affected by it's environment. But it does not change by itself. Every human being has the same nature, being born, but depending on how he or she was raised, it will come out different.

then where comes reincarnation come from? xD

I thought you were running away, covering the ears to what i call the truth. But, anyway, one soul can only belong to one body. There is no such thing as multiple bodies sharing a soul.
9,439 posts

Morality is measured by whether or not it's end or goal is naturally good or bad.

So pure consequentialism?
5,129 posts

I thought you were running away, covering the ears to what i call the truth.
that is your style. we all already know here how you work
thx for messing up this topic.. it's not about the human psychology or behavior anymore but your morals and gods stuff.
(good job for completely ignoring my other post... who's running away here?)

But, anyway, one soul can only belong to one body. There is no such thing as multiple bodies sharing a soul.

dunno how you come to thinking i said it was...
9,462 posts

Morality is measured by whether or not it's end or goal is naturally good or bad.

What makes something naturally good or bad?
478 posts

So pure consequentialism?

Not necessarily. i mean that it's judged by it's end rather than the action itself. Although the action always goes hand-in-hand with the end.

that is your style. we all already know here how you work
thx for messing up this topic.. it's not about the human psychology or behavior anymore but your morals and gods stuff.
(good job for completely ignoring my other post... who's running away here?)

Lol, i was commenting on the most recent post, so SORRY if i didn't copy down absolutely everything in this thread. And human 'sychology' comes from God, at least i believe it to, so if you have some points to prove your theory, then I'd like to discuss them rather than having you make fun of me, even though you're not adding anything.

dunno how you come to thinking i said it was...

Please explain what you think reincarnation is.

What makes something naturally good or bad?

(Finally, something worthy of my time) There are two ways to look at it. In a religious sense, Good things, naturally, are those of the will of God, and bad, against it. In a more worldly sense, we judge it in a way that it's usefulness to society tells whether it's good or bad. Morality is a code, so to say, so that everything must be separated into two different groups: Good or Bad. Now, those put in the "Bad" group, are actions or things which cause harm, loss of structure, or and 'disease' to our society. Now this view, in a religious view, is actually sinful, for it takes any spiritual sense out of our actions. The "World" considers actions or things which help our society 'excel' which isn't the proper way to look at it. i'm only putting both views out there so i don't sound as 'ignorant' to you guys. I'm just saying that I KNOW the worldly beliefs, but I choose these religious beliefs.
5,129 posts

And human 'sychology' comes from God

who cares where it comes from? how does it get used, is much more interesting...

Lol, i was commenting on the most recent post, so SORRY if i didn't copy down absolutely everything in this thread.

no wonder you dont understand what we say and that you ignore about everything told to you...
if you dont even read from your last post to the newest... whats they point in talking with you over this forum? you could better stay in the PM section.. so you can keep up. or.. you know... read and reply... you had a 2nd chance just here now when you made this post. but rather you keep ignoring it.. run fores run!!

Please explain what you think reincarnation is.

it is so off topic.. why would i bother i rather see this topic die tbh.

oh well, i c reincarnation as it is commonly spoken of because i dont believe it exists at all. people somehow magically had a life once befor this life.. and when you die you go to hell or heaven for eternity... very contradicting, but that is almost all of magical religious stuff anyway.
so your question "what do i think it is." - i think it is non-existing. and therefor non-interesting. =)
8,256 posts

And human 'sychology' comes from God, at least i believe it to,

I'm really interested to know your opinion on one thing, namely morality in animals. The question is still open, but it seems some animals may indeed possess a kind of morality.

As you say human psychology, and thus probably also morality, comes from god, where does animal psychology and morality come from?

Morality is a code, so to say, so that everything must be separated into two different groups: Good or Bad.

Well, morality likes to divide things in black and white, as it is the easiest way. Sadly, our beautiful world is rarely like that. Which is why I prefer to judge the situation instead of following a code, religious or social, that says "you shall not do this under any circumstance".
9,462 posts

here are two ways to look at it. In a religious sense, Good things, naturally, are those of the will of God, and bad, against it. In a more worldly sense, we judge it in a way that it's usefulness to society tells whether it's good or bad.

I apologize for this moving further into a god debate.

I would seem that a religious morality could go against the more worldly. If this God were to will an action that would cause harm, loss of structure or disease, then that would naturally be moral.
For example. Let's say this God willed it that your girlfriend be gang raped pregnant. Then willed it that after some time you remove the baby and smash it against a bunch of stones. In the religious sense as you describe, that action would have to be moral and to do otherwise would be immoral.

Morality is a code, so to say, so that everything must be separated into two different groups: Good or Bad.

As HahiHa pointed out thing really aren't just morally good or bad in what you refer to as the worldly sense. There can be many subtle shades. For example. Stealing food from a store to feed your poor starving family. The theft would have negative impact on the store and viewed from that way be morally wrong, but it had a positive impact on the family and could be viewed as morally right. It it can only be either or they can't be both right, but they can with a finer gradient.
5,129 posts

can i get a topic name change plz.?
instead of "why do we do what we do?" can it become "god and morals" plz. =)

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