ForumsWEPRWhy do we do what we do?

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i often think about the human psychology, how we behave in different situations, with different people around us.
what we do & don't to get attention and acceptance. what we do & don't to avoid certain people and situations.

what makes our brains to go highwire when we meet that special one, this soulmate?
why didn't we get this feeling when we met someone almost identical to this one, but at the same time so different person?

what makes us do so much for someone else, when we're not even doing anything even close to that for ourselves? or are all those things we do for others just another way for us to something for ourselves?
are we forever bound to be selfish, but with manipulative excuses (such as favors) to hide our true intentions?

  • 88 Replies
5,129 posts

I'm not sure what this thread was about, anyway; it seems to have morphed from being about what makes us tick in general, to more precisely what makes us tick in love/sexual relationships (there appears to be some confusion as usual as to which is which, or how they are interrelated), to even more precisely what moves us in a cyber-affair. Could the latter apply to your good self, by any chance? Nothing wrong with it, but for the sake of clarity.

oh, i dont mind if it go's off-topic from my examples anymore.. it's normal that happens after some time. i just wanted to keep the topic for the 1st 2 or 3 pages. the only thing i would like to keep up in this discussion now is "why do we do what we do?" the psychological part of our actions and maybe how these actions contradict to our own needs... feel free to (keep) talk(ing) about any example or scenario...

I wouldn't want to suggest anything like it.

i think if some1 is so young that he was thinking that. then they are still scared of the normal look of it =P.
but i c now. i didn't make that connection. i thought i was just a "fun" fact. =)
5,129 posts

The Psychology of Cyberspace.

very nice site. thx a lot.
1,315 posts

very nice site. thx a lot.

Y'r most welcome It is very nice, and very accessibly written, isn't it.
5,340 posts

By associating it with pleasure. I don't really agree with the "device that gives the drugs" idea. That would lower the body's natural responses (kind of like when you take an insulin pill, your body makes less, making you need more pills). Instead, show them things that already turn them on simultaneously/integrated with vertical rectangles. Perhaps show a variety of images of vertical rectangles during a refractory period so they're associated with that natural relaxation.

sounds logical. but are you sure thats really how it works? we could easily find the "cure" for homosexuality if it was that easy (or at least turn people bisexual). it really does sound too easy to be true i think
4,710 posts

why we do what we do? that depends on what you mean.

4,170 posts

why we do what we do? that depends on what you mean.

How would you operationally define what it means to do what someone would do?
1,773 posts

why we do what we do? that depends on what you mean.

We were just disgusing it for the past 5 pages.

I will take it to another subject:

Does the fear frim higher punishment is what keep 'Laws' or even just 'Normal behavge' in order, or does its root in us?

Does man is Natural law in birth or natural chaos?
4,710 posts

humans create rules and laws so the society stays safe. some people try to break these laws and rules, but if they get noticed, then they get punished. humans can not live without rules and laws or everybody would do what they want, including murder, r*pe, theft and other crimes without being punished for doing these crimes..

8,256 posts

humans can not live without rules and laws or everybody would do what they want, including murder, r*pe, theft and other crimes without being punished for doing these crimes..

The reason for rules and laws is 1) preventive, so that people know what will be punished and what not, and 2) administrative, so that tribunals can fine 'crimes' as adequately as possible without appearing arbitrary.

While rules of behaviour is a pretty manifest step in most societies, they are, strictly speaking, not needed. They are just the result of our intrinsic morals, and I could well imagine a society without law where people would judge criminals on their own accord. The question then is, is this the best/most fair solution? Probably not, but it would most definitely work.
478 posts

I CANNOT believe you guys are actually discussing this. It's called "Human Nature" and it was put into us by God to separate us from the beasts of the field. We have "morals" so we know not to sin, and we know to do good. God put different tendencies into us. If we have strong wills, we can control them, and they are good. If we can't control them, they turn into sin. God gave us a tendency to desire food and water, so that we will live. If we didn't want food, some people wouldn't eat, and die. But, if we can't control it, and eat even when we aren't hungry, then we commit the sin of gluttony. The sex tendency was put into us to help us reproduce, and make souls for heaven, but if misused, it becomes sinful. The tendency to sleep and rest, which was put into us to recharge ourselves, can be over used and turned into the sin of sloth. These things were put into us for the greater good, if used correctly. If we misuse them, which basically all non-believers do, and some religious people mistakenly, then there are always prices to pay. (Getting fat, out of shape, early death, disease, sicknesses, all caused by these things)

8,256 posts

Oh pleeeeaaase. You may certainly give us insight into your views of law and morals, but if you do, try and be respectful instead of hitting everyone on the head and treating us like idiots.

5,129 posts

just ignore him. he wants to make it into one of his crazy religious debates again.
i rather see my topic die then giving him this podium.
plz. all regard his post as not there and keep going on the rest. =)

1,773 posts

Deep deep in what knightdeclan said lay truth. The human being is controled bydesires. Peoples CAN eat until explode or drink until drown from the inside. Gosh, there were even cases of "death by snu snu".

So what i say is - wher it started? After all, peoples didnt just gathered somewher sayong "well, lets stop rape each other".
What i mean is, does we realy have morality in us? Or we are just tought rules and the diffrunces of "good" and "evil".

After thinking on it, last century we saw educated peoples killing peoples by thousands without second thought, and we saw cases wher kids educated to hate and belive its natural. And no, i dont speak ONLY about the holocaust. Its a big and good example, but sadly not the only one.

8,256 posts

What i mean is, does we realy have morality in us?

Some experiment evidenced that even certain monkeys have a sense of injustice, in that case when another monkey was fed better quality food. Yes, our morality is intrinsic to us. It is certainly to a big part a consequence of social lives.

Or we are just tought rules and the diffrunces of "good" and "evil".

By whom? Other humans. Who taught it to them? Go back the chain; some will point you to myths about deities holding the absolute truth; others will show you that every human has a sense of what is good or bad, sense which is to a part intrinsic but can be influenced by environment. Like in your example of killing and hating.

But there'll always be people thinking about what they're doing and starting to realise their hatred is wrong. Where does this come from? Some would say god. I would say from themselves. It's biology.
478 posts

ust ignore him. he wants to make it into one of his crazy religious debates again.
i rather see my topic die then giving him this podium.
plz. all regard his post as not there and keep going on the rest. =)

It's a public forum, and i'm here giving my view. I apologize if I sounded like I was saying I'm right. This is not a fact, but an opinion. It's just that that's how explain or talk about things. No need to ignore me like a little baby, but why don't you try to express your view against mine, because right now you just seem like an... a genius with no specific views.
Showing 46-60 of 88