ForumsForum GamesChampion of Chiakor

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The Beginning
You grew up in the small village of Chiakor, a remote village with rich traditions, buried deep in the wilds.
Every year for as long as you can remember, your village has chosen a champion to send to the cursed Demon Realm.

Legend has it that in years Chiakor has failed to produce a champion, chaos has reigned over the countryside. Children disappear, crops wilt, and disease spreads like wildfire. This year, you have been selected to be the champion.

Character Creation
What is your name, Champion?
Male or Female?
If your are male, are you lean, average, or thick?
If female, are you slender, average, or curvy?
What is your skin color; light, olive, dark, or ebony?
What color is your hair, and how long?

Stats for the game include:
Strength - Increases your damage and enables the Strong Back perks if high enough.
Toughness - Increases your health points and enables the Tank and Regeneration perks if high enough.
Speed - Increases you chances to evade attacks, certain encounters and to run from a fight. Also enables the Evasion and Runner perks if high enough.
Intelligence - Increase the chance to withstand certain encounters. Spells are also easier to learn and cast.
Corruption - Shows how corrupt you've become since entering the Demon Realm. If high enough, you won't be known as the nice guy anymore. Nice thoughts and actions will be harder to perform if corruption becomes too high. Anger rises a lot faster when more corrupt.
Fatigue - Determines whether or not skills and spells can be used. Waiting, resting, and sleeping reduce fatigue.
Hit points - Your life. If it reaches 0, your enemy will find a way to corrupt your mind or body in some way, adding to your corruption.

Every person is born with a gift. What's yours?
Strength - Are you stronger than normal? +5 to strength
Toughness - Are you unusually tough? +5 to toughness
Speed - Are you very quick? +5 to speed
Smarts - Are you a quick learner? +5 to intelligence
Endurance - Are you energetic? Recover from fatigue 50% faster

Before you became a champion, you had other plans for your life. What were you doing before?
Alchemy - You spent some time as an alchemist's assistant, and alchemical items always seem to be more reactive in your hands. You are much more successful at making concoctions than the normal person, and can make others much more potent.
Fighting - You spent much of your time fighting other children, and you had plans to find work as a guard when you grew up. You do 10% more damage with physical attacks.
Healing - You often spent your free time with the village healer, learning how to tend to wounds. Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.
Religion - You spent a lot of time at the village temple, and learned how to meditate. Meditating will reduce corruption.
Schooling - You spent much of your time in school, and even begged the richest man in town, Mr. Savin, to let you read some of his books. You are much better at focusing, and spellcasting uses 20% less fatigue.
Slacking - You spent a lot of time slacking, avoiding work, and otherwise making a nuisance of yourself. Your efforts at slacking have made you quite adept at resting, and fatigue decreases 20% faster.
Smithing - You managed to get an apprenticeship with the local blacksmith. Because of your time spent at the blacksmith's side, you've learned how to fit armor for maximum protection. Increases armor effectiveness by roughly 10%.

Feel free to ask questions, and have fun if you decide to try! Also, this game is story driven, and every person will have a similar story line, so if you don't want anything spoiled, don't look at others posts. This could also be good for people not playing and reading what happens to see what differences the players actions are and other things.

I'm just kind of into seeing how other people play differently. Anyways, gl.

  • 325 Replies
1,676 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #6
Time: 12:31 (+2:50)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 4'1", 124cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (64/100)
Muscles: Visible (55/100)
Frame: Average (46/100)
Body: All human
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Wizard's Staff
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 8
Toughness: 8
Speed: 14
Intelligence: 20
Corruption: 4%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 4.34% (+0.85)
Thirst: 12.84% (+3.40)
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)

I ask them before I become a demon, what should I do with my sword? It's an enchanted sword that slays demons. If I'm becoming a demon, I'm not sure if I want to sell it to allow someone to kill me so easily, but then it would surely be worth a lot of money. And I wouldn't be able to even pick it up if I became a demon.

"We aren't here for currency." he says bluntly. "There's no need to be disquiet about currency anymore. And as for the sword itself... leave it. The sands will surely conceal it over time."

After they answer my first question, I ask how does one become a more powerful demon? I say that I saw a demon named Aerom, who seemed much more powerful than you people. And I wouldn't want to burn my bridges to ultimate demonic power this quickly.

He, along with his troop seem exasperated and insulted at the second statement. After listening to the whole question in its entirety, he then responds, a little bitter now.

"Firstly, Aerom is a lonely outcast. He's been trying to snatch humans and bring them to us for years for a shot at restitution, which of course he fails time and time again. Secondly, he wouldn't be able to take on any of us one on one. Now, about your question about becoming vigorous. Corruption only affects your mind. Powerful demons can control the pent up anger and aggression, but new ones always seem to be uncontrollable. Essentially, corruption doesn't have anything to do with power, but more to do with looks and attitude. No matter how much of a cordial person you are now, corruption will always win. Enough questions now, I didn't come here to stand in the sun all day."

A few of the demons kick sand over the sword, while the rest begin walking collectively, forcing you to walk along with them.

The trek through the desert has already started to alter your mind just from the sheer heat. The demons don't seem to mind too much, but its getting pretty tiring.

After a few hours, you're finally met with a strange structure, very far away from your home. It seems to be a bunker of sorts, covered by a large dune except for the entryway. You follow the demons inside, feeling a strange aura. It gives you such a remarkable yet perplexing feeling. It feels like you've already become infernal just by entering.

The demons break off now, walking their own paths while the leader beckons for you to follow him. Not being able to see much of their home, the leader quickly scrambles you to a room concealed by a rolling curtain. The room isn't quite large, but its spacious enough to fit an alchemy lab inside, and to allow at least two people in at once.

The potions on the alchemic contraption are all boiling blood-red. The leader takes one of the many potions lying next to the lab, and brings it to you while offering you a seat.

"After you drink," he says, handing you the potion, "you will feel changes. That's a good thing. You'll need to drink four or more, depending on how much resistance your body will put up.
Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 15:16 (+0:30)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4", 163cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(59/100)
Frame: Narrow (34/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 8 Perudi olives,1 sharpened rock
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 12
Toughness: 11
Speed: 17
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 58%
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: None
~[Rat-morph] Rathazul (Acquaintance)
~[Hawkish/Possibly Human] Giacomo (Manager)

I search the ground for any tracks they could have left.

Surprisingly, they took good responsibility in covering their tracks it seems.

If I don't find anything, I explore the forest for an hour. If nothing of interest happens during that time, I search for the fruit that I can't reach and try throwing rocks at them again.

After another disappointing search, you've come up with nothing but more useless forest.

Deciding to try again to obtain the food, you find a few more rocks and try to pelt the limbs and sometimes the fruit themselves to knock them down, but yet again, your attempts are fruitless. They're just too high, but then another thought crosses your mind. Could something bigger, or a little more precise help more than a measly rock?
435 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #6
Time: 12:31 (+2:50)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 4'1", 124cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (64/100)
Muscles: Visible (55/100)
Frame: Average (46/100)
Body: All human
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Wizard's Staff
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 8
Toughness: 8
Speed: 14
Intelligence: 20
Corruption: 4%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 4.34% (+0.85)
Thirst: 12.84% (+3.40)
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)

I drink the potions willingly.

1,461 posts

Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 15:16 (+0:30)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4", 163cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(59/100)
Frame: Narrow (34/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 8 Perudi olives,1 sharpened rock
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 12
Toughness: 11
Speed: 17
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 58%
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: None
~[Rat-morph] Rathazul (Acquaintance)
~[Hawkish/Possibly Human] Giacomo (Manager)

I search around the forest for materials that I can use in making rope. Whether or not I find anything, I teleport to the lake and search for bamboo that I can cut into the perfect size for use as a spear that I can throw. If I encounter anything of interest, I investigate. If anything tries to harm me, I rush to get what I need while trying to protect myself. If I encounter Rathazul, I ask him if he has any rope that I could use or a slingshot that I could borrow. If nothing of interest happens and I am able to get the bamboo, I teleport back to camp and work on making the bamboo I got into the perfect size for throwing as a spear. If I am able to get materials for rope, I work on making them into rope. If I am unable to get any materials needed for what I want and I am still able to go to the jungle, I teleport to the jungle for anything that I could use to knock the fruit down.

1,676 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:00
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Wizard's Staff
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.15%
Thirst: 3.34%
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)

I drink the potions willingly.

You slurp down the entirety of the first potion while the leader watches. You feel utterly disgusted, and your body almost forces you to hurl the satanic liquids back up. The leader doesn't interfere, acting as if this happens all the time. After drinking completely, you nearly retch six times before it finally settles.

You don't feel a change immediately. The leader explains to you how you will go through with this as the liquids continue to settle.

"You need to drink one potion, every single day, at the exact same time. Starting tomorrow again at 12:30, I'll administer another potion, and so on. We will provide meals for you throughout the day, helping the process."

You nod. He then leads you to a tight room with a single bed and an empty dresser. The room is very insipid, despite the strange art along the walls.

For eight days, you're ran through the same routine over and over, only being able to traverse between the lab and your room without permission to roam anywhere else. They've administered eight potions by now, each progressively becoming stronger and stronger, along with the meals. You've developed a penchant for the demonic potions now, which you're not sure if they're addictive or not, but you could care less. It will probably now be you're beverage now every single day for the rest of your demonic life.

Through the process of the transformation, you've gotten much taller than before, now standing as tall as 5'9". Also, your face has unmistakably become more masculine than any human you've ever known. You've grown 2" horns on both sides of your forehead, and your skin has turned maroon in color and shade. Lastly, you can definitely tell your mind has been adjusted to the corruption and has become ultimately malfeasant.

Thinking back before this began, the feeling of forsaking your people and your own cause used to be a heavy tax on your mind. Now, however, its impossible to think that way. In fact, the only thought that pops into your head when you think of Chiakor is the overwhelming desolation of your former species. Your mouth almost begins watering at the thought of it. This would have disgusted the former you, if there were any you left.

You've just woken up from a deep slumber. Finally, the day has come that you're finally going to be free to roam the demon's home. It's currently 6:00.

All stats have been improved by 5, with the exception of strength and toughness, which has been improved by 7 instead. You're intelligence has reached 25, which allows a single perk to be chosen.

Perks to choose from include:

~Precision: allows you to strike an enemy's weak points, reducing damage resistance by 10. Requires you to keep intelligence above 25, or you'll lose the benefits of this perk.

~Corrupted Aura: a demonic aura that affects any living pure soul, dulling the body, senses, and mind over time. Requires you to keep corruption above 65, or will be lost.
Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 18:10 (+2:54)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(59/100)
Frame: Narrow (34/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick, 6½ bamboo stick
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 8 Perudi olives,1 sharpened rock, 30 ft. rope
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 12
Toughness: 11
Speed: 17
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 42%
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: None
~[Rat-morph] Rathazul (Acquaintance)
~[Hawkish/Possibly Human] Giacomo (Manager)

I search around the forest for materials that I can use in making rope.

You traverse the part of the forest you've already explored some of to search for any material. You've found some sort of resolute straw-like material, capable of being twisted and bent without breaking easily. It looks sufficient enough in being used as a rope.

Whether or not I find anything, I teleport to the lake and search for bamboo that I can cut into the perfect size for use as a spear that I can throw.

You do happen to find bamboo near a few trees nearly fifteen feet away from the massive shore; the same spot you found the previous ones. Not being able to cut it without any tools, you're forced to snap it, hoping to get the right size. You end up with a 6½ ft. bamboo shaft, which you assume would work just fine. Not being able to store it anywhere, your forced to carry it along with your 4 ft. stick.

I teleport back to camp and work on making the bamboo I got into the perfect size for throwing as a spear. If I am able to get materials for rope, I work on making them into rope.

Already being the perfect size, you'd know need to place a sharp object inside the bamboo's end, creating a sturdy and capable spear.

Working the straw-like material for a while, you manage to form a nice looking rope after thirty minutes or so. Knowing you need more, you return to the forest to collect more bundles of the straw. Afterwards, you end up creating a rope nearly 30 ft. long.
435 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:00
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Wizard's Staff
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.15%
Thirst: 3.34%
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)

I look around the area.

1,676 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:00
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Wizard's Staff
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.15%
Thirst: 3.34%
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)

I look around the area.

You swat the curtain aside, and exit the tiny room you've been confined in for the majority of eight days. But before you can examine the surroundings the leader appears, once again pestering you.

"David." he says, catching your attention. "Now that I know I can trust you... my name is Zotoniel." He reaches out his hand, waiting for you to shake it.
435 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:00
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Wizard's Staff
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.15%
Thirst: 3.34%
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)

I shake his hand and ask what is it that demons generally do.

883 posts

Name & Sex: Goku, M
Day #3
Time: 7:43 (+0:37)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, spiked, black
Height: 5'9", 175cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (58/100)
Frame: Average (47/100)
Body: All human
Fighting: 10% more damage using physical attacks
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Giant Stick (7 ft. L, 3 in. T)
Storage: 13 pebbles
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
~Mountain (Unexplored)
~Forest (Unexplored)
Special Places:
~Town Ruins
Strength: 10
Toughness: 15
Speed: 11
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 0.81% (+0.18)
Thirst: 3.30% (+0.74)
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: -
~[Mouse-morph] Amily (Acquaintance)

I cautiously look around, then step inside. "Hello?"I shout loudly.

1,676 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:14 + 0:14
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Wizard's Staff
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.15% +0.07
Thirst: 3.62% +0.28
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)
~[Demon] Zotoniel (Friendly)

I shake his hand and ask what is it that demons generally do.

"Whatever I tell demons to do. In this faction, at least. We've been stationed here by other superiors, whom mainly stay at the factory."

Curious, you request more information about the factory.

"The factory is where they produce the corrupted waters in which taint the lake."

After asking for its location, he ignores the question.

"You'll learn more in time. It's lucky, however, that you mentioned Tel'Cagre when you did. We wouldn't have taken you in if you hadn't." He begins walking, letting you tag along. You both begin down a long corridor, leading to a large looking spherical room at the end with few demons relaxing and enjoying themselves with the very beverages you've been consuming for the past eight days.

"We're going to take it over. Tel'Cagre has forty or more easy souls, and now, we've got twenty one. We can ask other factions for a few more members, and we'll be unstoppable."

You two reach the end of the corridor. The giant room has plenty of chairs, tables, and a bar to accompany the nice space. Drinks look like they are constantly being served, while others are happily enjoying talking and drinking the beverages. This isn't exactly what you thought demons would be like.

Zotoniel seems to have read your expression, and explains. "We are demons, and we all do enjoy ruining lives... but we are capable of having fun in a few other ways." he says, smirking.

He notices you examining the surroundings. "I'll leave you to it." he says, patting you once. "Enjoy yourself." He then exits the room, leaving you to the various conversations be carried throughout the home.
Name & Sex: Goku, M
Day #3
Time: 7:56 + 0:13
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, spiked, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (58/100)
Frame: Average (47/100)
Body: All human
Fighting: 10% more damage using physical attacks
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Giant Stick (7 ft. L, 3 in. T)
Storage: 13 pebbles
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
~Mountain (Unexplored)
~Forest (Unexplored)
Special Places:
~Town Ruins
Strength: 10
Toughness: 15
Speed: 11
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 0.87% +0.06
Thirst: 3.56% +0.26
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: -
~[Mouse-morph] Amily (Acquaintance)

I cautiously look around, then step inside. "Hello?"I shout loudly.

The house shows years of neglect. Its exterior is riddled with mold and vines, making it seem very eerie.

You enter the enormous house through the double doors. You take four steps inside, causing the floor to creak unbelievably loud. Suddenly, the door slams behind you. Typical, you think to yourself.

After the quick Hello?", you're greeted only by the sound of your voice again.

After a quick examination of the surroundings, you immediately spot a staircase leading up to a second floor with a bent guard rail sitting at the top. The only source of light are coming through the windows on the second floor, which have steel bars on them. You couldn't seem them outside because of the vines covering the majority of them. Other than that, its very dark in here.

to the right lies a room with no door at all, then a hallway next to that. To the left is another room, with the door half open. Another hallway is somewhat visible right before the door, leading deeper into the construct.
435 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:14 + 0:14
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Wizard's Staff
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.15% +0.07
Thirst: 3.62% +0.28
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)
~[Demon] Zotoniel (Friendly)

I go and try to order a drink, then attempt to join a conversation

1,676 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:23 + 0:09
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Demonic Beverage (84)
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Moldy Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Whilting Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.19% +0.04
Thirst: 3.34% -0.46
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)
~[Demon] Zotoniel (Friendly)

I go and try to order a drink, then attempt to join a conversation

The demon behind the bar seems to be a very mature demon. He has a white beard that doesn't betray his demonic look by any means. His his 12" horns curl atop his purple-skinned balding head. He's wearing two layers of clothes, both looking like some type of very thin leather.

You stroll to the bar, and ask him for a drink.

"You must want the regular, then?" he asks, his accent being very strange, and something you've never heard before.

You absently nod. The room is quite loud now, having a few more demons enter and sit near a few tables to join in on conversations. Perhaps they've just come from a mission.

As the bartender grabs the required materials, he asks, "David, right?" You answer him with another nod. "Mine's Saleron." He reaches his hand out for a shake, and you do the same. Not wasting any more time, he prepares the drink, and hands it over. "Take it easy, David." You return the goodbye, and walk to a table to join in on a conversation.

There are seven demon's sitting around a fairly large table. Sitting next to one, he looks to you and nods his head, greeting you subtly. It seems they've gotten into the subject of goblins in the forest.

"Oh yeah, there are plenty!" one of them exaggerates. You take a sip of your drink, and continue to remain inactive. A few of these demons seem to be drinking different liquids, judging by the looks of them and how a few of them speak.

"We should really start interfering there more." says one who seems to be pretty sober, though many look like heavy drinkers.

"Why?" asks another, then taking a sip of his swig.

"Because a few are beginning to spread out. I don't want them making homes outside of the forest. Overpopulation of goblins will mean less food."

"We get our food from the demons up in the mountains, we don't care about the forest, man."

A woman then speaks up, "Goblins are easy take-downs. Why don't we go ahead and kill them all off?"

"A few make potions that sell them to the demons up at the factory so that they can alter them to make them demonic. If we lost them, we wouldn't have most of our drinks here."

The woman and two others admit they didn't know that as the others nod in agreement to the demon's statement.
1,461 posts

Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 18:10 (+2:54)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(59/100)
Frame: Narrow (34/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick, 6½ bamboo stick
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 8 Perudi olives,1 sharpened rock, 30 ft. rope
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 12
Toughness: 11
Speed: 17
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 42%
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: None
~[Rat-morph] Rathazul (Acquaintance)
~[Hawkish/Possibly Human] Giacomo (Manager)

I look around camp for a stone that I can sharpen into a 1½ ft. spearhead. If I find what I need, I spend the rest of day between sharpening the stone, modifying one end of the 6½ft. bamboo stick so that the rope can be tied around it without falling off even if pulled hard enough to injure me unless the bamboo or the rope is broken, and increasing my speed and toughness. If I don't find what I need, I teleport to the jungle and search for a rock that is suitable for my needs. If I find a suitable rock in the forest and nothing is trying to get my attention or trying to harm me, I teleport back to camp and do the actions I would do if I had found a rock around camp.

883 posts

Name & Sex: Goku, M
Day #3
Time: 7:56 + 0:13
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, spiked, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (58/100)
Frame: Average (47/100)
Body: All human
Fighting: 10% more damage using physical attacks
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Giant Stick (7 ft. L, 3 in. T)
Storage: 13 pebbles
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
~Mountain (Unexplored)
~Forest (Unexplored)
Special Places:
~Town Ruins
Strength: 10
Toughness: 15
Speed: 11
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 0.87% +0.06
Thirst: 3.56% +0.26
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: -
~[Mouse-morph] Amily (Acquaintance)

I'll walk upstairs, and see if there's anyway to get out. I also look and see if there's anything I can use to get out.

1,676 posts

Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 20:26 (+2:16)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(59/100)
Frame: Narrow (34/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick, 6½ bamboo spear
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 8 Perudi olives, 29.5 ft. rope
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 12
Toughness: 11
Speed: 17
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 39%
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: None
~[Rat-morph] Rathazul (Acquaintance)
~[Hawkish/Possibly Human] Giacomo (Manager)

I look around camp for a stone that I can sharpen into a 1½ ft. spearhead. If I find what I need, I spend the rest of day between sharpening the stone, modifying one end of the 6½ft. bamboo stick so that the rope can be tied around it without falling off even if pulled hard enough to injure me unless the bamboo or the rope is broken, and increasing my speed and toughness.

Taking several hours, you finally complete the spear. However, the sun as been driven beneath the horizon and its already past dark.
Name & Sex: Goku, M
Day #3
Time: 8:13 + 0:17
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, spiked, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (58/100)
Frame: Average (47/100)
Body: All human
Fighting: 10% more damage using physical attacks
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Giant Stick (7 ft. L, 3 in. T)
Storage: 13 pebbles
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
~Mountain (Unexplored)
~Forest (Unexplored)
Special Places:
~Town Ruins
Strength: 10
Toughness: 15
Speed: 11
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 0.95% +0.08
Thirst: 3.90% +0.34
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: -
~[Mouse-morph] Amily (Acquaintance)

I'll walk upstairs, and see if there's anyway to get out. I also look and see if there's anything I can use to get out.

After investigating the top of the staircase, you find there's no way to get out. The windows are covered with prison bars, a very uncomforting sight.

You begin to search for something to help you escape... but after searched several rooms now, you've found nothing at all that could aid you.
435 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:23 + 0:09
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Demonic Beverage (84)
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Moldy Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Whilting Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.19% +0.04
Thirst: 3.34% -0.46
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)
~[Demon] Zotoniel (Friendly)

*From before which I forgot to do, I choose the prescision perk.*

I say that I spent several hours in the forest but have only ever met one goblin. I ask how many are there actually.

Showing 286-300 of 325