ForumsForum GamesChampion of Chiakor

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1,676 posts

The Beginning
You grew up in the small village of Chiakor, a remote village with rich traditions, buried deep in the wilds.
Every year for as long as you can remember, your village has chosen a champion to send to the cursed Demon Realm.

Legend has it that in years Chiakor has failed to produce a champion, chaos has reigned over the countryside. Children disappear, crops wilt, and disease spreads like wildfire. This year, you have been selected to be the champion.

Character Creation
What is your name, Champion?
Male or Female?
If your are male, are you lean, average, or thick?
If female, are you slender, average, or curvy?
What is your skin color; light, olive, dark, or ebony?
What color is your hair, and how long?

Stats for the game include:
Strength - Increases your damage and enables the Strong Back perks if high enough.
Toughness - Increases your health points and enables the Tank and Regeneration perks if high enough.
Speed - Increases you chances to evade attacks, certain encounters and to run from a fight. Also enables the Evasion and Runner perks if high enough.
Intelligence - Increase the chance to withstand certain encounters. Spells are also easier to learn and cast.
Corruption - Shows how corrupt you've become since entering the Demon Realm. If high enough, you won't be known as the nice guy anymore. Nice thoughts and actions will be harder to perform if corruption becomes too high. Anger rises a lot faster when more corrupt.
Fatigue - Determines whether or not skills and spells can be used. Waiting, resting, and sleeping reduce fatigue.
Hit points - Your life. If it reaches 0, your enemy will find a way to corrupt your mind or body in some way, adding to your corruption.

Every person is born with a gift. What's yours?
Strength - Are you stronger than normal? +5 to strength
Toughness - Are you unusually tough? +5 to toughness
Speed - Are you very quick? +5 to speed
Smarts - Are you a quick learner? +5 to intelligence
Endurance - Are you energetic? Recover from fatigue 50% faster

Before you became a champion, you had other plans for your life. What were you doing before?
Alchemy - You spent some time as an alchemist's assistant, and alchemical items always seem to be more reactive in your hands. You are much more successful at making concoctions than the normal person, and can make others much more potent.
Fighting - You spent much of your time fighting other children, and you had plans to find work as a guard when you grew up. You do 10% more damage with physical attacks.
Healing - You often spent your free time with the village healer, learning how to tend to wounds. Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.
Religion - You spent a lot of time at the village temple, and learned how to meditate. Meditating will reduce corruption.
Schooling - You spent much of your time in school, and even begged the richest man in town, Mr. Savin, to let you read some of his books. You are much better at focusing, and spellcasting uses 20% less fatigue.
Slacking - You spent a lot of time slacking, avoiding work, and otherwise making a nuisance of yourself. Your efforts at slacking have made you quite adept at resting, and fatigue decreases 20% faster.
Smithing - You managed to get an apprenticeship with the local blacksmith. Because of your time spent at the blacksmith's side, you've learned how to fit armor for maximum protection. Increases armor effectiveness by roughly 10%.

Feel free to ask questions, and have fun if you decide to try! Also, this game is story driven, and every person will have a similar story line, so if you don't want anything spoiled, don't look at others posts. This could also be good for people not playing and reading what happens to see what differences the players actions are and other things.

I'm just kind of into seeing how other people play differently. Anyways, gl.

  • 325 Replies
883 posts

Name & Sex: Goku, M
Day #3
Time: 8:13 + 0:17
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, spiked, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (58/100)
Frame: Average (47/100)
Body: All human
Fighting: 10% more damage using physical attacks
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Giant Stick (7 ft. L, 3 in. T)
Storage: 13 pebbles
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
~Mountain (Unexplored)
~Forest (Unexplored)
Special Places:
~Town Ruins
Strength: 10
Toughness: 15
Speed: 11
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 0.95% +0.08
Thirst: 3.90% +0.34
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: -
~[Mouse-morph] Amily (Acquaintance)

Great. I pound my fists against the wall in frustration, make sure I've looked around the entire upstairs, and go back down. I check the door that slammed behind me, in case it's that easy. Then I look around the ground floor for anything interesting.

1,676 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:25 + 0:02
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells
Precision: Reduces enemy damage resistance by 10, lowering armor defense.
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Demonic Beverage (84)
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Moldy Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Whilting Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.20% +0.01
Thirst: 3.38% -0.04
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)
~[Demon] Zotoniel (Friendly)

I say that I spent several hours in the forest but have only ever met one goblin. I ask how many are there actually.

"Only one? That's pretty hard to believe!"

Another demon cuts in, "They're pretty good at hiding from humans, that could be the reason why." He turns his gaze to you. "There are over three hundred by now, and growing pretty quickly."
Name & Sex: Goku, M
Day #3
Time: 8:55 + 0:42
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, spiked, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (58/100)
Frame: Average (47/100)
Body: All human
Fighting: 10% more damage using physical attacks
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Giant Stick (7 ft. L, 3 in. T)
Storage: 13 pebbles
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
~Mountain (Unexplored)
~Forest (Unexplored)
Special Places:
~Town Ruins
Strength: 10
Toughness: 15
Speed: 11
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.16% +0.21
Thirst: 4.74% +0.84
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: -
~[Mouse-morph] Amily (Acquaintance)

Great. I pound my fists against the wall in frustration, make sure I've looked around the entire upstairs, and go back down.

Dust falls from the ceiling, greeting your shoulders and your head. You then set off to check the entire second floor after shaking the dust off.

The second floor is much, much bigger than you thought it would be. It stretches very wide, having three different corridors, along with at least twenty different rooms.

Throughout the search, you've found a very old looking piano, numerous beds mostly with missing mattresses, a few dressers with drawers missing, and empty closets. The wood floor beneath the piano seems to be cracked in a few places. You're not sure if the piano would work anymore.

I check the door that slammed behind me, in case it's that easy. Then I look around the ground floor for anything interesting.

You jiggle the handle, getting nowhere. After tugging on it lightly, then with more and more effort, it budges but you are unsuccessful in opening it.

After looking around the ground floor for more things, you end up with only torn curtains, worn tables and chairs, and a fridge that hasn't been working for what must be years. Mold lines the edges of it.
1,461 posts

Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 20:26 (+2:16)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(59/100)
Frame: Narrow (34/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick, 6½ bamboo spear
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 8 Perudi olives, 29.5 ft. rope
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 12
Toughness: 11
Speed: 17
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 39%
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: None
~[Rat-morph] Rathazul (Acquaintance)
~[Hawkish/Possibly Human] Giacomo (Manager)

I practice using my new spear for the next two hours, aiming to learn how to use it better and to increase my accuracy when throwing it. Afterwards, If nothing of interest has happened, I teleport to the lake.

435 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:25 + 0:02
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells
Precision: Reduces enemy damage resistance by 10, lowering armor defense.
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Demonic Beverage (84)
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Moldy Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Whilting Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.20% +0.01
Thirst: 3.38% -0.04
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)
~[Demon] Zotoniel (Friendly)

I say "Wow. That's a lot more than I expected. Are they an actual problem though, or just slightly annoying?" When I say 'actual', I use a tone of voice which suggests I find this hard to believe.

883 posts

Name & Sex: Goku, M
Day #3
Time: 8:55 + 0:42
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, spiked, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (58/100)
Frame: Average (47/100)
Body: All human
Fighting: 10% more damage using physical attacks
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Giant Stick (7 ft. L, 3 in. T)
Storage: 13 pebbles
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
~Mountain (Unexplored)
~Forest (Unexplored)
Special Places:
~Town Ruins
Strength: 10
Toughness: 15
Speed: 11
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.16% +0.21
Thirst: 4.74% +0.84
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: -
~[Mouse-morph] Amily (Acquaintance)

(A fridge? What kind of tech does this realm have? Does Chiakor have this as well?) I carefully open the fridge if I can. If not, I turn around and shout, "Excuse me, Miss Foxlady? Can you let me out now?"

1,676 posts

Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 22:29 + 2:03
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(59/100)
Frame: Narrow (34/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick, 6½ bamboo spear
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 8 Perudi olives, 29.5 ft. rope
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 12
Toughness: 11
Speed: 17
Intelligence: 11 +1
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 62% +23
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: None
~[Rat-morph] Rathazul (Acquaintance)
~[Hawkish/Possibly Human] Giacomo (Manager)

I practice using my new spear for the next two hours, aiming to learn how to use it better and to increase my accuracy when throwing it.

After practicing on a nearby tree for two hours, your right arm is burning with fatigue.

Afterwards, If nothing of interest has happened, I teleport to the lake.

There have been some strange sounds, seeming to come from every direction, but none too intimidating. As you begin to picture the lake in your head, you also try to piece together the sounds and what they might have been. After the muddy ground from the lake's shore squishes between your toes after teleporting, you figured that the sounds resembled closest to that of some sort of bat's back home.

The glistening red water is rippling slightly. The landscape all around you is a much darker shade than during the daytime, but the blood-red moon still provides a small amount of visibility.
Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:30 + 0:05
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells
Precision: Reduces enemy damage resistance by 10, lowering armor defense.
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Demonic Beverage (84)
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Moldy Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Whilting Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.22% +0.02
Thirst: 3.48% +0.10
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)
~[Demon] Zotoniel (Friendly)

I say "Wow. That's a lot more than I expected. Are they an actual problem though, or just slightly annoying?"

"They're very annoying. Easy to pick off, but they are just like little moles. Maybe when we get sent to dwindle their numbers a bit, you'll get to come with. They love to hide in trees, but most live underground."

One of the others notices the expression on your face, and cuts in, "They give us potions that help us see them through objects. As long as they aren't too well hidden, of course."

Another demon cuts, obviously drunk, "That's a good thing! The smart ones live being good hiders, while the dumb ones die. Better alchemy, am I right?" He does seem to have a point... no matter how vague he put it.
Name & Sex: Goku, M
Day #3
Time: 8:57 + 0:02
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, spiked, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (58/100)
Frame: Average (47/100)
Body: All human
Fighting: 10% more damage using physical attacks
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Giant Stick (7 ft. L, 3 in. T)
Storage: 13 pebbles
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
~Mountain (Unexplored)
~Forest (Unexplored)
Special Places:
~Town Ruins
Strength: 10
Toughness: 15
Speed: 11
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.17% +0.01
Thirst: 4.78% +0.04
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: -
~[Mouse-morph] Amily (Acquaintance)

(A fridge? What kind of tech does this realm have? Does Chiakor have this as well?)

That was a mistake I made. Also with the piano. It could have something to do with the 3-4 hours of sleep I've been getting for the entire week, and my mind just slipped. Let's just assume that your character has no clue what the big hunking piece of aluminum in the kitchen is and that the giant wooden object that seems to weigh a lot judging by the indention beneath it is completely above his head.

I carefully open the fridge if I can. If not, I turn around and shout, "Excuse me, Miss Foxlady? Can you let me out now?"

You grip the handle of the giant box-like object, and slowly open it. Peering inside, you find nothing but emptiness. What a strange contraption...
1,461 posts

Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 22:29 + 2:03
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(59/100)
Frame: Narrow (34/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick, 6½ bamboo spear
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 8 Perudi olives, 29.5 ft. rope
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 12
Toughness: 11
Speed: 17
Intelligence: 11 +1
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 62% +23
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: None
~[Rat-morph] Rathazul (Acquaintance)
~[Hawkish/Possibly Human] Giacomo (Manager)

(Quick question: How does teleporting work, exactly? I mean, do you just instantaneously transport to whatever location you've mentally pictured or do you have to walk for a bit before arriving at your destination?)

I cautiously approach the lake, keeping an eye out for any danger. If nothing attacks me, I use my bamboo stick to check if the water has anything in it that is near enough to cause concern. If it has nothing, I sit at the lake's edge and soak my feet in the water.

435 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:30 + 0:05
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells
Precision: Reduces enemy damage resistance by 10, lowering armor defense.
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Demonic Beverage (84)
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Moldy Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Whilting Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.22% +0.02
Thirst: 3.48% +0.10
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)
~[Demon] Zotoniel (Friendly)

I say that I met one goblin before, told me to call her Lumi, who didn't hide at all. She just lived in a shack in the forest, but seemed pretty smart. Really seemed like she had a large knowledge of alchemy. She was a little money grubber though, constantly ripping me off. I ask if all goblins are like that.

1,676 posts

Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 22:36 + 0:07
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(59/100)
Frame: Narrow (34/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick, 6½ bamboo spear
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 8 Perudi olives, 29.5 ft. rope
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 12
Toughness: 11
Speed: 17
Intelligence: 11
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 56% -6
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: None
~[Rat-morph] Rathazul (Acquaintance)
~[Hawkish/Possibly Human] Giacomo (Manager)

(Quick question: How does teleporting work, exactly? I mean, do you just instantaneously transport to whatever location you've mentally pictured or do you have to walk for a bit before arriving at your destination?)

[i]On the first day, you figured out how it worked by mentally drawing the scene in your head, and it took about ten seconds as time shifted for you to actually arrive at the location. Since you've been practicing teleportation here, its gotten quicker. It takes about two seconds now.[/quote]

I cautiously approach the lake, keeping an eye out for any danger. If nothing attacks me, I use my bamboo stick to check if the water has anything in it that is near enough to cause concern.

After a moment of careful examination, you hear many strange sounds coming from the trees nearly 40 feet away. Few are deep grumbling sounds, while others sound like footsteps that are quite loud, even from that distance.

Nothing has surprised you yet, so you turn to the lake and stick the bamboo stick inside, causing ripples. Very shortly after, something green-looking emerges from the lake. Then another... and another. The green globs just sit there on the surface, floating.
Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:33 + 0:03
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells
Precision: Reduces enemy damage resistance by 10, lowering armor defense.
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Demonic Beverage (84)
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Moldy Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Whilting Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.22% +0.01
Thirst: 3.54% +0.06
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)
~[Demon] Zotoniel (Friendly)

I say that I met one goblin before, told me to call her Lumi, who didn't hide at all. She just lived in a shack in the forest, but seemed pretty smart. Really seemed like she had a large knowledge of alchemy. She was a little money grubber though, constantly ripping me off. I ask if all goblins are like that.

"To humans, they are. They know better than to do that to demons."

She'll give you a fair price now." chimes in another demon, while three of the others have broken into their own conversation again. "It's not like you need money now anyways. The demons up in the mountains take care of the costs for us."
435 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:33 + 0:03
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells
Precision: Reduces enemy damage resistance by 10, lowering armor defense.
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Demonic Beverage (84)
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Moldy Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Whilting Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.22% +0.01
Thirst: 3.54% +0.06
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)
~[Demon] Zotoniel (Friendly)

I nod and continue to listen to the conversation, and refill my drink whenever it empties.

1,461 posts

Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 22:36 + 0:07
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(59/100)
Frame: Narrow (34/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick, 6½ bamboo spear
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 8 Perudi olives, 29.5 ft. rope
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 12
Toughness: 11
Speed: 17
Intelligence: 11
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 56% -6
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: None
~[Rat-morph] Rathazul (Acquaintance)
~[Hawkish/Possibly Human] Giacomo (Manager)

I toss a Perudi olive at the nearest green glob. If nothing happens, I try to bring one of the green globs to the lake's shore using my bamboo stick.

1,676 posts

I'm going to be gone until Sunday, gentlemen.

Until then, have an awesome weekend.

435 posts

Have an awesome weekend yourself.

1,676 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:49 + 0:16
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells
Precision: Reduces enemy damage resistance by 10, lowering armor defense.
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Demonic Beverage (84)
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Moldy Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Whilting Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.22% +0.08
Thirst: 2.90% -0.64
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)
~[Demon] Zotoniel (Friendly)

I nod and continue to listen to the conversation, and refill my drink whenever it empties.

The conversation that the two demons at the end of the table have started revolves around Minotaurs and their nature. Throughout the long conversation, you learn that the Minotaurs have at least two main camps up in the high mountains, and nearly twenty three cave systems near the base of the mountains.
Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 22:40 + 0:04
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(59/100)
Frame: Narrow (34/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick, 6½ bamboo spear
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 8 Perudi olives, 29.5 ft. rope
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 12
Toughness: 11
Speed: 17
Intelligence: 11
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 56% -6
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: None
~[Rat-morph] Rathazul (Acquaintance)
~[Hawkish/Possibly Human] Giacomo (Manager)

I toss a Perudi olive at the nearest green glob. If nothing happens, I try to bring one of the green globs to the lake's shore using my bamboo stick.

After chucking the olive at one of the masses, it disappears inside the mass immediately. The glob of goo simply absorbed it.

A few more rise up from the lake, but stay dormant on the surface.

Deciding to give in to curiosity, you gently pull in one of the globs with your bamboo stick, leading it to the shore. The others don't make a move, and the one you've pulled half-way onto the shore just sits there.

After drying out, the glob doesn't really have much color anymore. It's almost like a beached jellyfish - nearly invisible and transparent, especially in this darkness.
435 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #14
Time: 6:49 + 0:16
Complexion: Maroon
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'9"
Masculinity: Hyper-Masculine (100/100)
Muscles: Showing Off (80/100)
Frame: Thick (70/100)
~Head: 2" Horns
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells
Precision: Reduces enemy damage resistance by 10, lowering armor defense.
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Demonic Beverage (84)
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Moldy Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Whilting Red Peppers
Camp Storage: 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
~Tel'Cagre (Unexplored)
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 25
Corruption: 65%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 1.22% +0.08
Thirst: 2.90% -0.64
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 150
Gems: 103
Quest: -
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)
~[Demon] Zotoniel (Friendly)

I ask them if they know the farmer Whitney, and ask why her farm hasn't been burned to the ground yet. I also ask if there is anything to demonic life besides going to this bar and doing missions.

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