This has been popular in a few other forums. Here is how it goes:
You have been driving, and a police officer has pulled you over. In the back of the car are three items the person above you listed. How can you explain what you are up to?
I will list three things, and the person below me has to explain what he or she was doing with those three things in the back. The he or she names three things for the next person.
Hi officer, that treasure map is for my son he's turning 8 i am going to bury something with the shovel and have him dig it up also the sharp wooden sticks were for my Larping group the theme is Vampire tonight!
15 encrypted cell phones
a human sized duffel bag
and a my little pony collectors edition exclusive dvd signed by the maker.
Don't you know rats are cannibalistic?They eat the diseased dead mice from the model(only container I could find)and then they die off somewhere!It saves on buying mousetraps!
I actually am trying to find my way to a lake to find treasure in the water, thus the oxygen tank and the map. Also i brought the bag to put the treasure in it.
A fishing rod.
A couple ferrets with their stomachs slit open.
A common houseplant that smells like cigarettes.
Please stand back and let me pass officer, I have to make a delivery to mr. Unleashed. As for the mask and the flaming sword, cal lit "testing out a new outfit".
A mechanical spider with all kinds of zappers, sedative injections, scanners, etc.
An empty cupboard
A bloodied sledgehammer
Officer my friend here is not a hacker but a government scientist who is using the programming data from the retro video games to help reverse engineer this alien technology so that we can know how to protect ourselves from an imminent alien attack. I suggest you get on with your business and let us do ours so we can keep the world safe.
A miniture parachute
3 prosthetic thumbs
A stoned Mexican that thinks he's Jesus