ForumsForum GamesOfficer, it is not what it looks like...

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This has been popular in a few other forums. Here is how it goes:

You have been driving, and a police officer has pulled you over. In the back of the car are three items the person above you listed. How can you explain what you are up to?

I will list three things, and the person below me has to explain what he or she was doing with those three things in the back. The he or she names three things for the next person.

Here goes!

You were in the car with:

A bloody pigeon,
Gantic tied up,
A condom.

  • 406 Replies
368 posts

He seems to think that Jesus likes replacing the thumbs of people that got some fingers cut off, and then skydiving out, so I decided that he was unsafe, and put him in the passenger seat. He also thinks Jesus likes sitting in car trunks.

A disgruntled Adam Baldwin,
A firearm he refers to a "Vera"
An empty bag labeled 'grenades'

Showing 406-406 of 406