ForumsForum GamesThe City-states of the aftermath.

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3,592 posts

Europe was at the last phases of the war with the German Empire, and Austro-Hungarian Empire waning, as allied forces quickly started advancing, but the Spanish flu quickly brought the world to a halt as it became more lethal to the point of killing off 85% of the population, the world was left with only 317,647,059 people world wide.However the world was quickly recovering led by small city-states either controlled by a weak central government or were autonomous, and being led by some sort of government (Monarchy, Democratic-republic, Communism, Fascism)

Monarchy: Loyalty to king, citizens morale is increased as the king leads his army, successful victory strikes high morale, failure results in decreased morale.
Democratic-republic: State can mobilize resources quickly, and morale never drops below average, morale is increased through national security(Strong defenses) but decreases when the state attacks without a valid reason, if attacked morale increases and production speed increases.
Communism: Morale ever decreases below average, if attacking or Research increases by 200%, but resources are consumed by an extra 50%
Fascism: Morale never falls below average, and increases greatly after a successful victory over another state greater military capacity and soldier maintenance cost decreased by 25%

Goal establish your sovereignty over 10 cities for a victory.

not researching anything increases population by 75.
Leader Name:
City Name: (Can be real or made up)
Cote of arms:
Location: Forest, Plains, Tundra, Mountains
Country: (Britain, Austria-Hungary, Germany, France, Italy, Russia)
Population: 10,000
Civilians: 9,091(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 900 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armoury.
Buildings maintenance:205,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 150,000
Production: 39,100
Technology: WWI (Combat rifle X 10,000), (Handgun X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, Trenches (Will allocate depending on country chosen.)
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armoured cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Average
Events: City-State is formed.
(Let population grow or start miscellaneous projects to improve your city morale, create new defenses, research better technology, scout the region for other resources, abandoned equipment, train real soldiers.) It's up to you as to what you do.
  • 193 Replies
3,592 posts

Leader Name: Sean Deane
City Name: The Haunt
Cote of arms: Black background with a white raven
Location: Mountains
Country: Britain
Population: 10,000
Civilians: 9,091(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 900 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia
Uniform: Brown and green mottled camo fatigues (matches the surrounding areas of my city)
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armory.
Buildings maintenance:205,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 14,100
Production: 39,100
Coal mine: +5,000 credits per turn w/ road +2,500
Technology: WWI (Lee enfield X 10,000), ( Lee magnum X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, trenches, rifle men, barbed wire.
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armored cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Average
Events: Rifle range 2 Turns, gas masks 1 turns 200 riflemen 2 turns, Uniforms 3 turns, barbed wire defenses 7 turns.

Zealous believers within the city are gaining support from the civilians.

9,363 posts

Leader Name: Sean Deane
City Name: The Haunt
Cote of arms: Black background with a white raven
Location: Mountains
Country: Britain
Population: 10,000
Civilians: 9,091(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 900 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia
Uniform: Brown and green mottled camo fatigues (matches the surrounding areas of my city)
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armory.
Buildings maintenance:205,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 14,100
Production: 39,100
Coal mine: +5,000 credits per turn w/ road +2,500
Technology: WWI (Lee enfield X 10,000), ( Lee magnum X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, trenches, rifle men, barbed wire.
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armored cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Average
Events: Rifle range 2 Turns, gas masks 1 turns 200 riflemen 2 turns, Uniforms 3 turns, barbed wire defenses 7 turns.

I order my men to escort there leader to, so we may converse.

3,592 posts

Leader Name: Sean Deane
City Name: The Haunt
Cote of arms: Black background with a white raven
Location: Mountains
Country: Britain
Population: 10,000
Civilians: 9,091(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 900 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia
Uniform: Brown and green mottled camo fatigues (matches the surrounding areas of my city)
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armory.
Buildings maintenance:205,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 14,100
Production: 39,100
Coal mine: +5,000 credits per turn w/ road +2,500
Technology: WWI (Lee enfield X 10,000), ( Lee magnum X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, trenches, rifle men, barbed wire.
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armored cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Horrid.
Events: Rifle range 2 Turns, gas masks 1 turns 200 riflemen 2 turns, Uniforms 3 turns, barbed wire defenses 7 turns.

The citizenry see it as an abduction all production ceases, as they demand for you to step down from power

9,363 posts

Leader Name: Sean Deane
City Name: The Haunt
Cote of arms: Black background with a white raven
Location: Mountains
Country: Britain
Population: 10,000
Civilians: 9,091(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 900 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia
Uniform: Brown and green mottled camo fatigues (matches the surrounding areas of my city)
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armory.
Buildings maintenance:205,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 14,100
Production: 39,100
Coal mine: +5,000 credits per turn w/ road +2,500
Technology: WWI (Lee enfield X 10,000), ( Lee magnum X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, trenches, rifle men, barbed wire.
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armored cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Horrid.
Events: Rifle range 2 Turns, gas masks 1 turns 200 riflemen 2 turns, Uniforms 3 turns, barbed wire defenses 7 turns.

I speak to my citizens 'My fellow people please do not jump to conclusions. I merely wish to know what this man has to say, he seems to have convinced many of ye of his path, I just want to hear him out. I gave him an escort because I wished to talk to him as soon as possible. As soon as we have finished conversing he will be free to go. This is no abduction just a sharing of knowledge.'

3,592 posts

Leader Name: Sean Deane
City Name: The Haunt
Cote of arms: Black background with a white raven
Location: Mountains
Country: Britain
Population: 10,000
Civilians: 9,091(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 900 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia
Uniform: Brown and green mottled camo fatigues (matches the surrounding areas of my city)
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armory.
Buildings maintenance:205,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 14,100
Production: 39,100
Coal mine: +5,000 credits per turn w/ road +2,500
Technology: WWI (Lee enfield X 10,000), ( Lee magnum X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, trenches, rifle men, barbed wire.
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armored cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Bad.
Events: Rifle range 1 Turns,200 riflemen 1 turns, Uniforms 2 turns, barbed wire defenses 6 turns.

Citizenry: as you wish our despot.

Zealous leader: What is it you wish to speak with me.

9,363 posts

Leader Name: Sean Deane
City Name: The Haunt
Cote of arms: Black background with a white raven
Location: Mountains
Country: Britain
Population: 10,000
Civilians: 9,091(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 900 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia
Uniform: Brown and green mottled camo fatigues (matches the surrounding areas of my city)
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armory.
Buildings maintenance:205,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 14,100
Production: 39,100
Coal mine: +5,000 credits per turn w/ road +2,500
Technology: WWI (Lee enfield X 10,000), ( Lee magnum X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, trenches, rifle men, barbed wire.
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armored cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Bad.
Events: Rifle range 1 Turns,200 riflemen 1 turns, Uniforms 2 turns, barbed wire defenses 6 turns.

What is the word you spread to my people, you seem to have there ear, maybe I should give mine too.

I send out scouts to see if they can find some more resources.

3,592 posts

Leader Name: Sean Deane
City Name: The Haunt
Cote of arms: Black background with a white raven
Location: Mountains
Country: Britain
Population: 10,000
Civilians: 9,091(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 900 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia x 700 Riflemen x 200
Uniform: Brown and green mottled camo fatigues (matches the surrounding areas of my city)
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armory, Firing range.
Buildings maintenance:205,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 14,100
Production: 39,100
Coal mine: +5,000 credits per turn w/ road +2,500
Technology: WWI (Lee enfield X 10,000), ( Lee magnum X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, trenches, rifle men, barbed wire.
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armored cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Good.
Events: Uniforms 2 turns, barbed wire defenses 6 turns.

The militia scouts report back, that they've found unknown armoured vehicles, and want orders at to what to do.

The riflemen take it upon themselves to put the city back into order, and make the people rally towards you due to your great leadership.
The rifle men also gather the Zealous preachers, and see that they were instigating a coup, the people respond with the want of a more powerful army.

9,363 posts

Leader Name: Sean Deane
City Name: The Haunt
Cote of arms: Black background with a white raven
Location: Mountains
Country: Britain
Population: 10,000
Civilians: 9,091(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 900 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia
Uniform: Brown and green mottled camo fatigues (matches the surrounding areas of my city)
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armory.
Buildings maintenance:205,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 14,100
Production: 39,100
Coal mine: +5,000 credits per turn w/ road +2,500
Technology: WWI (Lee enfield X 10,000), ( Lee magnum X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, trenches, rifle men, barbed wire.
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armored cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Bad.
Events: Rifle range 1 Turns,200 riflemen 1 turns, Uniforms 2 turns, barbed wire defenses 6 turns.

'Well, well, well, well, well.' I lean back into my wing backed chair arms spread out. 'So tell me everything. We have your people, just how much are they worth to you? Let me guess not a lot, whereas me, keeping the population safe and happy are my priorities and they mean a lot to me. So your going to tell me what you were planning. Everything. Now.'

I order my scouts to report on the direction of the armor, any distinguishable markings, anything to see if there friend or foe and where there from. I also order them to stay out of combat and keep hidden.

I order my artillery to aim toward the approaching armor but to wait for my signal.

I speak to my rifle men later, thanking them for there support and making sure everything is okay with them, that they have enough supplies and if there is anything specific I can do for them.

I tell some of my men to send out flyers ''We Want You!'' emblazoned across them, calling for men and women to join the armed forces and the scientific community, I address the population, 'With your assistance we will become a great nation. We will become stronger. We will become better. We will become the best city-state in the world! I have heard your calls for a stronger military presence and I call to you, join the armed forces or the scientific community and bolster our defenses so that we may overcome any and all obstacles in our path to greatness!'

3,592 posts

Leader Name: Sean Deane
City Name: The Haunt
Cote of arms: Black background with a white raven
Location: Mountains
Country: Britain
Population: 10,000
Civilians: 9,091(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 900 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia x 700 Riflemen x 200
Uniform: Brown and green mottled camo fatigues (matches the surrounding areas of my city)
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armory, Firing range.
Buildings maintenance:225,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 23,500
Production: 39,100
Coal mine: +5,000 credits per turn w/ road +2,500
Technology: WWI (Lee enfield X 10,000), ( Lee magnum X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, trenches, rifle men, barbed wire, gas masks.
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armored cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Good.
Events: Uniforms 1 turns, barbed wire defenses 5 turns.

200 join from the call.

The scouts report back saying they see an imperial Prussian flag.
An Sdfk 251 with 10 personal on followed by 20 infantry armed with Kar98's Fully clad in a grayish camo uniform, there seems to be an ambassador with them. They're coming from the north.

9,363 posts

Leader Name: Sean Deane
City Name: The Haunt
Cote of arms: Black background with a white raven
Location: Mountains
Country: Britain
Population: 10,000
Civilians: 9,091(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 900 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia x 700 Riflemen x 200
Uniform: Brown and green mottled camo fatigues (matches the surrounding areas of my city)
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armory, Firing range.
Buildings maintenance:225,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 23,500
Production: 39,100
Coal mine: +5,000 credits per turn w/ road +2,500
Technology: WWI (Lee enfield X 10,000), ( Lee magnum X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, trenches, rifle men, barbed wire, gas masks.
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armored cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Good.
Events: Uniforms 1 turns, barbed wire defenses 5 turns.

Ah those 200 I put them where I see fit or do you do that?
It does not bode well if there's a Prussian flag in the North of Britain

I address my soldiers, 'Brave men and women, we will be having a visitor soon from what seems like another city-state, we must welcome them with trust and peace until we know what there after. This will end one of two ways, they are coming for peace and negotiations, or they have come for war. If they are coming for the latter, we will wholeheartedly bring them there end. When they arrive at our gates strip them of there weapons, if they refuse to hand them over do not allow them to enter. I will be near the gates entrance to welcome them as they enter. I will need ye to watch over them if they enter the city, we don't want anything going awry, now do we?'

I order my scouts to remain on watch, sending word of location, distance and if any reinforcements decide to come along.

I tell my artillery to be ready for my word at any stage.

I tell my soldiers to bolster the defenses around the city and the mine.

I speak to my population 'Loyal citizens, I have some news for you. We are expecting company from the North. They have an ambassador with them, so they are here to talk. Welcome them into our city-state, but be watchful of them, if you see any strange activity please report it. Knowledge is key. Otherwise just be welcoming.'

3,592 posts

Leader Name: Sean Deane
City Name: The Haunt
Cote of arms: Black background with a white raven
Location: Mountains
Country: Britain
Population: 10,000
Civilians: 9,091(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 900 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia x 700 Riflemen x 200
Uniform: Brown and green mottled camo fatigues (matches the surrounding areas of my city)
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armory, Firing range.
Buildings maintenance:225,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 23,500
Production: 39,100
Coal mine: +5,000 credits per turn w/ road +2,500
Technology: WWI (Lee enfield X 10,000), ( Lee magnum X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, trenches, rifle men, barbed wire, gas masks.
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armored cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Good.
Events: Uniforms 1 turns, barbed wire defenses 5 turns.

Well the 200 regular soldiers would be best for defense, and remember you can explore further than your nations borders.

The anbassador arrives he's from East Prussia near Königsberg.
Seems like they arrived through a port.

Ambassador: I would like to strike a deal our city is a cross the ocean, and we need a city to garrison and house our troops so that we can get to Glasgow, if you agree we will provide you with 4 of our veteran officers to discipline your troops, and will put you as one of our protectorates, as there are two stronger city-states to the north.

9,363 posts

Leader Name: Sean Deane
City Name: The Haunt
Cote of arms: Black background with a white raven
Location: Mountains
Country: Britain
Population: 10,000
Civilians: 8,891(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 1100 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia x 700 Riflemen x 200
Uniform: Brown and green mottled camo fatigues (matches the surrounding areas of my city)
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armory, Firing range.
Buildings maintenance:225,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 23,500
Production: 39,100
Coal mine: +5,000 credits per turn w/ road +2,500
Technology: WWI (Lee enfield X 10,000), ( Lee magnum X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, trenches, rifle men, barbed wire, gas masks.
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armored cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Good.
Events: Uniforms 1 turns, barbed wire defenses 5 turns.

I train the 200 to be riflemen.
Can I leave the maths to you? I'm not so good with maths.

I send my scouts further afield.

I research a military ranking system.

'What do you offer me along with your officers?'

3,592 posts

Leader Name: Sean Deane
City Name: The Haunt
Cote of arms: Black background with a white raven
Location: Mountains
Country: Britain
Population: 12,000
Civilians: 8,891(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 1100 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia x 700 Riflemen x 200 volunteers x 200
Uniform: Brown and green mottled camo fatigues (matches the surrounding areas of my city)
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armory, Firing range.
Buildings maintenance:225,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 23,500
Production: 39,100
Coal mine: +5,000 credits per turn w/ road +2,500
Technology: WWI (Lee enfield X 10,000), ( Lee magnum X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, trenches, rifle men, barbed wire, gas masks, uniforms (Infantry only)
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armored cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Good.
Events: barbed wire defenses 4 turns. 200 x Rifle men 4 turns.

Of course we'll install 8 pillboxes along your perimeter each being protected by our own Panzergrenadier forces. In total 88 Panzergrenadiers and 8 sdfkz 251's will be aiding your defenses we'll even station 162 Infantry of our own.

9,363 posts

Leader Name: Sean Deane
City Name: The Haunt
Cote of arms: Black background with a white raven
Location: Mountains
Country: Britain
Population: 12,000
Civilians: 8,891(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 1100 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia x 700 Riflemen x 200 volunteers x 200
Uniform: Brown and green mottled camo fatigues (matches the surrounding areas of my city)
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armory, Firing range.
Buildings maintenance:225,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 23,500
Production: 39,100
Coal mine: +5,000 credits per turn w/ road +2,500
Technology: WWI (Lee enfield X 10,000), ( Lee magnum X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, trenches, rifle men, barbed wire, gas masks, uniforms (Infantry only)
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armored cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Good.
Events: barbed wire defenses 4 turns. 200 x Rifle men 4 turns.

I order my militia to be trained to rifle man status and capabilities.

'What about resources? Are we to feed your soldiers and supply them with cloth and roofs in our humble city-state?' I bring the ambassador to my office. 'And your technology? Pillboxes? With your technology we can keep your and our troops better protected.'

3,592 posts

Leader Name: Sean Deane
City Name: The Haunt
Cote of arms: Black background with a white raven
Location: Mountains
Country: Britain
Population: 12,000
Civilians: 8,891(100 credits per civilian)
Researchers: 9 (10 per 1,000 civilians)5,000 credits per researcher.
Soldiers: 1100 (100 per 1,000 civilians) 600 credits per soldier
Soldier types: Militia x 700 Riflemen x 200 volunteers x 200
Uniform: Brown and green mottled camo fatigues (matches the surrounding areas of my city)
Buildings:Factories X 4, Hospital X 1, Barracks X 2(450 soldiers housed each), Triage center, Armory, Firing range.
Buildings maintenance:225,000
Defenses maintenance cost:30,000
Military maintenance: 540,000
Research: 45,000
Credits: 23,500
Production: 39,100
Coal mine: +5,000 credits per turn w/ road +2,500
Technology: WWI (Lee enfield X 10,000), ( Lee magnum X 2,000), (Light Artillery X 100),Two way radio, trenches, rifle men, barbed wire, gas masks, uniforms (Infantry only)
Defenses: Trenches
Vehicles: X 10 armored cars( crew of 10) , 50 trucks( crew of 10)
Morale: Good.
Events: barbed wire defenses 4 turns. 200 x Rifle men 4 turns.

Rifle range only allows 200 to be trained. Capabilities?

No no we'll make our own barracks, we will bring in our own resources as well. So do you accept our terms?

Upon closer inspection the Infantry men are armed with Karabiner 98's, Walther P38's stick grenades, the panzergrenadiers aboard the SDKFZ 251 have MP-18's Karabiner 98 stick grenades, and are wearing a heavy trench coat while wearing gas masks, the SDKFZ 251 has 2 MG42's. 12 men on the vehicle 20 behind it.

Showing 31-45 of 193