Name:Storm Keket Race:Halfling Age:23 Bio:Storm comes Shadowdale. Her dad is a well known rouge there and her mom is a druid that is a part of the Harpers. She plans to follow in there footsteps when it comes to class. she also plans to join the Shadow Thieves. She has come to Neverwinter for adventure and to get away from those who have high exceptions of her. She travels with a pet dire wolf that her dad gave to her on her 21 birthday cause he knew that she wanted to have a wolf just like mommy's. Class:Rouge Prestige class: none Alignment:NG but will sometimes lean towards CG xp:0 ---------------------------------------------- Inv:dagger(x2), sling(x2), bullets(x40), health potions(x10) money:200 Spellbook:none Armor:Studded Leather Abilities: Companions:Balto(a pet dire wolf) Str:15 Dex:16 Int:13 Wis:10 Con:11 Cha:10
This is my character sheet so far. I'll join the room and fill in my abilities once I know what level we start on and if we can multi class. I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes. Please let me know if anything is wrong.
Name:Storm Keket Race:Halfling (subrace is here) Age:23 Bio:Storm comes Shadowdale. Her dad is a well known rouge there and her mom is a druid that is a part of the Harpers. She plans to follow in there footsteps when it comes to class. she also plans to join the Shadow Thieves. She has come to Neverwinter for adventure and to get away from those who have high exceptions of her. She travels with a pet dire wolf that her dad gave to her on her 21 birthday cause he knew that she wanted to have a wolf just like mommy's. Class:Rouge Prestige class: none Alignment:NG but will sometimes lean towards CG xp:0/ ---------------------------------------------- Inv:dagger(x2), sling(x2), bullets(x40), health potions(x10) money:200 Spellbook:none Armor:Studded Leather Abilities: Good aim (+1 attack roll for thrown weapons and slings), Fearless (+2 vs fear), Skill affinity (+2 to listen, +2 move silently), Sneak Attack (allows sneak attacks) Companions:Balto(a pet dire wolf), Bevil Starling, Amie Fern Str:15 Dex:16 Int:13 Wis:10 Con:11 Cha:10
also I need a backround: Artist Blooded Bullheaded Courteous Magocracy Luck of Heroes Mind over Body Silver Palm Snake Blood Spellcasting Prodigy Strong Soul Thug
Name:Storm Keket Race:Halfling (Lightfoot) Age:23 Bio:Storm comes Shadowdale. Her dad is a well known rouge there and her mom is a druid that is a part of the Harpers. She plans to follow in there footsteps when it comes to class. she also plans to join the Shadow Thieves. She has come to Neverwinter for adventure and to get away from those who have high exceptions of her. She travels with a pet dire wolf that her dad gave to her on her 21 birthday cause he knew that she wanted to have a wolf just like mommy's. Class:Rouge Prestige class: none Alignment:NG but will sometimes lean towards CG xp:0/ ---------------------------------------------- Inv:dagger(x2), sling(x2), bullets(x40), health potions(x10) money:200 Spellbook:none Armor:Studded Leather Abilities: Good aim (+1 attack roll for thrown weapons and slings), Fearless (+2 vs fear), Skill affinity (+2 to listen, +2 move silently), Sneak Attack (allows sneak attacks) Companions:Balto(a pet dire wolf), Bevil Starling, Amie Fern Str:15 Dex:16 Int:13 Wis:10 Con:11 Cha:10
Name:Storm Keket Race:Halfling (Lightfoot) Age:23 Bio:Storm comes Shadowdale. Her dad is a well known rouge there and her mom is a druid that is a part of the Harpers. She plans to follow in there footsteps when it comes to class. she also plans to join the Shadow Thieves. She has come to Neverwinter for adventure and to get away from those who have high exceptions of her. She travels with a pet dire wolf that her dad gave to her on her 21 birthday cause he knew that she wanted to have a wolf just like mommy's. Class:Rouge Prestige class: none Alignment:NG but will sometimes lean towards CG xp:0/ background: Strong soul (+1 to fortitude/ will saving throws,+1 vs. death magic ---------------------------------------------- Inv:dagger(x2), sling(x2), bullets(x40), health potions(x10) money:200 Spellbook:none Armor:Studded Leather Abilities: Good aim (+1 attack roll for thrown weapons and slings), Fearless (+2 vs fear), Skill affinity (+2 to listen, +2 move silently), Sneak Attack (allows sneak attacks), lucky (+1 to all die rolls) Companions:Balto(a pet dire wolf), Bevil Starling, Amie Fern Str:15 Dex:16 Int:13 Wis:10 Con:11 Cha:10