You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
He may or may not have been temp-banned, butNormalUsersCantTell = 18
LastOne = 12Can't wait to see Ferret's new armatar.
Can't wait to see Ferret's new armatar.
YouGotNinjad = 18
Of course. 1d20=2
UrArmatarWereChanged = 18
NiceArmatar = 7
Twenty = 18
OnemoreTry = 5
@blk2860: If you mean superstition, why are you still arguing for it in the Counting Dice thread?Blk2860IsControversial = 18
Alright = 3BTWidn't mean to spam your comments. I obviously don't understand Disqus.
You rolled the wrong die.ItsAd20 = 3
YouMayHaveBeenNinjad = 1
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