You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
[roll 1d20 Whoops] It didn't show that I had posted back to you on mine, and I had tried posting to someone before and it hadn't gone through. I assumed it was the same, x5.
What he means is, if you mess up the dice popup, delete the messed-up tag and retry the popup before posting.AlphanumbericCharsOnly = 2
Ok = 12
Trying = 3
Small note, to confirm a roll as authentic, highlight over the text and the roll should glow yellow. Else, it's an image and a fake.
GoodToKnow = 11Thnks NyanFerret.
YouRolledTheWrongDie = 13
It turns out the hover check only works if the Dice and Coin buttons show up, which appears to be random even after clearing the cache.1d20=3
I tried that without the buttons, and the dice didn't turn yellow.1d20=20
Once = 11Just once before I leave.
ThisArmatarWasGettingOld = 3
Ichangedlike10times = 11 I changed after one of the many, many times I got it changed. It shall not happen again so quickly.
ImNotSexyAnymore = 11
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