You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
ThisIsSadButICantStop = 8
No stealing my new Armatar!1d20=5
[roll 1d20 ICan'tStop]
Symbol = 20
IInsistThatpickChanges = 17
SadFace = 1I'll be back for you, lizard thing.
ImGladWeCanAllAgree = 6
GamblingRuinsLives = 14
PickIsBeingAHypocrite = 15
Lolwut = 1
HandlingPooinsCries = 6
IWantYouTo20Me = 14
ScramblingLossensLies = 19
TremblingOpensDies = 13
ThisThreadLooksWeirdNow = 20
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