You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
IveBeenWaitingToChange = 13
Still going strong I see. 1d20=5
WaitingForSomeoneTo20Me = 1
[roll 1d20 RollA20Already!] Epic fail.
IRememberedAfter = 18
Bang = 8Firing my gun!
Ferretmighthavetochange = 15
NahSonFerretIsEternal = 18
PhilosopherStone = 16The higher it is, the more likely I'll get it.
ImFullmetalForHalloween = 10
InvicibleTreePowers = 11
LetsCheck = 11
Unstahpabull = 11
lol 11s are life
SHots = 6And as I pray, let this be a miss.
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