You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
LetsSeeIfYouAre = 16
Fireball = 7damage to your armatar.
Youwannafight = 190
oops new to this
YouOnlyRollOneDie = 10
Yeahmybad = 19
Accidents = 20This marks the amount of accidents you had today.
UncleScrooge = 11Not enough rabbits.
Whatever = 9
[roll 1d20 Halloween trick no treat]
What is happening?!
NoSpacesInDiceLabels = 18@Lowco1: The die label in this roll explains why your roll didn't work.
That's a nice avatarit would be a shame if something HappenedToIt = 16
Manlywithasquirrelsmh = 5
ASquirrelIsMyArmatar = 18
die wolf!Deathisnear = 9
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