You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
ThereIsNoSuchClause = 18Though you could keep your armatar if my roll is a 20 since that would be a second 20.
I went back to your post before your 20, and it was a 20. Page 29.
[roll 1d20 Let's play...]
hate that space.Spaces = 9
JustkeepRolling = 2
WrongDie = 10
Patrickgotwrecked = 18
@blk2860: Disqus is still showing me with my previous armatar, even though I cleared my cache.SeeTheTextInMyPostForAns = 9
JustDid = 9
StuffGotChanged = 8
[roll 1d20 I wonder what happens] Lets go.
It didn't work. 1d20=5
Shazam = 17
Invincible = 11
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