Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
I don't know, it creeps me out for some reason. 5/10
1/10 what is that
17/24 swedge
10/10 so dead
6/10 cool but it looks like a girl AND a boy...
@SirLegendary every 1k change
It's old, but it's not really appealing. :/ 5/10
6/10 Kinda breaks away from the standard cartoony form of armatars and makes me feel like I'm looking at a piece of artwork from the Renaissance.
4/10 You had it since i came *and before*, No character,no nice picture, no story... idk
3/10 I just don't like your ninja :P
6/10 I don't like snakes, still looks cool though
7/10 nice looking but kinda girly
17/46 Your armatar belongs to Darth Cadeus.
Grim reaper is pretty cool.
6/10 i like cartoony armatars more.
6/10 I like it enough.
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