Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
I'm changing mine back to the crown because of all the negative feedback I liked the king.
Pretty rare and nice looking 7/10
8/10 Nice change
6.5/10 All I can say is, meh
5/10 has nothing to do with name (i think it should since you have that kind of name), and i hate clowns.
7,5/10 I like it.
PixelDude 9/10 Where did you get "Nitrome" Armatar?
Trigon 8/10
The nitrome armatar was available when nitrome uploaded some of their games on Armor Games.
9.5/10 I like penguins
And i never heard of nitrome avatar before :\
7/10 Ninjas are nice but they're overused and boring.
Could use a few more touches, and you could use a darker armatar. 6/10
5/10. I don't see the point of having a crown for armatar and having Sir in name.
You must choose a new one!! 7/10
8.5/10 SirLegendary
Kingdom Rush
8.5/10 It goes well with your name
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