Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
6.5/10 Cool name but i don't like the armatar that much. :-|
9.5/10 :^)
9/10 I like your armatar. Don't listen to @snjezana_hadzic! :P
@ChapZ but i like your armatar!
10/10 Just because you said that!
And now you have this cool armatar because of me. 1d20
yea, thanks for that i like this one more
And you just earned 10/10
I like the sushi cat thingy right now so... 9/10
3/10 Crowns are not cool anymore :P
7/10 Love the creativeness.
8/10 Thanks!
6.5/10 . medium. I like sushi cat but not the related armatars
Hmm, you need a new dark armatar. But it's still pretty rare so... 7/10
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