Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
8.5/10 Nice, and fits your character. :3
9/10 you are very sneaky (And thank you ♥)
Very. Pretty. 9/10.
8/10 Very interesting! (And thank you ♥)
Royal deserves a 10/10
Aww thanks! A brave eagle like you deserves a 10/10 also
Ah! Back to the flaming dude. 8/10
8,5/10 The best crown you've ever been.
9/10! I really like it I like animals
People give too high a ranking around these parts.
So I'll give you 6.5/10
8/10 because it is the first time that I see it.
And my princess deserves a 10
My handsome bodyguard deserves a 10 :3 <3
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