Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
You need a new and darker armatar. Grim reaper! 6/10
9/10 is so cute but it's no pig-frog-cat-dog
9/10 Cute and made by Jimp!
10/10 I like the style
9.5/10 Thanks!
10/10 because nothing can beat a running ninja, also 999 poasts cngratz
7/10 ninja stars? really?
5/10 just.... its kinda only and not used anymore that often. And @Jeff1999 Thanks made it to 1k!
10/10 Very cute ♥
6/10 Don't like it a lot, but, as you can see, it's not my style!
8/10 Pretty decent evil image
7/10 Pretty cool
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