Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
7.5/10 It's pretty nice.
9.5/10 and i still like penguins :P
THANK YOU! I'll give you a 9/10.
9/10 Because it is cute
6/10 I like the stained glass :-)
You can't go wrong with a...what's this animal: a ferret?
10/10 -2/10 = 8/10
10/10 i like that one. New,funny, cartoony...
10/10 I keep rating your armatar!
10/10 I keep rating yours too! :P
Polar bears, Antarctica represent! 8/10
8/10 Very regal.
7/10. Hmm, I like the cat, but the dog..
The crown is pretty good (though not really my thing) 7.10
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