Also, you should make more detail in the game. In the demo it was just grey and black for the scenery. I don't know if you will keep it that way or not.
Reading through this gave me an interesting idea. Hope you like it Klaus. Let me explain it though.
I was thinking an amped out guitar that put out such wicked vibes that some notes would cause people's heads to explode like in Tenacious D. The other notes you'd actually melt people.
And best of all, if you have the guitar equipped while using the grappling hook - instead of uppercutting them, you'd KA-TWANG them with your guitar like in FLCL!
Suggested name: Ãber Guitar
Also thinking about a jello gun to work along side the freeze gun. It would basically encase them in a big jello jiggler, and the speed that they would come bouncing at you would be completely based on their momentum. Sort of like a snare instead of a stun?
How come no one mentioned the railgun yet? Since it's not such an innovative idea, why not have it only for the guy's backup, and he'd taunt out Arnie by pretending to be on set for Eraser 2 (tee hee). Imagine what that would do if you set one of the jello jigglers on fire with a flaming chicken and then hit one of those! Exploding jello with feathers!
I think what I'm really saying here is I want to see more than one ammo type for each weapon. Why wouldn't the disc launcher be able to hold cd's, circular saw blades, dishes, or even clay pidgeons (where you shout PULL and then all the enemies stop and try to shoot it...lawl)? Or even the grappling hook could be upgraded to a chain, then spider silk, then the TRACTOR BEAM.
Jester15545, I assumed something like that would be included in the game. Was using it only as an example for a type of "combo". Do I have to pay royalties now? No? Phew.
Hmmm, well I'm going to elaborate on the Jello Gun a bit. Instead of it being just a Jello Gun, it might be called a Zoot Suit Riot Gun. Basically it turns their skin into whatever ammo you have on hand. The cheapest type of ammo for it would be the Jello Square. From there, you'd have Jello Shots (lol) which would leave them drunk after they manage to get free and they might attack their own peeps. After that, you could buy Rubber Chicken Suits (shots), which of course could be set on fire. The benefit is that they think they become a chicken, making them scared of their own shadow. Cluck Cluck. How about Mad Cow Steak Balls for ammo here? The other enemies start cannibalizing the target and start to go insane, or even turn into cows themselves. Just to taste how far this gun can go, you shoot rocks with it and then the target becomes a living boulder which crushes the other enemies. Or Pinyata Ammo where the other enemies start beating him to death trying to get candy out. Not too hard to get really creative with something like this.
Other weapons that I can think of are things like ultra high pressure water gun which melts through things that lasers can't. What about those tasers that shoot out wires? A cheap alternative to the flaming rubber chickens would be flaming tennis balls. How about a potato cannon? Or a supply of fireworks to blind/scare/entertain the enemies?