This is a rate above game. You rate the thing above you, then post your own. This could be anything, a food, a game, user's fame, user's armatar, picture... Just make sure you tell them what they're supposed to rank. Start with this.Rate my armatar!
0/10 for not coming up with anythingRate my Blogs!
Um, pretty cool!7.5/10Rate my popularity.<( ^ ^ <
You know how to make a kirby, so 8.2 out of 10 =pRate... my friends list I guess.
um, i don't know most of them, so i will give it to you even. 5/10Rate my armatar
Hehe.8/10 I love turtles!Rate my... name?
7.5/10Rate where I'm at
In my house? I live in a flat! Ha! 4/10Rate my name!
four letters no numbers... 3/10Rate my forum game... personal planet( see page 38) < thets the game name... do really go to page 38
I rate your ability to create good Armatar War-versions.8/10! I decreases a bit if you think on the first one you made.Rate my rank.
9/10 I would rate 10/10 but then again your not a gold king.Rate my... forum posts xP
5/10 More than mine, but still not good...Rate my Forum Game Medieval Life RPG!
8/10 I haven't really tried it but I heard its interesting.Rate my name?
It is pretty cool, like half original.8/10.Rate my amount of comments.
9/10 wwwaaayyyy way way more comments then me good job!!rate the game: Raze
Pretty great, but not best graphic.7,8/10Rate my respect.
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