This is a rate above game. You rate the thing above you, then post your own. This could be anything, a food, a game, user's fame, user's armatar, picture... Just make sure you tell them what they're supposed to rank. Start with this.Rate my armatar!
7/10, it's one of the few i like.rate my profile.
Rather short. Almost too short.3/10Rate how well my armatar matches my username.
7/10.Rate what you want with me. But say first what.
Your armatar is 8/10. Cool, but common.
Whoops. Rate my fame.
hmmm pretty far up there. 9/10rate my aramatar
Hehe cool bear. 10/10 rate my armatar and the random longness of my about and all the coll facts on it (about: subject to change)
Well since by about has dissapeared, rate just my armatar. I am rebuilding by about. And rate the music competitions run by MrDayCee
This game looks considerably fun. Time for a bump!6/10 on Armatar. Not a fan of the wolf/dog. 10/10 on MrDayCee's music competitions.
Sorry for the double post, but I missed the second part.>.<Rate my name!
Simple and easy to read 9,9/10Rate the game Strike Force Heroes.
Its ok not my fav,6/10Rate my armatar.
7/10A little overused, but I like the actual art done for it.Name pl0x.
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