This is a rate above game. You rate the thing above you, then post your own. This could be anything, a food, a game, user's fame, user's armatar, picture... Just make sure you tell them what they're supposed to rank. Start with this.Rate my armatar!
8.6its a cool profileRate my name
e,dont know,doesnt sound awesome..sorry,6/10.rate my name,and my #1 favorite song (in my about)
5/10, the numbers are kinda uselessRate how good is!
5/10 not good, not bad.Rate my armatar!
6/10 Good, but there is better.
OOops, I forgot. Heheh ^^"Rate my fave games.
8.5/10 shore siege broought it down bigtime.
...Rate my name!
cool name 8/10 low rankrate my profile please
um..8/10 you have what everyone else original.rate my taste in games (fave games) and armatar.
7/10 Taste in games9/10 Armatar.Rate my taste in games.
8/10.rate my quotes,saying #1/#2 gets however/10."You only have one life, so live it to your fullest with no regrets."-Draven A.K.A. Theone99"It's not really 'Mind over matter' it's really 'Heart over matter'"-Draven A.K.A Theone99
7/10rate dolphin olympics 2
erm 10/0..but aren't we supposed to rate something about ourselves?Rate my armatar.
10/10 das gut
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