This is a rate above game. You rate the thing above you, then post your own. This could be anything, a food, a game, user's fame, user's armatar, picture... Just make sure you tell them what they're supposed to rank. Start with this.Rate my armatar!
9/10 i see you a lotrate my face in real life!
1/10 :PRate my name *<|:3
very strange and simplerate my name
i mean strage 5/10 rate my name
um, I love Snoopy, (BEAGLES RULE!) but its kinda weird.5.5/10Rate MY name please!( **
5.6 okrate my name
pretty cool, creative 7/10 rate this video.
wtf/10 rate my profile!
2/10,good small tracks,but mostly what you have on your profile is what everybody else has on theres,... BE ORIGINAL!rate my fame,profile,and... my kitty smiley face?0-o?
fame: 9.9/10profile: 8/10kittysmillyface: ????/10
what am i supposed to rate?rate my profile
SAWEET!10/10!LOVE IT!( **Rate um, how good this guy sings![url=]( **
nmrate my smiley face!( **
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