This is a rate above game. You rate the thing above you, then post your own. This could be anything, a food, a game, user's fame, user's armatar, picture... Just make sure you tell them what they're supposed to rank. Start with this.Rate my armatar!
btw the singer is a 10/10!( **
9/10 rate my person!: ~ 0 <+> ^~!TJMATT!~
pretty cool. i like his hair!7/10rate my armatar
9/10Cool and really spooky!I'll rate it one higher cuz it goes with Halloween!RATE HALLOWEEN!( **
9/10its fun but has a kind of demonic theme to it though, still lots of fun!Rate my *new* armatar! (its a bear...) lol
7/26 lol jk 7/10.Rate my funniness.
i have never seen you, so i don't know if you are funny, and your profile isn't funny, and i don't know you, so your funniness is 0/10.
0/10 cause you didnt ask anything...rate Ablu2's idiocy
0/10Rate my name
4/20 weird. also i hate nummbers in names.rate my porifle. sry i forgot last time
7/10. Nice and - clean.Rate my colouring:
its cut off but its cool 8.5/10rate this X-Games picture... ~!TJMATT!~
Holy shit...8/10Rate my fame...
good rank, i know you, see you a lot, lots of posts. 8/10rate this thread
Wow, post tons and tons more!20/10Rate the article about the new planet discovered. Link on my profile. Also, tell me whether you think it is fake or real.
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