granted, but then i use time magic to make this wish backwards so it never exists. everytime you post the wish or a other wish witch the same or some same text then i use time magic to make it non-existing.
i can break the rules too. :P
i wish that R4000 CAN wish this wish over and over again but NOT with the same text.
Granted. That means I'll change one word or on or more letters, make a typo on purpose and get away from the wish.
I wish that >none< of my wishes INCLUDING AND AFTER this one can ever be corrupted from now on. A side effect of it is that time magic can't be used against it. (You have to GRANT the wish FULLY FIRST, <AFTER> granting you must corrupt it. So this wish is uncorruptable unless you break the rules, MUAHAHA! [If you break the rules here I will keep posting this wish until someone corrupts it good!])
granted, >none< of your wishes INCLUDING AND AFTER this one can ever be corrupted from now on. A side effect of it is that time magic can't be used against it. but then this threat would be borring and not fun to play anymore. I would just tell a mod to come and lock this since you're making people to break the rules ^w^
I wish that a mod would come and take R4000 away.....
I wish that >none< of my wishes INCLUDING AND AFTER this one can ever be corrupted from now on. A side effect of it is that time magic can't be used against it. (You have to GRANT the wish FULLY FIRST, <AFTER> granting you must corrupt it. So this wish is uncorruptable unless you break the rules, MUAHAHA! [If you break the rules here I will keep posting this wish until someone corrupts it good!])
I think Ill takle this one first...
Granted, but none of them get granted. Exept, well, this one...
I wish that a mod would come and take R4000 away.....
Granted, but the mod gets arrested for kidnapping....
I wish that the invaders that have taken residence in my front yard whould have all there granedes backfire while I am safly at my bunker.
granted, what he said was: I wish that the invaders that have taken residence in my front yard whould have all there granedes backfire while I am safly at my bunker.
I wish that I don't need to goto the bathroom..... =w="