granted, but when it fell from the sky, it turned out to be an phytromanican leaf
(a phytromanican leaf is a type of seaweed, witch if it detects something toching it, an trapdoor opens leading to a clear sack witch is hardness level 8/10 and hardness level ten is the strength of diamond.) it was so huge you could not run away from it, thus trapping you in the sack. it is light, though.
I wish I had a pony that does nothing that humans thought of "bad".
//typegranted,[s]but[s]you[s]suddenly[s]get[s]shot[s]by[s]a[s]lazer[s]gun[s]beacuase[s]I[s]do[s]not[s]get[s]what[s]you[s]mean. granted, but you suddenly get shot by a lazer gun beacuase I do not get what you mean. //shoot[Loop[ul]Stratos]=abouve=diamond,crystal/blue/green.,blue//106posts__=105posts,[s][s]___=l.g.//bk.mk.a_=now //presssubmit