You corrupt the previous posters wish than make your own wish. Begin!I wish for a pony! (lul)
Granted, but you already have it.
I wish for the most legendary armatar ever
Granted but people's brains can't handle it and they start to fall out of consciousnesses.
I wish for more bananas.
Granted but you only get 2
I wish for more apples
Granted. You will be buried in 5 feet of apples the very second you step outside.
I wish someone will explain why AG put dice and coin options in the forums.
This is just for the heck of it. Questionking = 104
granted, but it is so green everyone's minds explode when they look at it.
gork Anyway, they do, but the reason is so vastly incomprehensible that you give up.
I wish I was tired so I'd get my lazy self to bed.
Granted, exactly why you can't get to bed because you're too far from it
I wish I had nothing to do and earned billions from it.
Granted, you're eternally bored and everyone is out to kill you for your money.
I wish all of my laundry was done.
Granted, but there are bleach marks all over it.
I wish I was the number 1 legend of armorgames
Granted, you are the urinary legend of this site.
I wish I didn't have to do more work today.
Granted, but then you fail all your tests at school.
I wishI wish I was little bit taller I wish I was a baller I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat And a six four Impala
Granted, but you can no longer be a part of it.
I wish I knew nirvana
Granted but then you would die with Kurt Cobain.
I wish that I could play in the MLB someday.
Granted, but the day before your first game you are in a horrible accident and get paralyzed from the waist down.
I wish I had more wishes.
Granted. You can double wish on Kong's CaW! page, but are banned for life from this site.
I wish there was a non-profit corporation that corrupted wishes for free, kinda like a joking version of Make A Wish foundation.
p.s. NO LAWSUITS. Try to be creative please.
Granted, but they only corrupt your wishes. Saw that coming?
I wish I was stronger than thor
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