You corrupt the previous posters wish than make your own wish. Begin!I wish for a pony! (lul)
Granted, but you're deported that very same day.
I wish I had the right textbook.
Granted, but Storm feels rejected and kills you.
I wish I could take all these notes in 1 second.
Granted, it's "the fantastic amazing bottle of cough drops."
I wish that my leg didn't itch.
Granted. You upper middle back itches twice as bad for five days straight.
I wish for a massive crossover game featuring EVERY LEGO FRANCHISE GAME Ever Made! and that it would work on the Wii along with all other consoles.
Granted, but only one was ever made, making you crazy over finding it and spending all your resources and money on it.
I wish I could do a backflip over a house
Granted, but everyone hates it.
I wish that the RPGs were less popular.
Granted, but counting to a hundred becomes insanely popular with users being able to reach a thousand crashing the forum game section
I wish I was a tombstone
Granted, you are awesome, to yourself.
I wish I knew everyone in the world.
Granted. All humans know when they will die, and can live for 10 more years when they stab a rhino, or a national leader. Both go extinct in 20 years.
I wish Hollywood would make more movies about average Americans.
Granted, but unrepresented minorities start rioting.
I wish my hand didn't itch.
granted, but now you don't have an hand. (if you don't have an hand, your hand can't itch. you have no hand in the first place.)
I wish for an bitter coin poop: Rption = 73
Granted, but it's made of gossamer and olive trees.
I wish my arm was green.
And, by the way, it is possible for an extremity to itch even if it isn't attached to the body anymore.
granted, but it is so green everyone's minds explode when they look at it.
I wish my Coin landed on tails.
Granted, but now you're part tree.
I wish for the most manly armatar ever.
I would think so, people get phantom pains from detatched extremities so I would assume that phantom itching would be likely.
That was for Storm, ninja.
@manly just got ninja'd!
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