A dangerous amount of nothing!
a flick
chicken skin
the most retarded weapon...is...is...it's really scary get ready to get scared out of your wits!the most retarded weapon...its...its...NOTHING!!!
my little brother. lol
a peace sign
lol that last ones just about righta flower, cuz you could poke some one in the eyes whith a peace sign
Uhhhh a penny.
an ice pick! da if i were in a fight defently i would use a billy club!
a dead chicken
you could use its claws or beak
A bo staff made from Legos
if you take the staff and drill it in there for head they will die a stuffed toy
Hmmm, maybe a grape. Yeah, I'm eating grapes right now.
first retarded now useless weapon you could use in a fight *sigh* well as long as I'm here a banana!
Ha i beat you all..... MY GRANDMA! She is useless and i mean in eevrything even cooking lol
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