I am working on my first Flash game (using Adobe Flex). My game is still in its early stages, but I have been making steady progress so far, and I am looking for feedback on what I have implemented.
Thing I am looking for feedback on: -Is the loading time too excessive? The program is 3MB. I have licensed the use of two songs (composed by Daniel J. Schmidt), but if the loading time is too long, I can have just one song instead. Right now I have only the demo version of the songs in the game.
-Do you experience slowdown on your computer? I have a lot of moving objects, so I am wondering if my game is taxing to many computers.
-Don't mind the enemy. He can't be killed, and he is just moving along a predetermined path which is my first attempt at pathfinding. He can't kill you either.
-What do you think of the name "Geo Tank". I'm think of this name because of all the green and blue terrain.
Other general feedback is appreciated. If you find a bug, please describe it in as much detail as you can.
Controls: W,A,S,D -> movement Esc -> pause Left mouse click -> toggle rapid fire Spacebar -> "cannon". Long cooldown, the avatar will "glow" when it is ready to fire again.
Again I greatly appreciate any tips, suggestions, or contructive feedback. -Waynaul
I haven't programmed an end-game yet. Lately I've been mainly tinkering under-the-hood to try to make the program run faster. I plan to add more content soon.
I got to the end of the stage and umm, well its just bkue from there on. And I found the source of the enemies to. Nice upgrades! And it seems I can't completely go into the green anymore. Only about 1/3 now.
I like that you added more enemies xD And I like being able to kill them. I got to the end though, and once it hit about 100 enemies the game started to massively slow down. Looking forward to the next update though. Oh and the keys still seem to stick when I move the cursor out of the game screen.
Does this movement drifting get worse as there are more enemies? I'm thinking it may be a symptom of the slow-down. Or does it consistently happen throughout the game?
It seems to be happening no matter how many enemies there are. I first tried it when there were about 30, and it kept happening until the game slowed down so much I had a hard time testing.
Is the loading time too excessive? The program is 3MB. I have licensed the use of two songs (composed by Daniel J. Schmidt), but if the loading time is too long, I can have just one song instead. Right now I have only the demo version of the songs in the game.
Yes, it is too long. I have a fast computer and a fast connection, but it still took over a minute to load. You have to realize that MANY people are very impatient. You might want to find a way to reduce the loading time, or come up with a creative way to speed up the initial loading time. Individual level loading maybe?
-Do you experience slowdown on your computer? I have a lot of moving objects, so I am wondering if my game is taxing to many computers.
I don't really notice it, but then again I have a fast computer. I do, however, notice that some type of slow down/resource hog is taking place.
-What do you think of the name "Geo Tank". I'm think of this name because of all the green and blue terrain.
I can see where you get Geo, but not tank. Geo reminds me of Earth, and Tank reminds me of a physical Tank. If you plan to use those two words, make your theme match it.
Not bad for early on...
Remove the music. Sounds bad. Use music that matches the mood of your game. Fast-paced, hard-rhythmed for games where you're constantly moving, attacking, and evading. Softer-rhythm for puzzle time games... etc.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Due to time constraints I can't address all of the points given the last few days, but I find all of these posts helpful.
For those who dislike the music: do you dislike both songs or mainly one of the two songs? I really like the tempo of the second song, and I think it matches the pace I'm trying to achieve with the enemy count.
In any case, I have added a music toggle in the latest build ('M' key).